Thursday, September 23, 2010

A is for Antsy

How you doing Miss Jenny? Do you remember me?  Sure you do, it's me, Little Missy!  Remember,  I went to your Summer School a bit.   I knew you'd remember that. I had to drop out towards the end.  Life around here can git quite busy! Oops..I mean, get quite busy!  Hehe.
Yes mam, one day I'm just moseying along minding my own business and boom everything changes.  When that happens one can get quite Antsy ya know!  That's right, A is Antsy is what I say!

No, no, not that kind of Antsy!

You know the kind of Antsy when you can't hardly calm down.

Hehe!  Just look at this thing will ya!

That's Misty, she sure ain't Antsy is she?
Hey can I count that as two "A's".  Ain't and Antsy?  What?  No mam, I guess I forgot.  Ain't, ain't a word so is doesn't count.  What?  Oh yes mam, I meant to say, ain't isn't a word, so it doesn't count.

Yes mam, I will get back to my point now.  Antsy is when you are feeling exited and anxious about something all at the same time.  Oh yes mam, I would like credit for "anxious" too!  Thank you! 

 Let's take my cousin Mary for example.  She says there no such thing as being Antsy.  She likes to use big words like Anticipation.  I told her she was just being kinda uppety using that word.  She didn't like me saying that but it's true you know.  Why, she's got so much Anticipation going on right now that she is just plain Antsy!

See, she's got some possible good news that she can't share yet cause it's not actually official.  She's been praying about this and wantin me to be praying for her too.  Yes mam, I'll take credit for that word too, actual.  Right now her good news is not actual.

It's still just this word.  Hope!  I suppose there's lot's to be said for having hope you know.

Mary says, sometimes when you have hope, you can feel like you can handle the world a lot better.  She's also talked about putting your hope in something other then the world, like GOD.   Why, she even, said when there is something you are anxious about that you should give it to God, and that's what she's done.

She says, you do what you can then leave the rest to God through prayer.  She said when you do that then you can get away from feeling so anxious all the time.

Yes mam, this is big deal for her!
She said, this would be like a dream come true!  No mam, she didn't tell me anymore then that.  But she did say if''n I was to pray for her that would be nice!  She says God knows the details all you got to do is pray an answer will come soon.

Well, I'm glad I was able to make it to your class today Miss Jenny, Mary dropped me off this time.  She say's she's not real sure if she'll be able to bring me each week but will do all she can.  She's kinda nice like that when she ain't so Antsy!  LOL!

  I liked your summer school so I'll try to make it to Alphabet Thursday as often as I can too!

Have a great afternoon!
"Little Missy"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autumn Evening tablescape

Good Evening! That's right, I said...good evening!  I am having an evening autumn table scape on the porch!  If you live here in the south you would totally understand.  See, if you want to experience any type of cooler weather right now, you might try dining on the porch in the evening.  Even that is not a guarantee of cooler temps though.  Unfortunately, my outdoor thermometer this evening is reading 83 degrees.  Can you believe that?  Oh well, let's just imagine it's cool and were having a lovely autumn evening dining on the porch. OK?

Place mats w/crocheted edge; Tuesday Morning
Green Barrante Wheat dinner plates; Made in Portugal, church sale
Burgundy Salad Plates; Pier 1
Franciscan Ivy bread plate; consignment store
Acorn dish; Michaels
Initialed flatware; Tuesday Morning
Libby Green Goblets; Dollar tree
Ceramic Pumpkins; Dollar tree
Pumpkin Cream & Sugar; Yard sale
Black Checked Napkins; Ole Time Pottery
Cloche glass; Carolina Pottery
Scripture Pumpkin; Carolina Pottery
Small Black tin creamer w/floral; Hobby Lobby
Metal Canape Dish Holder; GW
Square Bowls in dish holder; Ross
Apple and Pecan Pie tart candles; Michaels

Well, I think that covers it!   I hope you enjoyed my setting.  Please be sure and check out all the other beautiful tables capes this week at Tablescape Thursday.

Thanks for visiting!

How do I Save Bulbs?

I had planned to take you all on the last half of my walk today for Outdoor Wednesday but I've changed my mind.  Well, I am a woman you know and so entitled, or so I've been told.   Yesterday, I did a few switches in my planters and came across something I'm hoping to get a little advice on.  This got me taking a good look around at all my outdoor planters and how weary everything was looking.  So I've decided to do a fascinating post on the poor pathetic state of my out plants instead.

Yesterday I added these purple and yellow violas to my deck planters.

The blue daze in the center is staying for now.  It's only looking somewhat sad after I revived it with some much needed water.  I guess I just plain got lazy on watering.

I love these guys and they will look wonderful if I keep up with them.

Here's the other deck planter on the other side of the deck.  I also added the two yellow Mums on each side of the deck after pulling out the Pentas that were about 3 ft. tall and nearly dead.

Can you see I've been quite busy!  My potting bench looks like a...well... potting bench!

Here's where I would like some advice.  I pulled these out of the deck planters.  They are bulbs that grew from the potato vine.  Pretty cool huh?  Does anyone know if I can store these somehow over winter to use them for plantings next year?  It's not crucial, but hey, if I can do it, I'd love to know how.  I just love when plants multiply and return, don't you?

The trouble is I often forget if I've got a bulb or stems somewhere I've cut down.
Take this planter for example.  I had totally forgot that last year I grew this Mexican Sage in this pot.  You can still see the geranium I was trying to grow in the center of this pot.  I kept having these stems pop up all summer trying to over take the geranium and I kept pulling them thinking they were weeds.  I only remembered after I let it go for awhile and one stem got really tall and bloomed.

And speaking of plants that multiply.  Check out this plant I bought from an estate sale this summer.

I was able to start a new pot from this plant.  It had these leaves that grew out to have bulbs and more leaves on them.  Very cool.  I just snipped them off and planted them in this pot below.

I can't wait until this plant matures too.

This big plant growing behind the deck chairs here is supposed to be an annual.  But it loves where I planted it and keeps coming back.  I've had it several years now.  It will totally dry up to have the stems cut down in the winter.  I cannot remember the name right now, but I think it starts with an L.

It has big spiky purple and pink blooms.

  Please indulge me for a few more shots of my plants around the back deck and backyard.  I tried to focus on the best looking ones that are still hanging in there.

Now my poor yard is another story.  I really want a sprinkler system!

I have to say my ferns all seem to be hanging in there despite the lack of water.  I put them here in the backyard early on this summer because they were getting to much sun on the front porch and dying.

Let's go around to the front for a few more quick peeks, Oh, come on..

I moved those large planters over by the bench from where the iron stands are now.  The stands were by the front door and I moved them down here by the steps.  Much easier to keep watered this way!

The deer came and ate the other leafy green plant that was behind the blue daze.  I guess they don't like the taste of the blue daze.  Yay!

Do you remember I planted these Gardenias just this spring.  Look how much they grew!  I love it!

My purple Lantana finally spread out nicely but not as dark green and lush as usual.

Lastly, I'm hoping these mums will fill in a bit more in my stands here.  That is if I can keep them watered.  I really do enjoy gardening I just have been rather neglectful this summer.
  What about your yard?  How are your plants looking?  This is the time to transition into fall plantings, have you done so yet?

Drop me a comment and let me know about those bulbs too if you know. I really better get on with that walk now, maybe you can come next time.

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!