Sunday, January 23, 2011

Our Family Pets

I have two pretties here to share with you today for the pet party going on over at Debbiedoos!  I hope you will visit with them a bit and all the other fine pets attending the previous link.  

Their names are Misty and Patch!
They are two wonderful cats filled with exceptional and interesting personalities.  Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows exactly what I mean!  People who are not cat people tend to think of cats as being aloof and obtaining no character.  How sad for those that think that way, clearly you haven't met my sweeties.   We have always been blessed with cats who have had great personalities and for the most part good dispositions, too. 

Misty and Patch came to us through their mother, Onyx, who showed up under our deck at our old house on a very cold and rainy morning.  Their mother was a kitten at the time, looked very poor in health and was crying very loudly.  We gathered her up brought her inside and nursed back into good health.  Before we could get her fixed, she was that young still, she turned up pregnant and gave birth to four kittens.  Onyx was solid black and gave birth to two white Siamese kittens with blue eyes and two brown short hairs.  I was there for the delivery and watched as out came one white kitten with a brown one, then another white one with another brown one.  We were quickly able to adopt out the white Siamese kittens and the little brown ones became my sons pets, we call them the twins as I am sure you can see why.

This is Patch. 

She is my oldest sons cat.  She was named Patch because of the Orange patch on the top of her head. 

  When my sons were younger they were very territorial over who's cat was who's and played with them accordingly.  Patch is a bit rough and tumble like my oldest son.

  She likes to be played with and endures heavy petting.

  She is the more vocal of the two.  She doesn't mind letting us know when she is hungry or wants inside. 
 She has a way of using her paws to knock on the glass doors when she wants in.  She literally can tap so hard it cannot be ignored.  I am always joking about how she must have some of the most developed biceps around for such a small cat. 

 She is the tougher of the two but has been seen to back down should her sister decide she's had enough.

  Since my cats are basically outdoor cats,  Patch likes to bring us treats and leave them at our doorstep.  It is gross I know, but she is offering us these as a token of her appreciation.

This is Misty! 
 Misty is the sweet and gentle one.  Literally!
  She is always very calm in her demeanor and even has the sweetest gentle meow.  She is the eptiome of a female. 
 When Misty was young she used to like to climb on top of the Garage door when it was open in our old house.  One morning she had been up there when I left to take the boys to school.  I came home to find two of my neighbors standing in my driveway trying to comfort the howling cat that was stuck in between the top of my garage door and my house that I had closed when I left.  I didn't know she was there and she got stuck.  All you could see what her tail and hind legs hanging out.  When I pulled in and saw them then her I immediately panicked and hit the opener in my car and she fell as soon as the space opened up and my neighbor caught her.  I rushed her to the animal vet where they x rayed her, gave her steriods for pain and kept her overnight.  She was fine as she had wedged herself  into a place where cats can flaten out right above their hind legs. 

 She cried tears all the way there in the front seat with me but never howled.  I prayed and promised her she would be okay and she has been such a blessing ever since.

  She is a miracle to us and usually is always so calm and sweet.  Sweet until she catches her pray outside like a lioness, quick and swift.

  She can also set her sister straight with one swoop of the arm when she tires of listening to her.  Even though she is the sweeter one of the two she tends to act more like the mother of two of them.  She has often been seen cleaning and tending to her sister  as well as my youngest son, her boy!

My cats are outdoor cats that get to come inside when they sneak in, the weather forces them inside or they bang on the door long enough to wear us down and give in.

  They have been spending a lot of time inside with us lately!  The snow photos shown here were taken last February, they didn't even want to go out this year.  I hope you have enjoyed the story of our precious furry family members and a few photos too.

  My youngest son was recently able to catch Misty on film while drinking water.  She has always drank her water this way and is Oh, so feminine.

  I'd like to leave you with this short clip of our Misty, hope you enjoy!
Thanks for visiting!

His and Hers Projects

This weekend has been a flurry of activity around our house.  Both my husband and I have been working separately on projects.  His project is still in the works, as is mine, but I am just so excited about his, I just had to share it with you too.

Do you see this wall full of insulation?  My husband just built this wall this past weekend.

It is at the foot of the stairs in our garage basement.  We have wanted to do this since we moved into this house but always put it off or changed our minds on how best to proceed with this improvement.

Here is a better view of it from the inside of the basement looking towards the stairs.   

Because this is a garage/basement we have always gotten a draft at the top of the stairs that opens into our kitchen foyer area.

Since we have an extra refrigerator down here we have debated on how to close in this area at the foot of the stairs or if we should close in a larger portion of the basement to use for another room.   Our garage basement is large and could essentially fit four cars if we didn't have so much junk in it.

After seven years in this house we have finally decided we would not enjoy an extra room down here as much as we do having the extra space for storage and parking all the cars in when the weather is really bad.    So, we are finally resolving the draft issue by installing another door and wall before entering the stairwell. 

The Mr. had to relocate all the electrical that holds the light switches and garage door openers.

He moved them on the outside of this wall and one on the inside too.

I know this doesn't seem so pretty and interesting but I am just thrilled with this.  I will show you more later when it is completed.

Now on to my project. 

I have done a little change on my dining room chairs.  This is how they used to look with the scroll work and the cane edge painted a dark gold tone. 

 First, I painted the scroll work and cane trims black.  It looked okay but did not go with the fabric on my chairs.  I debated about getting new fabric and found some but then decided the black was just too dark and making my dining room look too formal.  I am just not so formal.

I forgot to take a picture of the whole thing in black.  Here is a glimpse of it after I decided to go in another direction.

I changed my mind and decided to just paint the scroll work off white and give it a mocha glaze.

This was much more calming to me and fit in nicely with the rest of the room.   I don't have to recover the seats, which is good because I still like my fabric that I already have on my chairs.

Since I had painted two chairs in the black, and they needed repainting again anyways, I tried something different on one of them.  I wanted to see if maybe I would like having the cane trim painted also in off white with a mocha glaze.

Here is how that looks.  I cannot decide if I like it or not.  My choices are to either change all chairs to look like this or to have them with just the scroll work painted off white and leave the dull gold cane trim as is.

Here are the two choices side by side.  Which way do you think looks best?  Please don't tell me you think I should paint the whole chair, as I am really not ready to commit to that.  So out of the two which do you like best?

I would really love your input.
I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful weekend too.  I am sharing this post with the following parties;
Kim's Before and After
Transformation Thursday
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 21, 2011

That's my new sugar bowl!

Look what I found this morning!   I know many of you also subscribe to Country Living Magazine and have enjoyed the February edition because I've seen you posting about it.

For those of you who don't know this issue's cover is entitled, " The Simple Beauty of White".  Inside there are many articles about decorating with whites and neutrals, etc.

This morning I decided to skim through it again and check out the displays of all the pretty white dish collections.   When all of a sudden on this page look what I spotted, right there on page 97.

OMG! There it is!

This photo courtesy of Country Living Magazine

Look right there in front of the clock.  See that sugar bowl?
That's my new sugar bowl!

See!  It's the same one! I recognized it because of the little bow thing on the top.
Isn't that funny!


I still don't have a clue about if this is porcelin, or ironstone, and mine still isn't in as good of shape as I would have liked.  But, at the price I told you about last night of $2.00 for the set and then seeing this right here looking so cute in the magazine I feel much better about mine now!

LOL!  Don't you just love when that happens?
Just sharing!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January Thrifting

After a week a being snow bound then nearly another week of being home sick I was finally able to get out and about and do a little thrifting.  There's nothing out there to make you feel a little better then getting a good deal on a few things. 

At one of my usual consignment/antique stores I was quite surprised to find one of the booths that I like to visit regularly was offering an assortment of clothes.  It was quite unusual because they were new, and in bags with the tags still on them and there were multiples of the same styles.  I alway wonder about the owners of the booths I visit.  I always wonder what's their story.  How do they acquire the goods they sell?  I guess that comes from my previous experience in retail, but it never fails to throw me when I see someone offering retail items in their booths.  It makes me wonder, how they came across the items they are offering.  I want details!  Oh, to be a fly on the wall!  Anyway, I was looking at the clothes thinking a few things were kinda cute but didn't really need them...until...I saw the price.

I got this cute brown,black, grey and off white plaid camp shirt with elastic gathered waist and...

...this coffee brown sweater for a whopping $5.00 total.  For some reason all the different clothes items were being offered at a 2 for $5.00 sale.  I've never purchased one of these types of sweaters, but I think they are neat.  They are kinda like a sweater and a shawl all in one.  Very trendy!  And if the new retail tag on the sweater is to be believed it is listed at $160.00.  Seriously! I would not pay that for it, but that's what it says!

The same booth also had black suede high heeled boots that went above the knee.  Didn't have my size and I'm not sure where in the world I would wear them but they were a nice quality looking boot and were only $5.00 a pair.  Seriously!  Makes me wonder!

Then I was off to another thrift store where I came across these.

This isn't everything I got from this store but let's take a closer look.

The picture I bought for the frame.  It's a very good quality frame.  I have another picture this size in my sons bathroom that I want to put in here.  It was a great deal at $6.00.

I just loved the bamboo look of the gold.  I think I'm going to add a dark mocha glaze to give it just a bit more character.

This basket just had to come home with me. Can you guess why? It was $1.00.  I'll be dressing it up soon too.

Now this was the basket I snatched up the minute I walked in the door.  It's more the size of a tray.  I love it!  It's got a nice depth too.  Not too large and not too small, only .50 cents!  What color shall it be?

Then my next purchase was one I thought was a great deal at the time, but now I'm not so sure.

Here they are!  I purchased this set for $2.00.  I was pretty excited because they coordinate well with my new china.  I was hoping they might be ironstone, but I don't know if they are or not.

They were quite dirty and had a few black specks I had to scrub off.

The sugar bowl was worse then I could see in the store.  When I washed it I noticed a greyish color showing up more on the bottom and the sides, like maybe it had been in a fire or something at one time.   It was really strange!  It looks okay but not quite the bargain I was thinking I had found.  Oh well! 

So what do you think?  Ironstone or ceramic?  Any idea?
I am linking up to the following parties;
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Please be sure and check out more great deals above!
Thanks for stopping by!

Things that make you go "OH!"

Gooood Morning Miss Jenny!!! Hellloooo!  Get It?  Hell-"O"?  Hehe!  I knew you'd catch that!  Your smart like that you know, that's why your the teacher right?  LOL!  Yes Mam, I am glad to be back too!  No mam, I haven't been skipping out on ya, I've just been on an extended holiday break.  What was that you said there?  Didn't I just hear you say, Oh!  Sure I did, only you said it so low and slow.   I just bearly heard it there Miss Jenny, but I did!    I know I did!

Now that's my point exactly Miss Jenny!   You ever noticed how the word, "Oh", can be used in different contexts?  Well, I sure have!  Mam?  Why yes mam, I'd be happy to explain.  Context means something surrounding or effecting circumstances.  You didn't know I knew that, did you Miss Jenny.  I ain't as backwards as I may seem am I?  Mam? Yes mam, I do remember ain't, ain't a word, and I ain't, I mean I am not trying to be sassy Miss Jenny.   You sure do like to get me on that one every time.   OH MY!  LOL!

The other day I was over at Cousin Mary's helping her around the house when we got to thinkin about our grandma, Nana.  She's been gone to live with Jesus for a long time now but we was were remembering how she used to go on.  Like when she saw something she liked, she would always say, Ohhhhhhh,ooohhhhh,ooooohhhh,ooooooh!  That's about the best way I can spell it.  She would drag the word "Oh" out so long it would take her a full 5 minutes to say it, or stop saying it, depending how you was feeling about it.  LOL!  She usually only used the word, Oh, in a good way though, unlike cousin Mary.  I caught Cousin Mary using that word the other day and it wasn't long and drawn out like Nana's.  Her Oh's were all different, each time.

First there was the sad  sigh of an "Ohh"  after looking at all her outdoor plants that she never got inside the basement this winter.  It will be nothing short of a miracle if any of them come back after all the cold weather and snow we've had.

Then there was the exasperated "Oh's" when she was showing me what all she's been up to lately, in the dining room...

....and in her craft room....

...and the giveaway pile still sitting on the kitchen table. 
Oh, oh, oh!

Cousin Mary was enjoying being flustered and said, here, let me show you another "OH!"  this one sounded more like a groan, honestly Mrs. Jenny, she was going on a bit.  That's when I told ole Cousin Mary to come on now.  Let's focus on something a little more positive.  Well, she said... about this book I just bought?  I know these places would make me go, "OH!", in a very good way!

And this new book she said is filled with lot's of "Ohhhhsss!!!!.  Colors and Patterns always make Cousin Mary go, "Ohhhh!".

Why she even bought yards of these two fabrics because she was having an "OH" moment.  She doesn't have any idea where they are going to go yet, though.

Now she new exactly where she was putting her new pillows that made her go "Oh".  She's been wanting to add some animal prints in the den but hadn't found quite the right colorings.  Then she found these two pillows at Ross and they were on sale too.  She said, they was a big "OH!".

She also said these two things she picked up the other day were some squealy "Oh's".  Mam?  You know what I'm talking about, that high pitched, Oh, how cute!, kinda "Oh".  Cept you don't actually say the words, you just kinda squeal out your "Ohuuuhh!!".

Then there is the more soothing kind of "ohhh!"  This reminds you of that kind.

So does this here chicken soup.  It's definitely a soothing.."Ohhh"  going all the way down.  Mam?  No mam, that's not an "Ahhh!" that's and "Ohhhwah!".  I do know what I'm talking about you know Miss Jenny, our letter is "O" you know!  Geez!  Mam?  Yes mam, I'll wrap it up here, I know you got a whole class full of homework to check.

This here is mine and Cousin Mary's favorite "OH!" of all.  It's a good one.  This is a close up from a painting that our Nana did.  She painted this because it was sooo one of her "Oh" moments.  She just loved those little birds that would come sit on that bucket by the spicket.  She always kept water in it for them too.  When we see this picture we can just hear our Nana again saying, Ohhhhhhoohhhh oooooohhhh OOhhhh, ooohhh, OH!

So, what did you think Miss Jenny?  Did I do good on my first day back to

I certainly hope so! Thanks for droppin in now.  Let me know if you do, Okay?
 Have a great day, yall!
"LiL Missy"