Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Outside my Window

Monday I couldn't help but enjoy the wonder and beauty of the season outside.  This year it seems the colors are much more vibrant and beautiful then previously.  I know this probably isn't true, and that it is more likely the fact that I am here at home to enjoy these radiant colors outside my window.

Today for Outdoor Wednesday I want to share what I am seeing outside my windows this year.

Take a look at those colors outside the french doors from my den.

Beyond the screened porch the trees are just radiant!

It's such a warm cozy feeling to see this outside.

From the kitchen doors...

Our backyard is a riot of color.

The large window from my bedroom overlooks the backyard too.

The side windows in our bedroom overlook the side yard and it is beautiful too!

Looking out the dining room window I spy a beautiful golden treat.

From the front porch I was able to capture this beauty.

After seeing that beautiful yellow tree in the front I just had to come out on the deck in the back yard.

I am just in love with the mix of colors everywhere.

Oh what a beautiful sight!

Have you noticed how incredible the colors are this year?  I am very thankful for so many visions of warmth and vibrancy.  It's like God has decided to do some decorating outside for Thanksgiving too.  Hehe! 

I hope you enjoyed peeking out my windows today too.  Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Acorn Transformation

Do you remember all the acorns I found?  Sure you do!  Let me show you again!

  I really do appreciate all the kind comments and suggestions on how to decorate with them.  For Metamorphosis Monday I want to show you a truly spectacular and informative transformation.

I had several suggestions to put them in a clear container with a candle.  I already had the raffia tied on this container and I thought it looked quite festive for thanksgiving.

I know what you what you are thinking right now.  Well, that's nice Mary, but truly spectacular and informative?  You probably think I'm stretching it just a bit don't you?  Well, look again! 

Did you see that?  No, well let me put it into better focus for you.

Look closely, yep, there's your truly spectacular metamorphosis ladies.  Disgusting worms have come out of my acorns into the bottom of my candle jar.  My husband called them maggots.  Not a very pleasant site when you are sitting there at the breakfast table eating your cereal and see this.

Of course I had to google this and see what was going on and here's what I found.

Many nut weevils feed on acorns. Adult females chew holes in immature nuts with their long slender snouts so they have a place to lay eggs. The larvae hatch and feed for several weeks inside the acorns. Eventually, the acorns drop. The weevil larvae move out soon after the nuts are on the ground. They burrow into the soil where they eventually pupate. These weevils are present every year, but their numbers vary
(Info in red, quoted from this source, click the link HERE)

The larger acorns I put here in these bowls.

Anyone care to come over here and see what's on the bottom of these bowls?  Eeuuw!

Yuck!  Looks like these acorns are going back outside for a bit longer to complete their Metamorphosis.  Now I just need to figure out where to contain them so the squirrels won't get them.
(And do I really want those things in my grass?)

Thanks for stopping by today, be sure and let me know if you were here!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Carolina Craftsman Classic Show

Good Afternoon!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.  I certainly have been!  Yesterday, I feel like I have officially kicked off the holiday shopping season.  Every year we have two Craftsman Classic Shows here in town at the fairgrounds, one in Spring and one for Christmas.  I always enjoy attending this event for gifts and mega inspiration!  It was a lot of fun to attend with one of my BFF's, and certainly helped us both get in the mood for the season. 

I'm linking this post with The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.  Be sure and visit the previous link for more wonderful posts about the joys of the season.

I confess I totally forgot about my camera until halfway through the market, so I hope you forgive the fact that I don't have lots of photos to show you.   I think you will enjoy what I do have to show you anyway.

Random people shopping whom I accidentally flashed!  Ooops! Don't worry, I did apologize to this poor lady with the baby after I saw the flash go off on my camera in her eyes.  I didn't realize I had it on!  Geez!   Anywho, there were lots of booths and a variety of goods.  This year there were more jewelry booths then usual, a bit of a let down but pretty none the less.

We were hoping for more of these types of booths, with more Christmas decor, not too many though.

However, we kept plodding along and squeezing through the crowds and were quite rewarded when we found this booth.

This dear lady was selling the best thing we have seen in some time.  It is a beautiful beaded multi-functional barrette.  We stopped to watch her demo, then looked at the barrettes and fell in love.
There are different sizes for different hair thickness.

She was so incredibly sweet to offer up french twists demos on your own hair too.  Then, when you looked in the mirror and saw the beautiful barrette in you hair it was stunning!  She is showing a small one here, she used on on the side of her hair.  What sold me on these, other then how beautiful they were, is the fact that unlike a claw they lay flat on the back of your head.  I am thinking these will be much easier to drive around in.

They come complete with front and back page instructions on how to use it, thank goodness!  It shows many variations of styles you can do with these as well.  If you are interested in these you can order through her website at flexi8.com.

They were priced at the show $15.00 for one or two for $25.00, and there were some that had a little more extra bling that were $20.00 each.   When they are in your hair they sparkle like nothing I have ever seen before and feel very light weight.

Normally I would not consider spending this much for a barrette but after the summer we have had it was a no brainer.  I wear my hair up quite a bit when it's hot here in the south.  This is finally a way to pull your hair up in style and not have that big old ugly claw sticking out.  I have used large barrettes before quite often but end up breaking them.  The way this is made, doesn't look like it's going to fall apart easily. 

I bought the medium size.  I have long and fairly thick hair.  She said most people do not need the large clip that it's for really thick hair.  Since I can order them online I decided to start with these first.  I got a silver beaded one because I love how shiny and versatile this will look with most outfits.  I also bought a multi-colored beaded one to add just a bit more jazz when I'm feeling a little more sassy.  They were all so pretty it took us forever to decide which ones we wanted, but, atleast we weren't the only ones.  LOL!

I took a picture of this booth because I thought it was the coolest idea!  Look at that!  Those lamps are made out of boxes!  How cute is that?

Then for a special someone in my life I purchased something from this booth.  These are real butterfly necklaces that have been coated with a heavy resin coating. 

There were also necklaces,earrings and bracelets using whole butterflies or butterfly pieces mounted in between thin sheets of glass.  Just gorgeous!

In addition to that, he had quite a few sun catchers as well!

He also has a wonderful website where you can order too.  It is studio9ten.com.  Be sure and check it out if you are looking for something a bit more custom to give this year.

Well, that's all the photos I took ladies!
Hope you enjoyed what I did have to show you, thanks for dropping in!
Have a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Junkin and Shopping

Today while out doing a little Christmas shopping I stopped off at one of our thrift stores and picked up a little holiday decorating there too!

Here's the loot!

This little shelf with towel bar was only $1.75.  Not sure where it's going to go yet but was too cute to leave behind.

This ceramic/stone candle holder was only $1.25 and is going to look great with the glass top I already own.

The berry candle wreath fits over my new ceramic candle base above perfectly.  It was only $1.00 and is in brand new condition with the original tags still on it too.

These two greenery arches are going to look great.  I just love the rose, berries, and ivy mixed in with the greenery and golden arches.  They were only .75 cents each.

I'm hoping this book will also come in handy this season too.  It was also only .75 cents.

Now for my most incredible find at Tuesday Morning.  They were having a 50% off sale of all their clearance items.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this and was floored when it rang up even less then I expected.  It had already been marked down but was supposed to have been marked down again but got missed.  Then it was 50% off of that second markdown. 

I got this brand new vacuum for only $26.74 with tax included in that price.  Can you believe it?  I can't because I've really been needing a new canister vac as mine is nearly on it's last leg or wheels literally.  LOL!

This one is a Shark Euro Pro with Power head.  It's not a brand I would normally buy but I had already been pricing full size canister vacs and they are usually well over $150.00 and up, even for the cheap ones.  This is a 12amp motor so I knew it was a good deal.  It's NOT a small little canister vac, it's full sized.  My old canister is a Hoover 12amp motor and has held up well over 15 years.  I really prefer a canister vacuum on my hardwood floors.

I was so excited, I could hardly wait to get it home and try it out.  It works like a champ!  It has great suction and glides beautifully over my hardwood floors with the hardwood floor attachment.  It works so well, I accidentally sucked up on of the big plastic bags laying here on the floor before I could stop it.  I had to get the hubby to get it out of the hose. Shew! LOL!

I'm sharing my deals with today for Junking Finds Friday!

Off for more Christmas shopping tomorrow at the Carolina Craftsman Classic.  I'll try to be brave enough to take a few photos for ya, but we'll see.  Hope your weekend it great too, mine is off to a wonderful start! 
Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Acorns Everywhere!

OMG!  I have acorns y'all and they were everywhere!  I don't know how I have missed this before but I surely have.  Until today, I actually believed I did not have any acorns in my yard.   I also have very large walnuts and shells and these round thorny pine balls everywhere, that I've collected for years.   But acorns,  I never thought so! 

They were all just laying here in this grass.

Right at the foot of these steps up to the back deck.  Please ignore my hose strewn out all over the yard, I do.  LOL!  So, I pulled out a basket to start my collection.

Just look at what I collected in a matter of minutes.

I am so excited!  I was just looking at a box of beautiful faux acorns at Kohls the other day.  They were on clearance for $5.99 but I didn't get them because I had already been spending quite a bit that day.  I have had acorn envy for quite some time y'all.  Seriously!  Every time I have seen your beautiful acorns I have wanted some and I thought I was just going to have to buy some.

They were all around this tree, I'm guessing they came from here?  How have I missed this all these years?

Maybe because they are hiding amongst all the leaves.  IDK!

I guess this year some where harder to miss because of their size.  I have quite a few whoppers!  Look at the small acorns on the right and the left, these are normal sized acorns.  Now look at my big daddies!  Pretty sweet huh?

After collecting quite a stash in my basket, I took them all inside.

And gave them a nice warm bubble bath!  I just love these baby's!

Aren't they just the best looking acorns you have ever seen?  I am just beaming!  Now here's your part.  For Inspiration Friday, you get to offer up what I can do with my new collection.  Please share your ideas and any previous post links showing what you have done with all your acorns.  I love being Inspired by you, so please go ahead, inspire me!

Thanks for your visit!  Hope you have a great weekend!  I'm off to the Craftsmans Christmas Classic this weekend with a girlfriend.  It's a great way to kick off the holiday shopping season.  Wish me luck! 