Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Our Living Room

Hello!  It's Take a Look Tuesday here at The Decorative Dreamer and I've decided to show you my entire living room.  It's been awhile since I've done a whole room post and realized all of those were "only" on my other blog, Sailing Simply.

I just love visiting someone's blog and seeing links on their side bar taking you through different rooms of their homes.  It's one of the things I love the most about blogging and it immediately let's me know if that is blogger who's style I really like and may want to follow.

  So, with that in mind I've decided to do a few posts of my home and will be adding them to my sidebar too.  I can't really say how I would describe my style.  I have lot's of furniture that is older inherited pieces mixed in with a few thrifty finds right along with a few newer and more modern pieces as well.  It's quite a mix but I love it and it makes me feel very cozy and nostalgic at times too. I also wanted to post this because it's a more updated look from my previous den post and it features my summer look which will be changing very soon as the fall decor comes out.

Since this post is laden with pictures, I will cut the chit chat right here.  I've included close ups of a few of my favorite things in this room with the exception of the personal pictures.  My kids don't enjoy me posting their pics (especially up close) but they are by far among the things I "love" to see the most in this room!  I am having quite a few issues with my camera not focusing well.  I hope you will please overlook the very poor photography as I hope to resolve the camera issues as soon as possible.  

Okay, so let's go into the den now...Oops!  Shhhhh!!! Ok, no more chit chat, I promise!

And that's a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed the tour.  Thanks for visiting with me today!
Have a great day!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Pool Progress

We finally reached a big milestone this past week with the construction of our pool this summer.  I am so happy to report that we were able to pour the concrete decking on Thursday despite all the possible weather scenarios that were out there last week.  Woohoo!  No more mud and sand to deal with everyday and everywhere! 

We are still waiting on it to fully cure, but are able to walk on it now and I was allowed to put my blue plastic adirondak chairs only on it for now, provided I do not drag them around.  LOL!  On Monday, I should be able to place the rest of my furniture all around.  I cannot wait to do that because I am so tired of having it all jumbled up on the decks.  Building a pool the way we are takes lot's of hard work and patience, for sure. 

Let's take a look at where we are now.  Since the concrete is still curing it has lot's of different shades.  I've been told it will all even out to a white finish when it's completely dried.  I certainly hope so, or it's going to have to get a stain which I do not really want. I personally prefer the more natural concrete with a grittier texture around the pool because I have experienced way too many slippery  concrete finish's in my day!

Yesterday, the Mr. and I worked a little more on the area around the retaining wall.  This had been a bit trickier then we anticipated due to the curve we built into the wall.  We did not want any hard angles around the pool and thought these blocks were designed best to make a curve.  Not to mention the rest of our house was built using them all around the bedding areas by the original owners.   We decided to just keep going with the same look.  

The first few rows of block were laid before the concrete was poured so that it would all level out and run right up to the wall.  However, 
the blocks did not line up as well as expected on the curve the higher up we went. It was a bit tricky and required spacing them further apart on some levels in order to get it right.  After 3 rebuilds on the upper levels of the curve it's where we like it and were able to start back filling behind it. Behind the wall is a drainage pipe and gravel to redirect the water away from the pool and then dirt on top of that.

We also have drainage pipes running behind the wall in front of the deck and under the last step of our new steps.  We still need to redo all the railings but will get to that later when it cools down more.

This was one area I worked on some yesterday, adding the sand base so we do not have mud splashing up on the concrete in the rain.  I am going to add stepping stones to get to the pump and some type of  decorative screening here soon and more plants and flowers.  

I know it doesn't look like it, but this is another area I worked on yesterday.   I  had to back fill this area between our lower deck and the wall with my shovel and then rake it all down.  Shoveling gravel and clay is backbreaking work.  I am going to plant dwarf gardenias here.  I just cannot wait to tackle this but am having to wait because there's too many other things that we need to do first.

Our goal for today is to finish moving around more sand and leveling to get the land ready for sod.  Thank goodness our neighbor owns a tractor that he has loaned us to do this.  I cannot imagine trying to do all of that without equipment.  It is the smaller blue tractor in these pictures.  Great neighbors are such a blessing!

We are hoping to sod next weekend. That's how we will be spending our labor day, pretty appropriate huh? Then the next step is to install the fence.  Shew!

It's all worth it though!  I hope to be back with more updates again soon.  This is the fun part.  I love landscaping and seeing it all come together.

Thanks for visiting today!
I am joining a few parties today too in celebration of our accomplishments.

Please visit the following links for more of the same at;

Have a blessed Sunday all!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Popular Pins and Repins!

I am still loving this pinning thing, how about you?  I didn't get to pin as much this week but am hoping to sneek in a little more time this weekend. 

 What I love about pinning is having so many wonderful ideas and visions right at your fingertips that you don't necessarily have to do anything with.  Does that seem crazy to you?  It kinda does to me too, but honestly most of what I love about decor blogging is just getting to see so many wonderful things.  It's that same way with pinning minus reading the blog and commenting and so forth.  It's what I think of as no pressure peeking.  LOL!

Anyway, I just wanted to show you a few things that I pinned that were very popular this week.  I am showing you this because I think it's really cool to see what captures peoples attention the most.  If you are pinning too and have your email set up to receive alerts on your pins then I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about.  It's fun when you get to see a pin that seems to have gone viral.  

People must obviously be looking forward to the holidays already because two of my most popular repins are for Christmas decor.

Here's the pin that I think of having gone viral.  I am still constantly getting so many repins of this image from my board that I labeled window boxes.  I found this image on google after searching window boxes.   I love this idea and enjoyed my visit to the blog that this photo links too.  I really hope I can do a window box similar to this  during the holidays.  This is one pin I hope to recreate. 


This is the other Christmas repin that was very popular last week.  I repinned this, off of someone else and then immediately had several who repinned it off of me.  I love this idea and was not surprised when I saw that the link it originally came from was a blog that I already enjoy following too.  I feel sure I may try to recreate this image for the holidays because I already have all the elements.

And my final most popular repin is this beautiful Mermaid sculpture.  I would really love to find a beautiful Mermaid to use as a water feature for our new pool.  But it has to be within our budget which is not very much right now with all the other necessities that must come first after putting in the pool.  However a gal can dream can't she?

I found this image by googling Mermaids, then pinned it to my board labeled Sculptures.  This image is a dream and one that I most likely will not get to use but I just love it!  Apparently, so do many others out there.  Isn't there just something so magical about Mermaids?

Well that's what's pinning around here?  What about you? 
Has anyone started a repin linky party yet?  That would be fun!

  My prayers are with all of you who live up and down the eastern coastline.  I am in SC and feel so blessed that it looks like we may dodge hurricane Irene.  I am sure though that I speak for many when I say, we here in SC will be praying for all of you.  Take Care!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sneek Peek at Our Initial Outfitters Fall Catalog

I am so excited!  Our new 2011 Fall catalogs have come out with Initial Outfitters.  We have so many new and beautiful pieces added to our collection of engraved jewelry and embroidered gifts.  I am still an independent consultant but realized I have not updated my IO page in some time on my blog.  So I've decided to a reminder post and show you a few goodies as well.

Love the new cover!

We have added many new pieces to one of my favorites, our ironworks collection.  Love these new pendants!

We have also added many more smaller pendants that are perfect for those who are looking for smaller and lighter jewelry, or for just an accent necklace.  Additionally, look at the beautiful behind the glass pendants that are new too.

We've also added more gold tone pieces for the fall as well.

These are new as well with an aged and tarnished look.  So cute!

Speaking of cute, check out these adorable baby bloomer that were added.  They are sure to be a big hit!

New dishtowels were added as well.

I am in love with all of these new products in oilcloth!  I want one of these totes!

Last but not least, the scarves have returned just in time for fall!

If you are interested in any of the products you can order from me directly online at
to go to my website.

If you are interested in hosting a party let me know so I can find someone in your area to call.   If you are interested in selling Initial Outfitters and becoming an independent consultant yourself, I would love to add you to my team!  We don't have to live in the same state but I do need to sponsor you myself for you to be on my team.  If you contact the home office yourself they will assign someone else to you who is in your area.  

So, let me know if your interested, I love to speak with you!
Thanks for taking a peek!
Have a great day!