
Friday, August 20, 2010

Why do I blog?

Have you ever been asked this question?  To a non blogger, the world of blogging seems so strange.  For the most part many people just don't know anything about blogging.  I sure didn't before I started and I would have never guessed myself to be a blogger either.  It is hard to believe that yesterday with my latest table scape post I have done 100 blog posts already. 

 Who knew I would have that much to share?  So, today in honor of this 100 posts mile marker I have decided to do a post explaining why "I" blog.

For each of us blogging holds a different purpose or mindset.  When I first started blogging I too questioned why do this?   What is a blog?  I read somewhere that a blog is like an online diary, but unlike a diary it is one you share, however the diary is primarily about your thoughts.  In the world of blogging, I have discovered there are as many different types of bloggers as there are subjects.  It would also appear that there are also just as many followers as there are subjects.  Followers are those that link together with other blogs to read.  Which brings me to my question to myself why blog?  I certainly didn't want to share my inner most deepest thoughts with the world, although I am sure there are many bloggers who do.  The why for me was easy to answer as I was fortunate enough to be introduced into the world of decorating blogging.  I came across someone who made the extra effort to not only maintain her own blog but invite others into the world of blogging.  Thank you Debbiedoos!

In my decor "blog world" I have found a place of beauty and inspiration like none I've experienced before.  What I did not expect to find was the connection of friendships that have emerged.  The ladies I blog with are some of the most kind and encouraging women I have ever encountered in my life.  We share so many creative ideas, finds, and everyday inspiration to decorate our homes and enhance our surroundings.  We are kind and considerate of each others feelings and styles.  We are boastful in only the most lighthearted way and are always happy to encourage another.  The ladies I blog with are NOT arrogant or haughty though I am sure there are those types out there.  We are not too busy with our own lives to acknowledge and encourage each other at times daily or weekly.  That is what is most humbling to me.  It is amazing how many women are out there like me who long for friendships that simply make time for each other.  I have tried this in real life and have had only a few successful friendships that fit any of the above qualities.  If you have this in real life you are truly blessed because believe it or not there are many people out there who do not. 

For me personally, I also try to keep my blog as "my happy place".  It is my place to escape so to speak, amongst others.  LOL!

  The friendships I have made are real but they do not often share all the details of my life.  Sometimes real life issues do surface, but for the most part I try to keep my blog positive.  Why?  Because in my life the realities of my life such as age, raising my sons, dealing with aging parents, extended family, unemployment (or employment) marriage, maintaining a home can often be riddled with stress.  My blog is where I get to come and relax and unwind and focus on all the pretties.

  Because I have a creative nature that is SO visual, I often like to just look at my own blog and SEE what all I have created.  This helps me improve and enjoy the fruits of my labor.   Of course there is the danger of allowing your blog to dominate your focus and pull you from your priorities as with anything in life.  I really try to maintain a balance but sometimes need a reminder. 

Now for those of you who do not blog let me give you one more insight into the world of blogging.  In my circle of friends we have parties on different days where we all link together and share a similar theme of interest.    What has amazed me the most about these parties is when you participate in these you often come across so many other types of bloggers.  For example I like a party called Metamorphosis Monday where we share all sort of projects or things that we have changed.  Within this link alone, I have seen huge groups of furniture restorers, jewelers, crafters, etc.  In another link Tablescape Thursday, there are huge groups of professional tablescapers, nonprofessional collectors, freelance photographers, and writers.  There are groups of bloggers that follow each other who are gardeners, quilters, knitters, foodies, bookworms,beach combers, political minded, and religious minded to name just a few.  There are even bloggers who have figured out how to make money from their blogs through contacts, sales and supporters.  There are so many different types of blogger groups that I have not even scratched the surface.  It is surely a wide wide world out there in blogland!

If you enjoy writing and sharing your thoughts and ideas with like minded individuals I encourage you to do so.  You can be as open or as closed with your blog as you want to be.  You can post as often or as little as you want.  You manage it so the choices are all yours!  You will be surprised how many people are out there who can share and inspire you in your field of interest, or how much you have to offer them.    I would hope that you find it a place to find the good in life as I have.  There are negative bloggers out there.   It's best to leave them well enough alone!

  So in celebration of my 100th post, I have decided to send out encouragement.  If you find yourself in a place where a blog sounds like something you want to do but are not sure how to start let me help.  I still have so much to learn and like most of us bloggers we are all learning together.  The technical side of blogging comes easier to some of us then others, but getting started it so much easier if you have a friend to help lead you along the way. 

 Finally for all my blogging friends who are so kind enough as to read through this whole post.  God bless you!  You have been such a blessing to me and I hope you have enjoyed some of what I have had to offer too.  It has been fun and such a learning experience so far.  Now you know a little more of my mindset of why I blog with you.  I am excited to think of where the future will lead me in blogland.  Thanks for all the support and for being my followers and my friends!

Have a great weekend Everyone!


  1. Mary, that is such a nice post and I DID read the whole thing!! I totally understand what you are talking about. My family and friends don't understand the importance of blogging in my life. I try to explain it as a hobby that keeps my creative juices flowing! It helps me to finish projects to show everyone. It is a pick me up because followers usually only leave upbeat positive comments that encourage me. Life can be really tough and blogging has definitely calmed me. Sometimes I do it too much but most of the time I have balance. My projects are taking up most of my time!!

    Anyway, I am also totally with you on the stresses in life. You know I am also juggling the raising of our sons, dealing with aging parents, extended family, unemployment, marriage, illnesses, my faith and maintaining a home. It is hard and just when I think I am doing it, something humbles me to remind me that I am a work in progress.

    Congrats on 100 posts and hopefully many more to come!!

  2. Good morning Mary...Congrats on 100 posts..I also blog because of the caring and sharing I see which all these great gals in blogland..blogging is my Happy To Be place for me..its like a kick in the butt to get up and create and make new friends to me...Hope you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  3. Congratulations on 100 posts!

    I enjoyed this post so much. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on blogging. We are likeminded, indeed.

  4. I LOVE this post!!!!! I know my non-blogging friends just don't really get it and they don't understand how we can become such good friends with people we've never met in person, but I love our blogging community. I've had the great fortune to meet a few of them and there was no awkwardness, we already knew each other so well. I don't know what I would have done without them over the last year, the best support system! We have fun together and we cry together, isn't that what marks a true friendship?

    I cannot see my life without blogging, it will never happen, but there are times when I can't get around as much as I'd like to and I don't post as often as I used to, but that's just life getting in the way — that happens on and off the computer.

    I'm so glad your encouraging others to start a blog, my friend Karen just started on a few weeks ago. We've known each other close to fifteen years, but we live about six hours apart. Another way to share with those you love.

    Happy Sailing and Happy Blogging!

  5. Hi Mary,
    Congrats on 100 posts! I loved your commentary and you put into words so perfectly how I feel about blogging!
    It's a wonderful experience and the woman are just grand!

  6. Yes, I read it all and I so agree with you. Those are the exact reasons I blog. I do enjoy your posts and I can't wait to see the future ones. You do inspire me with your creativity. Hugs, Marty

  7. Hi Mary!!!
    Nice to meet you and your blog for the FIRST time!
    Loved your post and blogging is definately a wonderful thing with some of the most talented and sweetest people around.
    Happy 100 and Many, Many more!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

    Stop over too, Love to have yu!

  8. Great post! Congrats on #100, too! I enjoy your blog and feel the same way you do about it. I feel like my creative mind has been so open to re-urpose, re-paint, re-enjoy old pieces in a way I wouldn't have thought of on my own. I think bloggers inspire and encourage each other in so many ways. Glad you are a fellow blogger. Linda

  9. Congratualtions! I love this post. We think alike and I feel so many of the things you do. I love blogging and all of the ladies out there. Some I know I will meet in 'real life' someday, some I have. What better way to know if you 'click' with a person tahn to become blogging buddies!


  10. Congratulations on reaching 100 posts! It's so funny how similar all of our blogging stories are. I would NEVER have thought that I would still be blogging,or that I would have made so many friendships all over the world through blogging. You are right, people who don't blog may even think bloggers are a little crazy. Maybe they are right, but if they are right, I sure enjoy being crazy! I think this is my first visit to your blog, and it is such a pretty blog. Your header and your background are wonderful, and the photos you used in this post are great. laurie

  11. Congrats on 100, this is a nice post! I think it's just fun to put things out there and see what others have to say-enjoy:@)

  12. Congratulations on Post #100! I enjoy visiting your blog and reading what you have on your mind.

    Don't forget to enter my giveaway, which includes several mystery items. The drawing is Sunday.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you are feeling better. La

  13. I love this post!!! I am so honored to be included in your circle of friends!!!! You blog is always a joy to read and can always make the day brighter with your beautiful pictures, crafty projects and those gorgeous tablescapes!! I am so glad you are a blogger!!!

  14. Mary, what a great post. Congrats on 100 posts. I just hit 200 a couple of days ago. I am like you that I would never have know that I could come up with that much to share and say. I have made so many friends on here and you are certainly one of them. I look forward to your posts. Debbie is the one who helped encourage me to start mine, too. We became friends through rate my space and it seems like that was forever ago. I love the stop sign with the computer picture. I need to stop doing this so much, but my mind starts thinking of things and then I am doing projects and blogging all over again. I need to catch up on ironing and other things here at home. This can be very addictive. BTW I don't have any true friends in real life except family. I think that is why I love this so much.

  15. Now this post was BETTER than any "material give-away" to celebrate your 100th post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it all the way through and the comments left as well. Your words really made me reflect on why I blog. I appreciate how you said sometimes you like to just look at your OWN blog and see what you have created - I was thinking I was kind of "vain" to enjoy doing that but you made me feel better! Thanks so much for this post and congrats on your 100th!


  16. Isn't blogging just the is just fun! I totally feel sorry for all the magazines that I no longer subscribe to...I would much rather read all the ideas my fellow bloggers have than look at ALL the advertisements that decorating magazines have become..

  17. Mary first I want to say Thank you so much!!~ About ten minutes before I read your post, I was going hopping to my party and I thought to myself...this is so much fun, and I love it...however, it is a bit odd sometimes. I can't explain it to anyone else in my reality life as they do not blog. Obviously we are creative women who have all come together for an outlet. I realize sometimes although I have truly a lot of women in my life...I can only say I have one true friend...and I am blessed to have her. In fact tomorrow I will let her know that...she is miles away now, but I miss her. Her and I would decorate, shop, drink coffee, talk about our husbands, cry, laugh, shop again, etc.....I really do not have that anymore, and I think that is what has lead me to blogging. Of course RMS women encouraged me too...but I never thought I had what it took, as I would look at all those big amazing blogs and say no way no how. But I do have what it takes just to be ME:)It is addictive, and some days I can't get enough, and then other days i say not in the mood! But I go to one, and it starts all over again...because we all GET it, and make eachother feel good. I have seen some of those negative blogs...I run the other way. I also like to share my most upbeat part of my life. Well this has just been a little therapy for me and your post. I am always so happy to come to your posts...I feel like a sis checking in on you sometimes lol! Your blog, your home, your projects, are Wonderful! Thank YOU for sharing them with us! XXX000

  18. OH and duh.....congratulations on your 100th POST!

  19. Oh, I just came across your blog!
    How wonderful!
    I have enjoyed reading it!
    Thank you for sharing!

  20. Another Carolina girl! I so enjoyed reading this post! I am relatively new to the blogworld and am still trying to explain it to my husband! I am thrilled to do something that I love...decorate and create, post about it and it cost me nothing! For this stay at home mom, it has been so revitalizing! Thanks for sharing! I updated my 'Outdoor Art for the House' at if you want some great ideas on outdoor art! Take care!

  21. I really enjoyed this post and really enjoy your blog! You always have beautiful tablescapes! Thank you for being YOU :)

  22. I read the whole thing, what a nice offer to new bloggers. There is so many reasons to blog, but my favorite is all that I learn!

    Thank you for stopping by, to answer your questions. I have a tax free number only because I use a lot of fabric, so I file sales tax quarterly, but since the store collects the tax I always file taxes, but never pay because it has already been collected. Most vendors do not have a tax number and they are OK because the store takes care of it. You do not need nor do you qualify for a retail license. Hope that helps.


  23. Great post Mary!!! Congrats on 100 posts too! I blog because I really don't don't talk to other adults face to face much anymore. I haven't worked in almost 2 years now and I don't really have any close friends that are like me. Through blogging I have met so many wonderful women who have the same interest as me and I love it and am so thankful!

    Take care sista!

  24. What a wonderful post! It is true that so many don't understand the support, love, and friendship that comes with putting yourself out there through blogging! I know firsthand with the wonderfully supportive comments (thank you for yours!) that I received on my most recent post! Keep up the great work you do and congrats on reaching 100..I wish you many more!

    Kat :)

    P.S. I love how your lamp turned out!


Hi Fellow Dreamers! Blogging is all about sharing. I enjoy reading your comments so please feel free to drop me a comment to let me know your here if you see something you like. Thank you so much!