
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bakers Rack Vignette and More

I'm starting to see more hints of autumn popping up all over blog land.  I just love decorating for this time of year, don't you?  So many beautiful colors!  I just couldn't help myself, I had to do another area of transition.  Mind you, we are not there yet, but are moving in the direction.

 I'm sharing a few pre-season changes to my bakers rack for Tabletop Tuesday @  and for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @

 I am so glad I got this piece!  It was a fantastic yard sale bargain you can read all about here.  It is going to be so much fun to have a place to display seasonal decor on the porch.  It really is taking tons of will power not to pull out the pumpkins and such but I've got to save something for you to look at for later. right?  So, here is my modest new make over on the bakers rack.

So sorry for the overcast look but I was up late working on this last night and then had to snap the photos early this am.  I've got quite a busy day so I just can't wait for the sun to appear in all it's glory.  Besides, I really don't want to deal with the heat when it comes either!  What's that on floor there, are the leaves dropping already?

Only the leaves off a few branches of my potted Ivy that I didn't water enough.  I thought those dead leaves my get you excited for fall though, is it working?

I am loving the colors I've used on this so far!

Let's start with the top shelf.

The blackbirds are back!  They were a steal on the Hobby Lobby clearance shelf.

I added an old small floral swag with beautiful fall flowers.  It looks great with the metal on this lantern I got at a yard sale this spring.

I just love the color contrast around the black birds.

Now for the second shelf...

I kept this bronze scrolly thingy because I really love the color and woven design, Hobby Lobby clearance isle $2.00!

Then I added two small woven baskets just big enough for a lemon each.  I know, I know,  work with me here okay?

And finally the bottom shelf!

I just love this little trio!

I added a few flowers to my little black tin watering can.  It's the one I got for $1.00 from Hobby Lobby.  Do you recognize that stand?  Yep, it's those wonderful votive holders we all got from the dollar tree this year.  So versatile!

My husband added this compass to our bakers rack this summer.  Word of advice to you younger ladies, for a happy marriage never discard your hubbies decorating ideas.  Work with them!
I love the colors on this compass and only recently thought to put it on the stand, even though he insists a compass is supposed to be lying flat!  Men!  Tip No.2, they must learn to work with you too!  It's all about compromise!

On the opposite side I added my beautiful blue bowl filled with nuts from our yard.  I collected these nuts years ago and put them in this dish.  It comes out every fall!  I just love it!

It will be beautiful to see the sun reflect through this bowl, when it comes out today.  I will have to make a point to come see since I am going to be working upstairs.  Here's a peek at my latest project in the works.  I am so excited!

Can you guess what I am doing?

That's right I am taking over my oldest sons room!  Don't worry he still has a place when he comes home.  See, this child actually had 2 rooms, since we have 3 rooms upstairs.  My youngest son claimed the largest room that has an attached bath and my oldest son claimed the other two rooms and the hall bath.  One room was where his bed and dresser were and the other room was where his desk, TV, guitars, etc. were.  It was the room to hang out in with his friends.  Pretty smart, huh? 

While he's been away in college I have taken over the larger hang out room and set it up as my craft/sewing/guest room.  You have seen it before.   I have now decided to turn that into a total guest/hangout/oldest sons room for when he does come home.  Does that make sense?

That leaves this small room completely open for my office/craft/sewing room!  It also means I can leave it as messy as I want should guests come.  LOL!   Those drapes are so coming down!

I totally emptied the room and am using more Ooops paint I've had laying around.  I told you I collect those cans didn't I?  I just can't hardly walk away from a $5.00 can of paint in a color I like because I know I will use it someday.

Just so you know I'm telling ya the truth, here's a peek at the green room now!  It's piled high with furniture for the moment, but I've got a great floor plan for it too.  I know my son will enjoy it when he comes home and hopefully so will guests too! 

Well, like I said, I've got a busy day and I'm already a few hours behind.
See ya later!

Thanks for stopping by and please leave me a comment if you do!
I love hearing from you.


  1. Your bakers rack is wonderful. What a great find and your fall decor is just perfect. I really like that you left it open enough to still enjoy the outdoors. Can't wait to see the room. Hugs, Marty

  2. Love the space you have the bakers rack in...who uses this spot anyway?! Love your vignettes and really LOVE that picture with the lighthouse on the wall next to the bakers rack.

    Good luck with fixing up the room just for you. We all deserve something like this!


  3. Does it seem like everyone is painting? I am so lovin' that green desk in the green room. How about a picture of the front. Looks like its your sewing table. It really is a nice big size for a desk.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  4. Love the bakers rack vignette!! Can't wait to see the upstairs transformation!! I see alot of work ahead of you!

  5. You are so darned busy Mary. I love that green, you pick great colors. Can't wait to see what you do to it. That bakers rack was the best score!

  6. Hey Mary!!! I love your baker's rack!!!! Can't ait to see the rest of your room! will you email me please! I can't find your email address! allthatglitters2009 at yahoo

    Thank you!

  7. This has me hooked. I want to see what you're going to do in the new craft room! I wish that I had a space for a craft/mess room. The current plan of "all over the stupid house" isn't working so well.

    And I love the autumn touches to the baker's rack. The blue bowl with the nuts is just beautiful! Love the contrast of colors.

  8. Your bakers rack looks simply mahvelus. You are doing what I need to do. I have got to paint the area inside the door off of the garage again and my laundry room right next to it needs to be redone. It is awful. Thanks so much for the super sweet comments. I don't like that pic of me, but I don't usually like pics of me. Wish I had a do over, but nope.
    Thanks again and I will tell my daughter.

  9. Good luck on your neew project. How lucky of you to have your own craft room. The banker's rack is decorated so nicely, love all your vignettes and what a lovely view!...Christine

  10. Your baker's rack looks lovely. I adore the sun shining through the blue bowl and bottle! You will rock that room! Can't wait to see it!

  11. Everything is looking really beautiful at your home! I adore that pretty bronze scroll piece from Hobby Lobby. Wow great find!

    Have a wonderful week.
    ~Melissa :)


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