Showing posts with label fall decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall decor. Show all posts

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Handmade Fleece Throw

Whew!  I finally found a moment to share my latest project with you.  I'm pretty happy I finished it just in time to share it with your for

Do you remember the hint I gave you about the project I was working on?  No?  Well, let me refresh your memory, here is what I said;

"Here's a hint!  It's very easy to do and you've seen them a thousand times already I'm sure!  It's warm and cozy but the combination that I am using is probably new to some of you."  

Did you guess what's warm and Cozy?

If you guessed a blanket you would be correct!  More accurately, if you guessed a fleece blanket,  you would have been dead on!

We all know how much we love our plaid here in blog land right?  So, I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was when I came across this beautiful brown plaid fleece fabric on my lunch hour at the fabric store. My head started swimming with ideas!

  I have been wanting to make one of those knotted throws for several years now.  So when, I came across this plaid fleece fabric that I absolutely loved and it was on sale for 50% off, I decided I was going to make a blanket for our den.

  To make a knotted throw you need two pieces of fabric.  I decided to make a reversible blanket instead of making it the same on both sides.  You will understand why perfectly when you see what I chose for the opposite side.

The next thing I did was to lay the two pieces on top of each other and pinned them together with the front sides of the fabric facing out.  Then after determining my size, I cut out the corners on each end of the blanket and then trimmed off my sides equally.

Then it was time to go around all the edges and cut my tassels.

The next step was to to knot both of the pieces of fabric together.  This is what finishes the blanket.

I made this blanket using the knotting method called the "half hitch" knot.  It's where you just take the two tassel pieces that are stacked on top of each other, wrap them around your finger, loop them both through the hole and slide the knot up towards the blanket.   I've made the knotted fleece scarves before using this method but with only one piece of fabric.

  Now you get a peek at the fabric I chose for the reverse side.

How do you like my choices?  Who doesn't love houndstooth and plaid?  
I know I sure do!  

And...OMG!!!  I think the two of them together is just so comforting and gorgeous!  

My family obviously feels the same way because both my husband and son have been enjoying using our new blanket already.  The best part of it is, I love how beautifully it looks in our den!

We're getting some cooler temperatures here now and it's prime snuggling time!

This is a very easy project for those of you who have never made one yet.  I highly recommend it!  The fleece fabric choices seem to get better every year too.

Thanks for visiting today!
I hope you enjoyed your visit!

Have a great week everyone!
Hoping you all stay warm and cozy!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Juggling work and Thanksgiving

Hi Friends!  Are you ready for Thanksgiving?  I am, well, sorta!  Since I am not hosting our Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year it's a bit easier.  Quite a bit actually! 

 Not hosting means I'll only be responsible for bringing a few dishes, which I have yet to officially decide upon what I plan to bring.  I'm not sweating it though because I have several that I know will be well appreciated.  One thing about my side of the family is that we always want the same old tried and true dishes on Thanksgiving day.  My mother has tried to introduce a few new things, but they rarely ever make the return list.  I guess we are all very traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner in my family.  Now Christmas dinner, that's a different story!

Since I'm not hosting Turkey day I decided to create a Thanksgiving vignette on my dining table this year that can sit here untouched for a few weeks.

One of the advantages of working at Stein Mart in the gifts department is that I get to do lots of vignettes. 

 The large tables in the middle of each gift section is a conglomeration of several items from the shelves for display.  I've been enjoying creating vignettes on these and have to tweak them daily as products sell.  I have been learning to focus on bringing more height into vignettes.
I also get to do this on the shelves because we try to create attractive displays of products on the top shelves as well as arranging the products below.

  We receive shipments weekly so I am constantly resetting to allow for new merchandise.  I have to say so far, it's a fluffer's dream!  I really wish I could photograph my work for you but company policy will not allow it.  So you'll just have to see some of my things at home which are not nearly as interesting because I just don't have the stuff to work with here.  Oh well!  

The focus of this vignette is my newest piece.  I purchased this turkey dish several months ago from a local consignment/antique store.  It was quite a deal too!

Then I added my candlesticks and cloche for more height.  They also added quite a bit of weight or thickness if you will, to this vignette.

I then added a few floral's and pumpkins for just a touch of color and to fill in space around the bottom.  My goal was to keep this somewhat neutral looking with the whites. 
So what do you think?

Now on to my fireplace mantle, which leaves a bit more to be desired!

  Most of you may already know I do not like to add much to this mantle because of the location of it in my room.  When I decorate this mantle heavily is just overwhelms the room to me.  I have also been thinking that perhaps my sconces are not placed well on the wall.  I am considering lowering them and bringing them in closer to the mirror. This would allow for more space to put larger floral arrangements on the ends of the mantle, if I choose too.  So maybe that's what is throwing off the whole thing.  IDK!  Anyway, this is how I started out with my fall mantle.

I pulled out my Turkey platter that I inherited from my in laws to use as the centerpiece. Then I added the willow candle holders and the fall leaves.  I thought I was done, until....

..I unpacked my old crows.  I just adore these tacky little candle holders! 

 They really are very cutesy looking and just do not go with this setting at all to me.  I have to put them out though!  I just cannot find another spot I'd rather have them.  Heaven help me!

So here they rest for this year!

  I have so little to time fret for long over these things here at home now, which is a good thing. Working has had it's advantages for me for sure.  I really am getting much better with managing things during my time off now too.  Because I am on the go none stop at work, I am starting to be more "on the go" when I am off as well.

  For example, today I have to go in from 1:00pm to 9:30pm because I have to help with closing.  So this morning I am blogging and crafting.   Most of the time I work mornings and afternoons but it's always changing, that's retail.  My lunch hours are spent eating and shopping for crafts, groceries and now Christmas.  Days off are for family, cleaning and if time allows whatever else I want to do.  It's a juggling act for sure, but I have been so busy I am starting to drop some weight even though I am eating terribly.  My energy is returning too.  It's funny how when you don't have much time to do things you seem to be more inspired to do them.  Weird!

You will have to stop back by again soon to see something I am working on.   Here's a hint!  It's very easy to do and you've seen them a thousand times already I'm sure!  It's warm and cozy but the combination that I am using is probably new to some of you.  Can you guess what it is?  I think it's going to be one many of you will love!  I'll try to finish it up this week!

Anyway, that's what's up with me along with a few vignettes I thought I'd share with you!  I may add these to a few linky partys later on when I think of them.  LOL!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!   

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thanksgiving/Fall Wreath Part Three

Hi Ladies!  How are you?  I am doing great!  I am so excited to finally be able to show you part three of my fall wreath.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about let me fill you in.   I decided to create an interchangeable fall wreath this year.  It's quite simple really and includes a base,shown here, and two additional wreaths that simply hang over the base.  There is one for Halloween, shown here, and the one I made for Thanksgiving.

I actually created this Thanksgiving wreath long before I made the Halloween wreath.  It's been hanging around in my kitchen ever since.

It all started when I found the little checked wooden sign at Michael's earlier in August.  It was in the $1.00 bin and I just knew I had to make something with it.  Then after deciding to make 3 wreaths in one I knew this would be part of my Thanksgiving wreath. 

I already had this small straw wreath in my crafts box and the plaid fabric as well.  First I cut the fabric into long strips and wrapped it around the wreath securing them with pins.  Then I hot glued the Family sign on the wreath. 

Next, I added the fabric bow by simply wrapping it around the wreath and tying into a bow.  I did the same thing for the loop to hang it with using the plaid fabric to match and wedged in a small touch of fall greenery.

And now, I am ready to add it to my fall wreath on the door.

I love how well it fits right into the middle of the fall wreath!

There you have it!  The third and final part of my interchangeable fall wreath.  I am joining 
to share my project.

Thank you all so much for stopping by!
Have a great Monday and I hope each of you has a wonderful week too!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Peacocks, Pineapples, and Pumpkins

I don't know exactly where this inspiration came from early this morning!  I was rushing around trying to get ready for work but just couldn't get this out of my head.  So, I set if up, snapped a few pics and out the door I went. 

Let me just say, I really do think of peacocks as a fall bird even though their colors are not your typical fall colors.  I have and hold in my memory a very strong vision of two big beautiful peacocks from several years ago.  They were sitting on an old wooden split rail fence along the property line of a home out in the country.  It was fall and the temps were cooler and I so wish I had the equipment handy back then to have been able to stop the car and gotten out to photograph them.  Their tails were splayed in perfect beauty and contrast against the neutral background of fall colors.  It truly was a magical site!

I know I can't quite capture the beauty of those peacocks in all their splendor but I certainly enjoyed sharing this setting with you for;

You never know what you might create when you shop your own home.  I highly encourage it!

Thanks for visiting with me today!
Hope you have a wonderful day and and a fantastic weekend!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall/Halloween Wreath Part Two

Hey Everybody!  Thank you all so much for all the sweet birthday wishes!  I really appreciated each and everyone of them.  It has been a busy week working to help get the store (Stein Mart) up and running.  I've never opened up so many boxes at one time in my life!  At first it was like Christmas then the novelty began to wear off and the realization that it is work has settled in quickly.  Whew!   Anyway, I am very happy to finally have a day off again after working 8 and 10 hours a day.  I'm still trying to adjust to that long of a day and am just plain tired by the end of the day.  

One thing that seems to be adjusting already is waking up early.  After several mornings of having to be at work at 6:00am to unload the truck, I woke up early again today!  I was up and ready to get some things done around the house.  The laundry has been humming along all morning while I went about setting out a few things for Halloween.  I can't wait to show you my Halloween wreath but I've got a few other things to show you first.

Look what I found when I opened up my Halloween box from the attic.

I forgot all about buying her last year.  

I bought her after the season on clearance somewhere but can't remember where for the life of me.  Isn't she something?  I was so excited!  She fit's in with my fall mantle beautifully too!

Then, look what I found when I went outside!

Looks like someone made a dinner out of my fall display!  I just can't believe this.  I've had this old Indian corn forever and never had any problems like this before.  Oh well, I was going to move it anyway to set up for Halloween, so in the trash it went.  Bye, bye old corn!

Then out came all my Halloween decor.

Looks like the witch is back!  

I didn't even buy a thing for any of this.  I had all of it from last years tablescape.  You can go see that here.  

This jack-o-lantern is electric and I can't wait to try and photograph it at night.

The sign was a dollar tree find from last year and I've seen them there this year again.  I also got the sticker for the bottle there as well last year.

The spell book I made myself last year too.  I'm crafty that a witch!  Cackle-cackle!

Seriously though, I got this graphic from the Graphics Fairy and added a the words then printed it all out,cut and burned the edges and glued to the top of black tissue paper.  Then wrapped it around a book like a book cover.  Easy and fun!

Here is another fun Graphics Fairy project.  I printed this "Poison" graphic out, cut and glued it on the bottle. 

 I got the idea to put my orange lights (that I already had but rarely use) into my pumpkin vine from another blogger.  I can't remember who she is, so sorry!  I just loved that idea.   When I unboxed my Halloween decor I knew exactly how I was going to use the orange lights this year.  I can't wait to photograph this as well!

Have you seen enough yet?
No? Wreath! What wreath?
Oh, that wreath!

I guess I did promise to show you my wreath didn't I?  

But wait now, it's not just any old Halloween wreath Y'all!  It's part two of my three in one wreath.  Do you remember in a previous post I showed you my fall wreath.

This was part one.

And Here is part two!

What do you think?  It's a wreath within a wreath!

I have had two old straw wreaths like forever!  I've never used them and they sat there in my craft supplies looking so pathetic and neglected.  But not anymore!  This is the largest one of the two.  When I saw this ribbon at Michael's this year, I knew I had to use it.  I also found these picks there as well.  

Talk about easy, all I did was wrap the ribbon around the straw wreath, add my picks, then pin the ribbon after covering the pick stems with it.  Then I added another ribbon to tie it on to the fall wreath and waalaah!

There you are!  I'm all ready now for any trick or treators who might venture our way.   In our rural area, we never have any because they all go somewhere else, like to a neighborhood or the church's for "trunk or treats".   That doesn't stop me from being prepared though, just in case!

I'll be linking up to the following parties today.
(check out the links above for more)

Thanks for visiting today!
The weather is beautiful and I hope you enjoy a beautiful weekend as well!