Showing posts with label vignettes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vignettes. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Time to Rise and Shine!

Good Morning!  Rise and shine sleepyhead!  That's what I used to wake up too every morning as a child and teenager.  Well almost every morning, to be completely honest, there were lot's of mornings when my mother would just yell from the door...time to rise and shine!  

It's hard to get excited about rising and shining when the weather is so dreary outside.  It sure has been quite overcast, drizzly and foggy lately!  Luckily for me I am off to work and will not be looking at this dreary day for long.  That's one advantage of being inside a building for an 8 hour stretch, wouldn't you agree? For someone like me who loves being outside it's great to have an excuse for being stuck inside on a day like this.   Hey, you gotta look for the positives in life friends, always!

Speaking of positives, I thought I'd share a little kitchen vignette that I set up in the kitchen with my cheery and colorful rooster.  After I took the Christmas tree down in the kitchen I decided to put my black desk back in the kitchen instead of the painted fruit table.  I like how the black coordinates with my dining table and stools and provides a great background for bright colors to bounce off of.

After bringing my colorful rooster back out I decided to stay with the whole rooster theme and keep going with it.  So, out came the little salt and pepper shaker I got from Cracker Barrel last year. 

Now, I know I'm jumping the gun a bit here with the spring flowers but I just couldn't help myself.   A big bonus is they have been especially cheery to see every morning with  all this dreary weather and I really needed some height here in my vignette.  Lesson learned, just because it's cold and dreary outside doesn't mean it has to be that way inside.

Checked napkins in a basket and stacks of dishes and I was just about done.  Very country huh?

I love seeing stacks of dishes sitting out, do you?  I especially love it when the dishes are interesting and colorful too.  I wish I had one of those cute little willow and wire chargers to sit this on but just can't quite talk myself into spending what those things cost.  Please someone let me know if you ever see them go on sale anywhere.

 These rooster dishes are from Fitz and Floyd purchased at TJ Maxx.

And because I had a cute little cubby hole and more dishes small enough to fit in there I added them too.

Nice and bright and cheery!

Cock-a-doodle-do!  Rise and shine Yall!

I am joining Marty today for a very special 

She is celebrating her 100th linky party.  I am very happy to be able to attend and have already been checking out a few fabulous vignettes.  I can't wait to get back home tonight to check out more for lot's of beautiful decorating inspiration.  I sure could use it!
Congratulations Marty and Thank you for hosting such a wonderfully inspiring party every week!

Hope you all have a beautiful day whatever the weather is in your neck of the woods.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I've got a new Roo!

Hey Friends!  It's been quite awhile since I've joined one of Marty's parties (hey that rhymed!) over at A Stroll Through Life.  But today, I've got just a little something to share with you that  I think a few of you might like to see.  What it is you say?

Do you see it? Nope! It's not the cookbook ladies!

Yep!  It's the new Roo of course!  See, didn't I tell you, you'd like it!  Now don't you worry, I am still not going to get caught up in all that Rooster collecting business, no NOT me! 

But... I do know a few good Roo's when I see them.   Especially since I have been looking at quite a few of them almost everyday for months.  We sell this collection and another set at Stein Mart.  So, after looking at this set everyday for over 3 months now I finally broke down and bought this decorative plate when it went on sale.  I love how the plate is in the shape of a rooster!  

Of course, I knew that the black on the rooster would also fit in quite well in my kitchen.  I knew exactly where I wanted to display it too, right here in this little nook in my kitchen.

It's over here tucked away with the bread box and cookbooks.

And the cute little clear jar that started out as a pecan jar after seeing you fabulous bloggers using these last year.  Then after the nuts were gone it turned into a hot drink packet jar, then quickly became a tervis tumbler "tops" jar.  This jar sure is versatile, isn't it?

Anywho, back to my new Roo!  Isn't he purrrrty!!!

I am really being so good because there is such a huge collection that goes with him.  There is a huge cookie jar, utensil holder, platter, salad plates, salt and pepper shakers, ect.  I am trying my best to not to add anything else but the coffee mugs are starting to call my name too.  Look out!

I thought he would look wonderful over here by a cookbook so I pulled out a nice comforting one for the winter.  Maybe this will give the Mr. a few hints too.  Ya think?  

Then, when I was trying to figure out what napkin or tea towel I wanted to add to this vignette I remembered my new plaid napkins. I purchased these from work on the day after Christmas sale.  They also have black in them so I thought it would look great.  What do you think?  Still, nice and wintry right?

And because I promised awhile back to show you these but got to busy to do so, here they are!

For those of you who do not know what I'm talking about I bought all of this at 75% off the day after Christmas from Stein Mart.  I was surprised they had not already sold but was quite pleased to be able to add them to my home.

I have a set of six placemats and six napkins.  I love the red,black,hunter,blue and white in the plaid.

I was also lucky enough to score two sets of silver and red beaded napkin rings at 75% off too for a total of eight each!  Can you believe that?  I know I can use those napkin rings year round! 

Well, that's it!  I just wanted to share a little vignette with you all today.

Thanks for stopping by! 

I hope you have a little more time to visit many more pretties over at 

Have a great day!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

2011 Christmas Mantle

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

In hopes that all family and friends soon would be there!

My Christmas mantle has taken on a rustic and wintry mix this year.

It all started with the purchase of these beautiful reindeer that I bought from work at Stein Mart.

 I kept my eye on these for several weeks before finally talking myself into buying them.  I love how they have a subtle sparkle to them!

Then after laying out layers of garlands I added my pine cone candles.  I've had these for quite some time but rarely ever pull them out.

Then the search was on for just the right ribbon.

I was quite pleased when I finally found what I was looking for.

The final addition was to hang my winter wreath purchased from Walmart, during last years after Christmas sales.  Thanks to a great tip from Liz at Savvy Seasons to use those adhesive hooks with easy removable tabs, I was able to center it right on the middle of the mirror.

 I'm really enjoying the deeper richer colors I used on the mantle this season instead of so much bright red and green.  It's much more soothing to me!

 I thought I'd also share a few pictures of the finished living room with you as well.  I didn't put out all of my Christmas decor this year.  I am purposely trying to keep it more simple in this room.

  I have collected Santa's for years but only put out a few of my Santa's scattered over the house this year.  I also put out only a few of all my other Christmas accessories too.  Even with keeping it simple there is still quite a bit out, especially with Christmas trees in most of my rooms.  It's been a simple decorating year for me here at The Decorative Dreamer, but one I am enjoying quite a bit.  I may be a "decorative dreamer" but I guess I will always be "sailing simply" at heart.

Thank you so much for taking a look and I hope you enjoyed your visit too!

I am thrilled to be able to link this post to the following parties;

Be sure and visit any of the above links to see so many more wonderful posts from some incredibly talented bloggers. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Juggling work and Thanksgiving

Hi Friends!  Are you ready for Thanksgiving?  I am, well, sorta!  Since I am not hosting our Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year it's a bit easier.  Quite a bit actually! 

 Not hosting means I'll only be responsible for bringing a few dishes, which I have yet to officially decide upon what I plan to bring.  I'm not sweating it though because I have several that I know will be well appreciated.  One thing about my side of the family is that we always want the same old tried and true dishes on Thanksgiving day.  My mother has tried to introduce a few new things, but they rarely ever make the return list.  I guess we are all very traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner in my family.  Now Christmas dinner, that's a different story!

Since I'm not hosting Turkey day I decided to create a Thanksgiving vignette on my dining table this year that can sit here untouched for a few weeks.

One of the advantages of working at Stein Mart in the gifts department is that I get to do lots of vignettes. 

 The large tables in the middle of each gift section is a conglomeration of several items from the shelves for display.  I've been enjoying creating vignettes on these and have to tweak them daily as products sell.  I have been learning to focus on bringing more height into vignettes.
I also get to do this on the shelves because we try to create attractive displays of products on the top shelves as well as arranging the products below.

  We receive shipments weekly so I am constantly resetting to allow for new merchandise.  I have to say so far, it's a fluffer's dream!  I really wish I could photograph my work for you but company policy will not allow it.  So you'll just have to see some of my things at home which are not nearly as interesting because I just don't have the stuff to work with here.  Oh well!  

The focus of this vignette is my newest piece.  I purchased this turkey dish several months ago from a local consignment/antique store.  It was quite a deal too!

Then I added my candlesticks and cloche for more height.  They also added quite a bit of weight or thickness if you will, to this vignette.

I then added a few floral's and pumpkins for just a touch of color and to fill in space around the bottom.  My goal was to keep this somewhat neutral looking with the whites. 
So what do you think?

Now on to my fireplace mantle, which leaves a bit more to be desired!

  Most of you may already know I do not like to add much to this mantle because of the location of it in my room.  When I decorate this mantle heavily is just overwhelms the room to me.  I have also been thinking that perhaps my sconces are not placed well on the wall.  I am considering lowering them and bringing them in closer to the mirror. This would allow for more space to put larger floral arrangements on the ends of the mantle, if I choose too.  So maybe that's what is throwing off the whole thing.  IDK!  Anyway, this is how I started out with my fall mantle.

I pulled out my Turkey platter that I inherited from my in laws to use as the centerpiece. Then I added the willow candle holders and the fall leaves.  I thought I was done, until....

..I unpacked my old crows.  I just adore these tacky little candle holders! 

 They really are very cutesy looking and just do not go with this setting at all to me.  I have to put them out though!  I just cannot find another spot I'd rather have them.  Heaven help me!

So here they rest for this year!

  I have so little to time fret for long over these things here at home now, which is a good thing. Working has had it's advantages for me for sure.  I really am getting much better with managing things during my time off now too.  Because I am on the go none stop at work, I am starting to be more "on the go" when I am off as well.

  For example, today I have to go in from 1:00pm to 9:30pm because I have to help with closing.  So this morning I am blogging and crafting.   Most of the time I work mornings and afternoons but it's always changing, that's retail.  My lunch hours are spent eating and shopping for crafts, groceries and now Christmas.  Days off are for family, cleaning and if time allows whatever else I want to do.  It's a juggling act for sure, but I have been so busy I am starting to drop some weight even though I am eating terribly.  My energy is returning too.  It's funny how when you don't have much time to do things you seem to be more inspired to do them.  Weird!

You will have to stop back by again soon to see something I am working on.   Here's a hint!  It's very easy to do and you've seen them a thousand times already I'm sure!  It's warm and cozy but the combination that I am using is probably new to some of you.  Can you guess what it is?  I think it's going to be one many of you will love!  I'll try to finish it up this week!

Anyway, that's what's up with me along with a few vignettes I thought I'd share with you!  I may add these to a few linky partys later on when I think of them.  LOL!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!