
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lamp Fix And...

Yay!  I fixed my lamp!  Nope, it wasn't broken, just hideous!  It surely didn't start out hideous, I can take ALL the credit for that.  Me and my impatient self.  Let me show you how my lamp started out when I first acquired it. 

Here it is when I brought it home from the yard sale.  Do you remember I told you I bought this lamp with the shade for only $3.00?  I would have bought it at the $5.00 they originally had it priced at but they offered it to me for less.  It was closing time and they certainly didn't want to take it back inside.   I really liked it as it was but wanted to give a little something extra special.

So I added glaze to it!  I used my Burt Sienna glaze and really should have known better but I was trying to use what I had on hand.  It wasn't a horrible look but was waaaay bronzier then I wanted it.  I just kept thinking in my head I should have used a Mocha glaze.

This is how it looked going on...

This is how it looked after drying a few days, very bronze!

I let it sit as it was for the summer until a few weeks ago when I finally went out and bought some Mocha glaze.  For some strange reason I seemed to think I could just add the Mocha right over the Burnt Sienna and all my troubles would be solved.  I probably came to this conclusion after trying to wipe off the Burnt Sienna but it wasn't coming off easily.  I thought to myself, I'll just cover it up then!  So I did, and it certainly wasn't as bronze as it was before but...

This is what I ended up with after two coats of Mocha glaze when I made myself stop and take a breather.  It sooo wasn't turning out the way I had envisioned it in my head!  It was time for a break and to rethink this project.


I really wanted to just add an off white glaze and be done with it.  But I wasn't thrilled with the streaks from the glaze that I left on the lamp either, I left too many!  Since the glaze was not wiping off as easy as I had thought it would I was contemplating starting over.  You know, spray painting the whole lamp and then doing a mocha glaze.  But there had to be an easier way.  Then I saw the lamps that Kim @ Savvy Southern Style did and realized what I needed to do, so I did it and Woohoo!

 I went down to the basement and picked up a fresh piece of sandpaper and went to town.  I sanded and buffed until I got the look I wanted and then added the off white glaze.  Perfecto!  Thank you Kim, sanding was the extra step I had not thought of.  It really gave the lamp a wonderful blended look and helped the final coat of glaze achieve the look I knew it would!  I really need to work on being less impatient!

While I like some streaking I wasn't digging the whole lamp being as streaked as I had it before. Not any more though!

I love having the gold shine through again too.  I have lots of gold frames and accents in my dining room  where this lamp is.   The gold of the lamp was never really the problem I just didn't want a solid gold colored lamp.

I think it looks aged to perfection now!

And the off white glaze on top softens the whole look beautifully.

Whew!  I am finally well pleased with this project!

I am happy to be joining for Metamorphosis Monday.  It's the party where we all get to show off our latest transformations.
Follow the link above for more wonderful stories of change.

Ooops!  I almost forgot..I finished all the yellow pillows for the couches!  This project is not totally finished since I still have the red pillows to do yet, but I thought you'd like to see a little more progress.  Amazing how much easier it is to sew in a room with air conditioning that works.

Looking better, 4 down and 4 more to go! 

Thanks for stopping by, please leave me a note if you do!  Hope you had  a great weekend too!


  1. Mary, it looks great. Thanks for the mention. I am glad you figured it out and I love your big bright family room.

  2. Your lamp turned out gorgeous. I love it. The pillows are wonderful. I can't wait to see it all finished. Hugs, Marty

  3. That was the ticket....I love when we can fix things that easily....I need to do some more lamps myself...I had fun doing the few I have so far.

  4. That looks so good!! All patina'ed up! Your living room is so bright and cozy! I love it!

  5. The lamp turned out great and I love your new pillows!!!! When I grow up I'm going to learn how to sew!!! haha!!! Your living room is beautiful!!!

  6. Your lamp turned out great. I had the same battle with a picture frame this week-end. I finally got it like I want it.

  7. Your lamp turned out beautifully! I am getting jealous of everybody's little projects here and there and how talented you all are. I wish I could learn from you all...Christine

  8. I love how your lamp turned out Mary!
    Now it looks so antique and classy!
    And you have a gorgeous living room! Love the new pillows too!

  9. Your lamp turned out perfectly - well worth the many tries and all of your effort!

    Thanks for the visit.

    - The Tablescaper

  10. What a beautiful room, Mary! Nice and spacious! I love how you have those doors behind that lead out to the back.

  11. Mary your home and new lamp redo are both gorgeous! I'm a new follower. Thank you for your support of my blog as well. Come say Hi anytime!

    Have a wonderfully blessed day!
    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  12. That lamp is fabulous! I just love the way any lamp can be changed...and what a deal! Your living room is so pretty. Oh, about the S.L. iron icanthus basket...I didn't mention that I found a 4th one that I walked away from! Yikes! Linda

  13. You did a fab job on your new lamp. The white added made all the difference.. Your new yellow pillows are so pretty.. I LOVE your furniture... Thats just what I'm looking for..


  14. Hi Mary... Your lamp turned out gorgeous! Great match to the shade too :-) I had to laugh at the lamps journey... I know it alll too well, those projects that never leave my desk, because I can't get them just right.. you prevailed in the end!!
    Thanks for visiting!

  15. Sent you an email regarding poem....blessings...bkm


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