I'm late! I'm late, for a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Please forgive me for being so tardy to the party Mrs. Doo's but it has been one crazy week!
Late Tuesday afternoon my youngest son had another car accident. Thank God there were no injuries this time other then the car which will now have to be replaced as it is totalled, again. Can we say...stressed out!!!
In addition to dealing with insurance adjustor's,
rental cars, an appointment with the oral surgeon, my new business and my daily chores, I have had very little time. In fact, I just got home this afternoon from picking up an in law who needed a ride back to town after flying into an upstate Airport. No, I don't exactly live upstate, more in the middle...but I do love my family..so, such is life!
I would have loved to have shown you a finished project this week because I actually worked on this last week and had intended to finish it up this week, but that just didn't happen, so here's what I got.
Here's my straggler, sitting here waiting on a paint job.
That's the color I decided to go with on my outdoor table this year, Bahama Sea. I was thinking about how I really needed to give my old iron table a new coat of black this year as I do every so often, then thought to myself, now why do I have to do black?
So as you can see, I did not do black this year!
It is actually a very pretty blue that you cannot see very well in these photos because it is too late in the afternoon to really get a good shot.
I really tried but it ain't gonna happen!
Besides, I really am not too excited to let you see what this porch is really looking like right now. We have been overloaded with pollen this past week too and everything is a complete mess!
My newly painted table will match the little stand I painted the same color last summer. Do you remember that? Of course you do!
In fact, I am really thinking of playing up the whole blue theme this year all over the porch.
I already had these items on the porch so I'd say I'm well on my way after I get rid of all the yellow.
I purchased this little sign not too long after Christmas.
It's the perfect reminder of what a porch is for !
I think the blue will also help to promote a feeling of relaxation and calmness.
Don't you? I think you do! Because, I couldn't help but take a peek at the party before I posted and I am seeing ALOT of blue out there this year! Great minds think alike, right?
Either that or we are all waaayyyy to stressed out and all needing to RELAX!!!
Hope you all have a great weekend doing just that and have fun at Debbiedoo's Color Partay!
Thanks for dropping in!