Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mardi Gras Tablescape 2014

Hey Y'all! Do you celebrate Mardi Gras?  Well, me neither....LOL!  But....I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to do a Mardi Gras tablescape.  I just love the colors and imagery of Mardi Gras!  I have only done one other MG tablescape shown HERE. It was such fun to do that one that when I realized Fat Tuesday was fast approaching us this week I just couldn't help but getting creative.

I shared a few peeks on Instagram on Tuesday because I didn't have time to do a whole post until this morning.  Remember you can find and follow me on Instagram now too.  I may be wrong but I think you can still sign up for Instagram online even if you don't a cell phone, just go to and add me The Decorative Dreamer.  Now lets take a closer a look!

This year rather then sticking with only the more traditional colors of Mardi Gras I decided to veer off in a different direction.  I added the color teal.  A whole lot of teal!

What spurred the addition of teal was my centerpiece.

I had on hand several sea glass rocks in teal shades that I layered with iridescent pebbles, added the masks and beads I still had from the last MG tablescape I did.

I then topped it off with Peacock feathers.  I am not sure but for some reason Peacock feathers remind me very much of Mardi Gras and New Orleans.  Perhaps it has something to do with all those beautiful hand made masks.

Next, I added my teal and green Mediterranean styled dishware.

I topped the teal dishes off with a more traditional colored green napkin and gold beaded napkin ring.  Remember green, gold and purple are the traditional colors of MG.

I had a little fun with the more excessive patterns found in both the place mats and table runner.  Both of these seemed to bring in a little more of that French flair that also seems to hover in my mind when I think of Mardi Gras.  N'est-ce pas?

Sparkly silverware and...

....purple goblets paired with crystal wine glasses etched in gold complete the place settings.

A few coins, candles and silver sprinkled throughout added just the touch of "reckless elegance", 
I was hoping for.  Love that phrase, I think I'll coin it.  LOL!

Anyone care to be my mystery guest?

This was so much fun!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did creating it.
Have a great weekend friends!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Accepting Imperfections

Hi friends! This post will be slightly different from the normal peek and see, decorative posts I usually do.  Don't worry, I don't plan to have too many of these wordy type posts but this is one I really do want to publish today.  It's about letting go, accepting imperfections and embracing truth.

I am happy to write this today as my first entry in a private blog.  Hopefully, one of the benefits of having a private blog will be that I will feel more comfortable sharing my heart from time to time.  In life I have found that opening up your heart to others is a tricky thing.  Going private gives me a little more assurance that I am among friends when I speak.  So welcome friends, it's nice to have you here!

This week I was reminded in so, so many ways how great is my need of Jesus.   Praise the Lord that we have a father in heaven who is so full of grace and so willing to show us this everyday if we would just open our eyes and hearts and pay attention.

This weeks "heart" lesson was three fold.  

Lesson One: Letting go! 

 Hmmm, but surely I don't tend to linger on things?  I am strong, Lord!  You know that I have had a lifetime of learning to adjust to situations that I'd rather have not had to bother with.  You know I have already well learned and accepted that most of the difficult situations were out of my hands.  I have survived and am living quite happily despite.  So why after all I have had to let go of, do I still face the task of learning to let go?  Haven't I mastered "letting go" yet?  Apparently not.

  Apparently, learning to let go also involves letting go of expectations.  How have I missed this lesson again?  I have spoken about this before in a post that I closed to the public some time ago. I closed it because I was getting hits on it from all around the world.  It was my number one viewed post.  In that post I had shared the following graphic below.  It has been pinned and re-shared more then any other image I have ever posted.

In that post I spoke about letting go in the sense of what I felt I had to do to let go of the expectations of what others put upon me.  Letting go, of the need to fulfill everyone else's perception of what I should be for them. It is a very hard and exhausting thing to continually try and be what others expect you to be.   It was a genuine freeing amount of growth for me this letting go.  It allowed me to be and to love who I am, who I have been made to be.  Judging from the popularity of that post, I would say many of us need to learn that part of letting go.

  But this weeks lesson on letting go reminded me I have not quite mastered it yet.  Once again I have found I am to continue working on the part of letting go of my expectations of others.  More to the point, letting go of the expectations I have when others and situations or expectations are not met MY way.

Lesson Two: Accepting Imperfections

The above image is of a sterling silver necklace made in the image of my initials.  I have wanted one of these for quite some time and was so excited to finally be getting one of these from a new vendor at market.  

  I am currently in the business of selling and producing monograms for others.  Occasionally, I see and deal with very strong reactions when someones expectations are not met as to how their own initials should look.  We pride ourselves on our work and work hard to get it right.  But occasionally, what we think is right in our expertise just does not meet the expectations or definition of another. 

 And so it was with my own necklace above.  We did not make this necklace ourselves, it is a new vendor we are carrying.  This vendors work is not die cast by a machine, it is hand crafted.  I knew this going into my own order.  I knew it would be different, but yet I still held an image with my own expectations of how it would look.  I was heartsick when it arrived and did not look like the image I had in my mind.  I was so upset I felt sick to my stomach that we had invested in a product that I could not wholeheartedly promote.    I also wrestled with the emotions of having to pay for something that was not what I expected.  Because it is a custom order it is non returnable.  I am familiar with this policy, as we too have this policy. 

I felt somewhat better in that I was not alone in in my judgement that something was not quite right with this one.  In fact, it was easy for many of us to see and joke about the imperfections we saw here.  When something is different from the norm it is always easy to find a crowd of supporters isn't it?  We are all experts on what should and should not be aren't we?

Lesson Three: Embracing Truth

   But heaven help me, despite it all, the truth was I still wanted that necklace.  I wanted that chunk of silver hanging on my neck with my own initials.  I didn't like what I saw but I was determined to find something redeeming in my purchase.  I decided what the heck, I will wear it anyway.  At the very least our customers will now understand the meaning of handcrafted.  So I wore it anyway, the necklace with the funky shaped initials.  Then something wonderful happened I realized that the funky necklace I saw in the mirror actually fit the funky person who wore it.

  Yes, you see I am that odd person who often doesn't quite fit the mold.   I am the one who often doesn't meet the expectations that others have placed on me.  I am the one who wrestles with the expectations I place on others, for surely if I can embrace differences so can others right?  Sadly no not always. Now I could wallow in frustration and anger over rejections or I can let go of my expectations, overlook the imperfections and wear my initials proudly.  Because, I am the one who is beautifully made, and handcrafted by the master artist.

Thanks be to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost for my three part lesson this week!
May God bless you as well! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Basking in the After Glow

I admit it, I am one of those people who are slow to get on the band wagon! I usually like to wait a bit and see how something fares or something plays out so to speak before getting on board.  How about you?  Do you do the same?

Case in point today.... battery operated candles and LED lights. 

 It's not that I haven't seen these candles before or am unfamiliar with them or anything like that at all.  Heck, we sold them in all sizes and price ranges at Stein Mart when I was managing the gift dept.  I often had to create displays with them.  I was for all intensive purposes, well familiar with them.  I just hadn't ever actually seriously considered "buying" them and bringing them home. 

What changed all that?  Well I finally broke down and bought one to specifically use in the display above and below. 

I have loved this embossed and distressed wooden hurricane vase since the day I brought it home for it's simplicity and it's gentle softness in appearance.  I didn't want to put anything in it that would detract from the beauty of the vase itself.  

I finally decided that a large battery operated candle was a perfect fit for it .  I also love that I don't have to worry about blowing it out and having wax all over the inside of my vase.  It's a simple look on the table, but creates a wonderfully inviting centerpiece while dining.

In the den I decided to take things a bit further by adding another electric candle to my sailing vignette.  I think it adds such a warm look to this little corner that I just love.

I got this candle and another in a two pack that was on sale at Belks during their after Christmas sale.  I will have to remember that next year and add a few more.

My latest electric glow addition just arrived today.  I have been eyeing this little vase at Kirkland's for several weeks now.  It was on clearance with an additional 25% off so I decided it was time to bring it home.

I wasn't sure where it would end up.  For now, I have decided to put it in the dining room on my marble buffet table.  I wasn't too crazy about the fact that it was so yellow.  I was expecting white LED lights.  I guess I will have to look for those in the future!

As for now, not too bad!   I think I can live with it here!

Have you gotten into using more battery operated or LED lighting yet?  
If your a procrastinator like me you may want to revisit the idea.  They really are starting to get much more affordable and more widely available now.  

Come on, wouldn't you also like to enjoy basking in the afterglow?
I think so!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Lighter and Calmer in the Kitchen- My New Color

Hi All! Quick post before I attempt to drive in to work today.  After 3 days off with this crazy winter weather I am ready to get out of the house.

I didn't want to run off without showing you a quick peek at the new color in the kitchen.  

And here it is!  The new color I went with is called Muslin by Sherwin Williams.

I chose this color for one reason and one reason only.  

It's lighter and brighter and NEUTRAL!

Here's a quick peek at the old color as it showed in these Christmas photos.  Do you see the problem here?  Well, it didn't always look quite this harsh as shown.  However, in my photos and in the mornings early light under my incandescent ceiling lights it did in fact have quite a harsh glare.  Every morning I woke up to that glare and just couldn't take it anymore.

Doesn't this look so much better?  So much more at ease!

Here's the old color, again showing too much glare.

I still have roosters floating around the kitchen. 

A few more are making their way in as well.  I seem to be moving towards a more frenchy look in here.  I am finding myself being more and more attracted to fleur de lis decor then ever before.  It will be interesting to see how this room continues to evolve.

Loving the new color now, so I am redoing the den soon too!

Have a great day!
Hope you are staying warm, and cozy.
We are drying out here in SC today.
Goodbye Snow!

Monday, February 10, 2014

My Black China Cabinet is finished!

It's finished, shining and looking Oh so good!

I sure do wish I had done this a long time ago when I first brought her home.

I still have not replaced the cracked glass and the wood pieces missing on this top left side from when I first brought it home.  Hoping to get those fixed soon.

For now, I am just enjoying having this sweet cabinet refinished in black.

It is two pieces so I decided to keep the top of the bottom hutch unpainted in its original wood oak finish.  I like the contrast and like the idea of it not being visibly scratched should the top piece be shifted or moved.

I also did not paint the inside of the cabinet either as it compliments the top of the lower half.  I also have another piece of furniture on the opposite side of the room that is painted black with a stained wood top as well.  I love symmetry!

I am especially loving the way my white dishes look with the black finish as well now.

I have more work to do in this room and have made some more decisions regarding painting the lower half of the room again.  I can hardly wait for that project.  

But.... it will have to wait because I have already jumped on another project and finished it, and have yet one more redo before I get back to the dining room.

If your wondering what I am talking about you'll have to come back to see my new paint color for the kitchen soon.  Yep, that's right I redid the kitchen again and soon am repainting the den again too.  I'll be back with that another time though.

Please remember this blog is going private again soon and I will need your email to add you to be able to continue following along if you'd like.  See my previous post for more details.

I don't know why I waited so long to redo this cabinet that I purchased solely for the reason of repainting it.  I guess I just got busy.  So glad to have this one finally done!
Done and enjoying it!

Thanks for stopping by, 
Happy Monday!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pure As The Driven Snow....

I am not!  Yep! You read that right.  I am sooo not as pure as the driven snow! I am as faulty as any earthling can be, that's for sure!  Fortunately and blessedly so, I have a faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who loves and forgives.  He forgives my rants and raving and all the disappointments in between among what I am sure is just the tip of the iceberg of failures.

With forgiveness also comes light.  He also shines brightly those things I need to see.  Those things that maybe I need to clean up so to speak.  It is with that in mind that I made a few adjustments to my original first post about closing this blog.  I needed to let go...and move on without going back. 

I thought I had moved on since I had taken the first steps in closing my blog to a private one.  But after reading and rereading what I wrote it was clear I had not really let go.  So today, I edited and deleted a few things and so begins a fresh new start.

I am still receiving a strange and beautiful blessing here with this blog.  It is no longer snowing outside though this is much of how it looked as it was coming down last night ever so beautifully.

This is the first snow we have had since we put in our pool.  What a beautiful sight to see early this morning.  I will taking lots of pics today that's for sure!

I am not sure yet if I will be going in to work today.  It looks like it may be another day for relaxing to me.  

...or chillin out as some would say!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Free to be Me!

Yes! I finally did it! I am free! I have decided to make this blog private! I am not sure whether any of you can see this or not (or even want to at this point) but I feel the need to clarify...even if only for myself.

I have closed this blog to private in order to get out of the box.  The box was too confining.  I felt as if I had not only to "show" what was acceptable to the masses, but I had to post within a set of standards that was just too confining for me.  I do not like some of the cliques and etiquette rules that stifle me

 However, the most confining rule of etiquette that I am done with is the thought that I should be blogging for "you".  I started and continue this blog for me, to share MY life, it's my outlet, my look back on the years, the styles, the thoughts, ect.  This blog is opening up my life, sharing my life, not what I think you will approve of, or want to see, or what you might find interesting.  I am blogging about what I like, what I find interesting, what I want to do...and by golly if you find that interesting then please come along for the ride and let me know if you want to be added to view this blog.  This is the point in which if you have requested to be added to my blog and are reading this and disagree by all means you can stop following me now.  I am a big girl and can handle the fact that other bloggers have different views on blogging.

 You are here because you want to continue seeing my page...not because I expect you to comment or to be anything more then a viewing guest.  I would love for you to comment when you see something you like or can relate too, but only if you truly feel compelled too for that post.  It's okay to peek and run, I have no problems with that.    If we continue to become friends, then I am truly blessed as I hope you will be because you will have now met the real me with my boring self and all.  LOL!

  I reserve the right to accept and disapprove all guests as I see fit from here on.  Please note that I am very mindful of spam, hackers and those who may seem a threat to this blog.    So, if you are request is delayed it may be because I needed more time to feel sure you were legit.

Whew! Well, glad I got this post out there now and it's time to move on!  Can't wait to start blogging about what ever now!  Oh, how I love it....I am free to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Painting the China Cabinet

Time sure is flying by..."like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives." 
I can't help but think of that every time I look at this vignette even though there is not one inkling of an hourglass in sight.  Weird!

It's hard to believe I actually made time to blog and was still tablescaping while I worked at Stein Mart. With all the responsibility of that position I am amazed that I even got one post out much less a few years worth.  Looking back now, it's easy to see that I did start to pull back though. 

What's funny is now that I have more time to blog I seem to be less inclined to do so.  It's not that I don't enjoy it, because I do and I do miss the communications with other bloggers.   I just seem to be a bit stuck in the same ole same oles.  Ever been there?    I also really miss one of my most inspirational bloggers ever, Liz at Savvy Seasons.  She always had a way of showing her decor that got me in the mood to rearrange and redecorate my own.  I hope your doing well my old blog friend!  Anyway, that's the long and short of why I haven't posted much at all...I am stuck, just like those hands on the clock above. 

 I have managed just a few changes around here lately though.  I recently purchased two new mercury glass lamps to use in the dining room.  I actually found them at Walmart of all places.  They didn't come with shades so I used some of my old shades and that's not quite what I want. So, I am keeping my eye open for just the right ones. you remember when I purchased this (new to me) cabinet several years back?   It was bought with the intention of painting it black.  Well, of course I waffled on that idea for several years.  I even let myself get to the point of starting all over and wanting a new dining table and hutch to match.  

But yesterday, as I was feeling restless on a cold Saturday afternoon inside, I decided to start repainting my hutch.  Of course I waited until almost 4:30 in the afternoon before I started.  Yes, really! I guess you know what I'll be working on today now don't you?

I can't wait to see this finished.  I think it will hold me off of any new purchases for a bit.  I still really, really, really want a new table and chairs and have several ideas on that.  

The fact is, I have been feeling very very restless lately as far as my decor goes.  I really want to update the whole house again with a different look.  I am kinda getting tired of older furniture and am wanting new, more modern, but frenchy and classic with a twist of modern.  Does that make sense to anyone other then me?  Unfortunately, the budget doesn't allow for such drastic measures as what are in my head.  So, I guess I will just have to continue to chip away at it a little at a time.  

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Sunday!