Monday, May 21, 2012

Poolside Adventures

Whoever said; "Necessity is the mother of invention", couldn't have spoken truer words then these.

I finally was able to enjoy a beautiful weekend off with beautiful weather to boot.  We sailed on Saturday, just boated around on Sunday and lounged around our new pool off and on all weekend.

The weather was great and so enjoyable.  

With a tropical storm lingering off the coast of Charleston we were experiencing quite a bit of wind gusts on Saturday even here in the middle of the state.  I brought out my newest pool side purchase rather quickly after struggling with the towel a few times.

Aren't they cute?  They are called Boca clips.  They come in an assortment of designs too.

I purchased these as a set of two for only $5.00 from the big W.  So worth it ladies!  Who ever invented this simple little convenience is my hero!

Then after burning my arms a few times on the HOT metal arm rails I decided to invent a little more convenience of my own.

I pulled out my never ending roll of tulle because I think it's pretty water proof.

And then retrieved two of these microfiber dishtowels that I cannot stand to use anywhere because they feel horrible on my fingertips and everything clings to them.  LOL!  They are sold at the dollar tree and I've seen them in several different bright colors which would be neat.  I used these because I had them on hand and they were the perfect size, bigger then a wash cloth and super absorbent.

Okay, so maybe not the cutest thing ever but not bad and I was loving it. No more burned arms!

Speaking of necessity's, here is another makeshift option that I am well pleased with.  Remember my little tomato plants.  Well I needed a trellis for them to grow on but did not want to use the standard round ones because I wanted something more decorative.  Since I already had this I stuck it in a big pot and planted the tomatoes around the outside.

Look how well they are growing!  It won't be long now!

Thanks for stopping by for a few outdoor tips poolside.

I am joining BNOTP for
to share a few of my own discoveries.

Have a great day!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Revisting My Favorite Tablescape

Hey Ladies!  I'm not usually one for looking back because life is all about moving forward for me.  However, just because you believe in moving forward doesn't mean the beautiful memories of the past should go away.  I personally think they should be cherished all the more as the steps you took to get where you are today.

This morning I have spent some time updating a new page on my blog with my 2012 tablescapes.  I can't believe I didn't start that one sooner.  It's very time consuming to go back and do this several months later.  Having a year's worth of tablescapes on one page is very enjoyable to me and judging from my stats to a few of you as well.  I think it's one of those times well spent looking back.  Do you have one of these too?

Because I've run out of time again this morning I've decided to take a look waaayyy back to when I first started tablescaping.  It was under my old blog, Sailing Simply.  This is one of my most favorite tablescapes I have ever done.  I may have to even create a newer version of this one this year if the weather would ever cooperate again.  Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy looking back with me today.

Good Morning!  Today the sun is shining brightly and the temps are still fairly low yet!  I am feeling happy to still have an extra table to do outdoor settings after loosing my umbrella table, so I have decided to do a green and white table scape.  I have been very inspired by so many of you that I can't help but join in on all the fun.

 I know there is much to be proud about when being original and unique.  However, I hope most of you do not mind when someone borrows your ideas and uses them in their own way.  I am all about giving credit where it is due, but I am not sure I remember who had the first green and white setting that I saw, but I loved it!  I loved it so much it stuck with me!  I know this is probably not a new concept to most of you who regularly table scape, but it is to me.  I would have never thought of pulling a setting together in this way, using certain colors only.

 That concept has added a whole new dimension of table setting for me!  Really!  I have always thought of decorating a table with what you have but not so much in terms of themes and colors.  I mean I have always tried to purchase things for my table that coordinate but have not done alot of mixing and matching.  Now that I'm blogging and joining in on all the fun it's added so much more to my creative side and I just love it!  So thank you to whomever did the first green and white table setting and to all of you who have followed suit and posted your beautiful settings!  I hope you will enjoy mine as well.

I started with this older green and white tablecloth.  My sister in law gave me this years ago during one of her garage sales.  I loved the way this looked like lattice to me.  It is one of my favorites even though it is well into fading now.  Let's move in a little closer!

 Then I added my centerpiece items.

English Ivy and a small cloche on silver

In a beautiful lime green pot.

Yes, this needs polishing big time, but I liked the varnish look for this casual setting

A green candle sits in a crystal votive sitting in milk glass.

I  am loving this place setting, so pretty!

It began with my white everyday plates with embossed fruit from Gibson. 

Then added my white monogrammed linen napkins.

 I topped it off with my green and white plastic salad plates from the Better Homes and Gardens collection at Walmart and clear footed fruit bowls.

I added crystal goblets and my silver plated stainless flatware, Louisiana by Oneida.


For serving fruit for two I added this sweet crystal bowl given to me by my best friend.  It has florals and sweet little butterflies etched in the side.  I also used our monogrammed tea towel and the matching flatware serving pieces.

I hope you also noticed I chose the greenest location I could find to set up this table!

I hope you enjoyed my green and white table scape today, set amongst my beautiful green plants.
This was so much fun setting up! 
I am joining
Be sure and check out more beautiful settings from the links above!

Additonally...I have an idea for a linky party I posted about yesterday that I would be willing to host if someone else is not already doing this one.  I must be crazy because I really don't have the time but love the idea so much and think it would be a huge asset to our blogging world.  I would make it work somehow.  Please leave me your feedback!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Linky party Idea...Opinions Please!

Hey Yall!  I've got another idea about a linky party and not sure if it's been done yet or not.  I was wondering if there was a "what would you do?" linky party specifically for small vignette or small design area ideas.  I've seen a similar idea party that was hosted for a while that was for whole room makeovers but only featured one person at a time.  Not sure if that one is still going on but I've got a bit of a different spin on it and would like to see a linky party instead of a feature party.

A few weeks ago I posted about an area I am wanting to improve but am at a loss on ideas.  I have many things that I will not change in that area above my couch but am looking for ideas suggestions to work within those parameters.  I got only one comment!  Seriously?

I also had a blog virus at the time, did not connect that post to any linky party and since I am not a big (popular) blogger, figured all of that contributed to only getting one comment.    I'm not sulking about that but am kinda bummed I didn't get a few more ideas.  You know ideas that I might try to copycat or might also spur a fresh idea for that one area in question.  

Do you ever feel this way too?  Like you could use a little help from a few friends?  I know most of you are so creative and probably rarely ever come to a stand still on on ideas but maybe, just maybe are there more of you out there like me, right?

Would you like to come to a linky party where you could link up your "brain drain area" and get a little help from friends?  Where you could also browse through several other linkers to the party and offer up your ideas and suggestions for those little areas they are stumped on.  Whole room ideas could be allowed but it would be mainly for those smaller areas or even projects that you have a start on but are stumped about how to proceed.  Our outdoor and garden areas would be allowed too.    It would be a real "what would you do?" linky party.

So, what do you know?  Is there a party like this already going on that I need to link to or do I need to start this ball rolling?  Do you think it is a good idea?  Do you see yourself ever participating in something like this?  Am I the only one who needs help getting out of dream world sometimes and into action?  Come on!  Talk to me!  LOL!

Let me know you think!
I am linking this with The Tablescaper for
Seasonal Sunday.
Thanks, and have a great day!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How was your Mother's Day?

Mine was wonderful and I hope yours was too!  Part of my day was spent exactly as I anticipated...eating lunch with my Mom, my brothers and my husband and one of my sons.

Can you figure out where we went? 

(Oh No, she did..ant y'all!  That crazy Decorative Dreamer did not just posted her leftovers online, did she?  OMG!)

Admit it you are drooling now aren't you?  You have to admit the spaghetti w/meatballs, bread sticks and salad is pretty darn good at the Olive Garden.

Before lunch I received two very thoughtful gifts from my husband and children.

The Mr. gave me the Mac Daddy of camera cases.  It is a travel back pack.  It's so cool.  It has a space for everything for your camera including an insulated pouch for your laptop too.

It also came with a smaller day holster that I have been really wanting.  I think I will be blogging on vacation now!  Woohoo!

Here's a glimpse at what my kids gave me.  No, unfortunately it wasn't a nice afternoon together in the pool.  Though I am really looking forward to that if I should ever get a day off that it is not raining.  

There's my gift!  It's the big pink float sitting on top of the lounge chair.  My husband bought the green one a few weeks ago for himself so my son decided to get me one too!  Sweet!!!

Seriously, I cannot wait to get into our pool!  Someone asked me how my grass was so green on here recently, well y'all this is how.  Can you see how overcast it is in this picture?  
Yep, it's because we have been getting so many rainy days.  I am very thankful for the rain and will especially love it if it gets as hot as it did last summer.   Although, I am kinda hoping for a few more sunnier days here soon.  

Since we couldn't enjoy our time outside, my Mr. completed a few honey do's for me.  I finally got the outdoor chandy moved over to the opposite side of the screened porch.

Now it hangs directly over the table again after moving the table over here.  It's the small things!

Another little honey do that is done on his part was attaching my two shutters together.  Do you remember I posted about these last year after I painted them?  Well after wrestling with the idea of how to hang them on each side of the window with out adding more nail holes in my vinyl and that not working out I had given up on them.  They basically have sat on my porch  all year standing up and acting as a very unstable plant stand.  I recently got to looking at them and decided why not just reattach them together and hang them on one side as one big wall hanging, so we did.

I've temporarily hung an old sailing plaque on them that I have.   I really ought to take it down to hang aboard the sailboat.  But for now it's staying until I can find the right inspiration of what I want to go on top of the shutters.  You know something like a wreath maybe, or flowers, flower pots, shells, iron pieces, letters, etc.  Oh my head is swimming with ideas on what to add to this!

It's tough being a Decorative Dreamer ya know!

I am joining The Tablescaper today for
  She is celebrating her 100th Seasonal Sunday too. What a great time to share the joys of the season!

I hope each of you had a lovely day and enjoyed your Mother's day as much as I did!
Thanks so much for stopping by friends!