Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Juggling work and Thanksgiving

Hi Friends!  Are you ready for Thanksgiving?  I am, well, sorta!  Since I am not hosting our Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year it's a bit easier.  Quite a bit actually! 

 Not hosting means I'll only be responsible for bringing a few dishes, which I have yet to officially decide upon what I plan to bring.  I'm not sweating it though because I have several that I know will be well appreciated.  One thing about my side of the family is that we always want the same old tried and true dishes on Thanksgiving day.  My mother has tried to introduce a few new things, but they rarely ever make the return list.  I guess we are all very traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner in my family.  Now Christmas dinner, that's a different story!

Since I'm not hosting Turkey day I decided to create a Thanksgiving vignette on my dining table this year that can sit here untouched for a few weeks.

One of the advantages of working at Stein Mart in the gifts department is that I get to do lots of vignettes. 

 The large tables in the middle of each gift section is a conglomeration of several items from the shelves for display.  I've been enjoying creating vignettes on these and have to tweak them daily as products sell.  I have been learning to focus on bringing more height into vignettes.
I also get to do this on the shelves because we try to create attractive displays of products on the top shelves as well as arranging the products below.

  We receive shipments weekly so I am constantly resetting to allow for new merchandise.  I have to say so far, it's a fluffer's dream!  I really wish I could photograph my work for you but company policy will not allow it.  So you'll just have to see some of my things at home which are not nearly as interesting because I just don't have the stuff to work with here.  Oh well!  

The focus of this vignette is my newest piece.  I purchased this turkey dish several months ago from a local consignment/antique store.  It was quite a deal too!

Then I added my candlesticks and cloche for more height.  They also added quite a bit of weight or thickness if you will, to this vignette.

I then added a few floral's and pumpkins for just a touch of color and to fill in space around the bottom.  My goal was to keep this somewhat neutral looking with the whites. 
So what do you think?

Now on to my fireplace mantle, which leaves a bit more to be desired!

  Most of you may already know I do not like to add much to this mantle because of the location of it in my room.  When I decorate this mantle heavily is just overwhelms the room to me.  I have also been thinking that perhaps my sconces are not placed well on the wall.  I am considering lowering them and bringing them in closer to the mirror. This would allow for more space to put larger floral arrangements on the ends of the mantle, if I choose too.  So maybe that's what is throwing off the whole thing.  IDK!  Anyway, this is how I started out with my fall mantle.

I pulled out my Turkey platter that I inherited from my in laws to use as the centerpiece. Then I added the willow candle holders and the fall leaves.  I thought I was done, until....

..I unpacked my old crows.  I just adore these tacky little candle holders! 

 They really are very cutesy looking and just do not go with this setting at all to me.  I have to put them out though!  I just cannot find another spot I'd rather have them.  Heaven help me!

So here they rest for this year!

  I have so little to time fret for long over these things here at home now, which is a good thing. Working has had it's advantages for me for sure.  I really am getting much better with managing things during my time off now too.  Because I am on the go none stop at work, I am starting to be more "on the go" when I am off as well.

  For example, today I have to go in from 1:00pm to 9:30pm because I have to help with closing.  So this morning I am blogging and crafting.   Most of the time I work mornings and afternoons but it's always changing, that's retail.  My lunch hours are spent eating and shopping for crafts, groceries and now Christmas.  Days off are for family, cleaning and if time allows whatever else I want to do.  It's a juggling act for sure, but I have been so busy I am starting to drop some weight even though I am eating terribly.  My energy is returning too.  It's funny how when you don't have much time to do things you seem to be more inspired to do them.  Weird!

You will have to stop back by again soon to see something I am working on.   Here's a hint!  It's very easy to do and you've seen them a thousand times already I'm sure!  It's warm and cozy but the combination that I am using is probably new to some of you.  Can you guess what it is?  I think it's going to be one many of you will love!  I'll try to finish it up this week!

Anyway, that's what's up with me along with a few vignettes I thought I'd share with you!  I may add these to a few linky partys later on when I think of them.  LOL!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!   

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thanksgiving/Fall Wreath Part Three

Hi Ladies!  How are you?  I am doing great!  I am so excited to finally be able to show you part three of my fall wreath.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about let me fill you in.   I decided to create an interchangeable fall wreath this year.  It's quite simple really and includes a base,shown here, and two additional wreaths that simply hang over the base.  There is one for Halloween, shown here, and the one I made for Thanksgiving.

I actually created this Thanksgiving wreath long before I made the Halloween wreath.  It's been hanging around in my kitchen ever since.

It all started when I found the little checked wooden sign at Michael's earlier in August.  It was in the $1.00 bin and I just knew I had to make something with it.  Then after deciding to make 3 wreaths in one I knew this would be part of my Thanksgiving wreath. 

I already had this small straw wreath in my crafts box and the plaid fabric as well.  First I cut the fabric into long strips and wrapped it around the wreath securing them with pins.  Then I hot glued the Family sign on the wreath. 

Next, I added the fabric bow by simply wrapping it around the wreath and tying into a bow.  I did the same thing for the loop to hang it with using the plaid fabric to match and wedged in a small touch of fall greenery.

And now, I am ready to add it to my fall wreath on the door.

I love how well it fits right into the middle of the fall wreath!

There you have it!  The third and final part of my interchangeable fall wreath.  I am joining 
to share my project.

Thank you all so much for stopping by!
Have a great Monday and I hope each of you has a wonderful week too!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Look what the shoe elves brought me!

Hey All!  Today is Free Friday and that means I can post whateva I want.  I had yesterday off and did a little shopping and found some more great shoe bargains!  I just have to share them with somebody!

I've been on a shoe shopping kick for a few weeks now actually.  Being on your feet for 8 to 10 hours a day on a concrete surface and climbing up and down metal stairs to the stock room quickly took a toll on my poor old tooties.  My first shoe purchases were quite conservative looking but very comfortable.

I have several friends who have raved about the comfort of Dansko's.  They are worn quite a bit by those in the medical profession.  They are basically clogs!  I'm not sure how but these shoes really do keep my feet from aching at the end of the day.

I chose this style with a back on the heel mainly because of the stairs.  I didn't want to be sliding out of any shoes coming down the stairs at work.  Look how scuffed up I've already gotten them in just two weeks.  Do any of you own any Dansko's?

Next I purchased these.  They are Clarks.  I learned about these when I did substitute teaching.  All the teachers went on and on about the comfort of Clarks.  I like how the Clarks have a little bit more style.

These are Naturalizers!  I picked them up at TJ Maxx.  I've only worn them a few times because they are not nearly as comfortable as the Dansko's and the Clarks, but I like how they are lower to the ground.  I will most likely use these more for my shopping shoes then work shoes. 

Okay, now to the really fun stuff!

Here's yesterdays finds!

I bought these first yesterday.  They are Baretraps.  Belks is having a huge boot sale and I since I was off yesterday I just had to go.  I instantly fell in love with these.  They are just the style and color I was looking for.  The color is called mushroom.  It's grey with a slightly brownish tint.  It's perfect because it will go with so many things.  I'm sure you noticed there isn't much of a heel either right?  Sorry ladies, I just don't do heels much anymore.  I love, love, love how versatile these are going to be!

Then later in the day I was at Burlington Coat Factory and came across these. I have been wanting a new pair of black boots.  My old ones are too tight on the calves now and pretty worn since I've had them for years.  So when I spied these and saw the price I decided it was time to update my black boots.  I just love how classic these are!  They are from Etienne Aigner.

And here they are!  My little shoe elves!  LOL!
  Seriously though, because I just love to share a bargain, I had to show you a sneek peek at these guys!  Look what I found at Hobby Lobby.  I love elves and these guys were just so adorable!  Even better they were 50% off, so that meant two for the price of one.  What a deal!

Just look at those faces would you!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Witch's Brew Tablescape

Welcome to Miss Abigail's table! 

She has been quite busy conjuring up just the right mix for her brew. 

 Be forewarned my friends!  Miss Abby may look like a sweet little old lady, but don't be fooled!

  She hasn't just dabbled on the dark side, Oh No!  She is quite well versed in the ways of witchery!

She knows what it takes to serve a tasty treat for her crafty friends!   I've heard she is not yet satisfied with her brew and so has decided to cast a spell for the final ingredients.  Oh My!!!

What could it be, do you see anything missing?  Let's take a closer look!

Hmmm???  I see creepy crawly spiders that are sure to put a spin on things....

.....and dirty rats to get rid of all those clean thoughts....

....and she's even added a few bats to keep you hanging around!

Looks like she has added a few black birds who can't be trusted.  Remember, they are known for stealing you know!

A touch of crow for humility maybe? Hmm???

Shakers filled with the dust from a witch's boot for spicing things up a bit.

Why she's even laid out the silver goblets....

.....for savoring all that bad blood she is serving!

So what could it be?  What am I missing here?

I see she's set a place setting for her most mysterious friend the night owl!

And there's a setting for old Jack-O-lantern too, the grinning fool!
Looks like she planning to entertain a spooky friend as well.

Oh!  This has to be her own place setting!  So what's the problem right?

Oh No!  I think I see it now.  Where are our place settings, weren't we invited too?

Look closely at her brew!  Everyone know's you can't have a good witches brew without a few eyeballs.  Seems Miss Abigail has looked high and low, but could not find them anywhere!

Quick!  Turn your eyes away now!

That wicked old witch has cast a spell and plans to steal your eyes!

 That's why she is 
 attending BNOTP for 

Happy Halloween!