Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coffee Break Anyone?

Hey Yall! Just popping in to invite you to a very unusual setting for me today for

I've been taking a break and thought you might enjoy one too.  Life has kept me hopping quite a bit lately with very little time for blogging so you may not see me quite so often.  It's all good and I'm enjoying gaining more control over my time, slowing down and enjoying the coffee, so to speak.  So...maybe you'd like to join me?

The table is all set and ready for a variety of friends!

I've pulled out all my favorites to offer up something as special and individual as you are.

Here's what has inspired this coffee break today.  My newly acquired sterling silver coffee set. 

 My husband and I recently inherited this from his father after he passed away.
  As much silver as we had already inherited there was still a bit more to be divided among the siblings.

  I was quite surprised and thrilled to learn that the other siblings already owned silver coffee sets.  Thrilled because this set is also engraved with our last names initial.

I asked if I would be expected to serve coffee now at Christmas and was told, "Of Course"!   

So, I guess I'd better practice right? 

I added a few spring napkins.

And, a basket of spoons to stir with. Yes, I do know these are teaspoons, but I don't have any coffee spoons.

These gorgeous flowers I cut right out of my backyard. 

I was going to put them in my crystal vase but it was too wide at the top and I liked the way this decanter held them closer together.

This tree is a snowball viburnum if I remember correctly...I think!

To the right I have set out some cups and saucers for those of you with more refined taste.

These two rose patterned cup and saucers I also inherited, though quite a while back from my MIL.

I have lots of these, they are from my Nana's china.

I also have lots of these from my wedding china.

There is a set of these from my everyday, and some Christmas patterned teacups not shown here today.

Needless to say, this is why I was so happy when I won the Lenox China and was able to get a pattern that did not have cup and saucers.  This is much more my style shown here!  I can enjoy a great big cup of coffee with these.

Now, on this side of the table I've prepared for those of you who are more down to earth and enjoy a good hearty cup of coffee as much as I do.  Let's take a look at a few of my favorites.

This is one of my oldest and most favorite cups.  It's almost too faded out but I just adore it still!

This one is from waaayy back in my early career days as a travel agent.

This sweet cup came with a floral arrangement  from my Mom one year.

I loved the color on this one and keep it still even though sadly it is chipped on the rim.

These match some dishes I also have.  The pattern is called Market Basket.

I know I've shown you these before, I just love the footed look, don't you? 

Well ladies, as you can see, I've got coffee cups up the wazoo! 

Do you think I can fill all these cups from this pot?  I may need a few!

 Sooo, care to join me?
I'd love to sit and chat a bit over a nice cup of Joe!
I'll make the coffee and you can bring the treats, okay?
(Big Smiles)

Thanks for visiting today, it's always a pleasure!
Until next time,

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
 – 1 John 4:7

This verse, and the paragraphs that follow in 1 John 4: 7-21 speaks of God's love and ours.  Again, we see an illustration of Love that is an action and not just a feeling.  Love that reaches out beyond mere kindness.

Bringing these verse's to action in our lives is often difficult, but a willing heart is necessary.  We cannot share our Love for God and for each other if we are not willing to take action.  It does require something of us in that we have a choice to share our love and follow Christ example.

I pray for the help of the Holy Spirit to work within me to share the Love of God in ways I would not otherwise be able to do.

Thank you for spending Sharing Jesus Sunday with me.
I hope your afternoon is blessed!

Friday, April 1, 2011

twin baby boys have a conversation - part 2 ORIGINAL VIDEO

Good Morning Bloggers!  Just in case you have missed this on the news or any of the late night talk shows, I thought I'd post it for your here.  It is so worth your time to watch this video clip.  It will bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart!

This is no Aprils Fools Joke, it's the real deal!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Raymond Waites and Lenox Tablescape

I don't know how many times I have been taught the lesson, but I do think it is sinking in.  What's the lesson?  Well, it is that patience pays off!

  I truly believe this is a life lesson that God really wants me to learn for some reason.  I won't bore you with the details of why I believe this, but trust me it is definitely one I am being taught!

Do you remember a few weeks ago I showed you these kitchen towels I found that I was going to make into place mats?  Sure you do! Well, here they are!

Pretty good job, huh?  LOL!  Sike!!!

Well, I just couldn't believe that those gorgeous Raymond Waites kitchen towels did not also come in place mats and I was right!  Woohoo!

I am so glad I waited before cutting up that kitchen towel.  I finally went to another Tuesday Morning across town this week and look what I found.  Place mats and napkins in this beautiful pattern.  It is part of the  Chelsea Home Collection by Raymond Waites.  I just knew they had to have made them! There is also an oven mitt set and apron that coordinates with this as well.

I was so thrilled to have found this I just had to set a table scape, wouldn't you?

I decided to use the Butlers Pantry Gourmet dinner dishes...

...combined with the Butlers Pantry Buffet salad plates.

Just look how cute these napkins are against the Lenox china.  Love it!

There has never been a minute I have ever regretted painting these metal napkin rings white.  I got them for .50cents at a yard sale last year.  This is a great tip for old napkins rings, always think about repainting them and how that would look.  It really can change your whole perspective on them.

I like how my Oneida stainless has just enough floral pattern to coordinate well with these place mats also.

I liked the crystal for this setting because it doesn't compete so much. 

For my centerpiece, I put together a spring floral arrangement.

The shutter board base I used came from Old Time Pottery purchased last summer.  I have the flowers in another vase that is sitting inside of this as I didn't want to make it a permanent arrangement.

The flowers are nothing special.  I am always amazed at what you can put together with just a few bucks from the DT.  They even seem to look much better after getting them home, try it, I highly recommend it. 

I also have a few more goodies to share with you.

Like my Butlers Pantry salt and pepper shakers. 

And this cute white iron birds nest candle holder.  Isn't that a sweet little birdie perched on the side?

But surprise, surprise!  Look what else I can do with these place mats.

I can reverse them to use a different pattern on the back, or mix and match as I have done here.

Fresh and Springy right?  I just love mixing all sorts of textiles and textures.

And here's the best news.  If you love Raymond Waites fabrics Tuesday Morning has lots of other colors and patterns in stock right now to choose from.  I was told not all stores get the same things in, so if you live near more than one you may want to check them both.

Thanks for stopping by today for
and I hope you will let me know if you did.

Have a wonderful afternoon!