Mine was wonderful and I hope yours was too! Part of my day was spent exactly as I anticipated...eating lunch with my Mom, my brothers and my husband and one of my sons.
Can you figure out where we went?
(Oh No, she did..ant y'all! That crazy Decorative Dreamer did not just posted her leftovers online, did she? OMG!)
Admit it you are drooling now aren't you? You have to admit the spaghetti w/meatballs, bread sticks and salad is pretty darn good at the Olive Garden.
Before lunch I received two very thoughtful gifts from my husband and children.
The Mr. gave me the Mac Daddy of camera cases. It is a travel back pack. It's so cool. It has a space for everything for your camera including an insulated pouch for your laptop too.
It also came with a smaller day holster that I have been really wanting. I think I will be blogging on vacation now! Woohoo!
Here's a glimpse at what my kids gave me. No, unfortunately it wasn't a nice afternoon together in the pool. Though I am really looking forward to that if I should ever get a day off that it is not raining.
There's my gift! It's the big pink float sitting on top of the lounge chair. My husband bought the green one a few weeks ago for himself so my son decided to get me one too! Sweet!!!
Seriously, I cannot wait to get into our pool! Someone asked me how my grass was so green on here recently, well y'all this is how. Can you see how overcast it is in this picture?
Yep, it's because we have been getting so many rainy days. I am very thankful for the rain and will especially love it if it gets as hot as it did last summer. Although, I am kinda hoping for a few more sunnier days here soon.
Since we couldn't enjoy our time outside, my Mr. completed a few honey do's for me. I finally got the outdoor chandy moved over to the opposite side of the screened porch.
Now it hangs directly over the table again after moving the table over here. It's the small things!
Another little honey do that is done on his part was attaching my two shutters together. Do you remember I posted about these last year after I painted them? Well after wrestling with the idea of how to hang them on each side of the window with out adding more nail holes in my vinyl and that not working out I had given up on them. They basically have sat on my porch all year standing up and acting as a very unstable plant stand. I recently got to looking at them and decided why not just reattach them together and hang them on one side as one big wall hanging, so we did.
I've temporarily hung an old sailing plaque on them that I have. I really ought to take it down to hang aboard the sailboat. But for now it's staying until I can find the right inspiration of what I want to go on top of the shutters. You know something like a wreath maybe, or flowers, flower pots, shells, iron pieces, letters, etc. Oh my head is swimming with ideas on what to add to this!
It's tough being a Decorative Dreamer ya know!
I am joining The Tablescaper today for
She is celebrating her 100th Seasonal Sunday too. What a great time to share the joys of the season!
I hope each of you had a lovely day and enjoyed your Mother's day as much as I did!
Thanks so much for stopping by friends!