
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Painting the China Cabinet

Time sure is flying by..."like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives." 
I can't help but think of that every time I look at this vignette even though there is not one inkling of an hourglass in sight.  Weird!

It's hard to believe I actually made time to blog and was still tablescaping while I worked at Stein Mart. With all the responsibility of that position I am amazed that I even got one post out much less a few years worth.  Looking back now, it's easy to see that I did start to pull back though. 

What's funny is now that I have more time to blog I seem to be less inclined to do so.  It's not that I don't enjoy it, because I do and I do miss the communications with other bloggers.   I just seem to be a bit stuck in the same ole same oles.  Ever been there?    I also really miss one of my most inspirational bloggers ever, Liz at Savvy Seasons.  She always had a way of showing her decor that got me in the mood to rearrange and redecorate my own.  I hope your doing well my old blog friend!  Anyway, that's the long and short of why I haven't posted much at all...I am stuck, just like those hands on the clock above. 

 I have managed just a few changes around here lately though.  I recently purchased two new mercury glass lamps to use in the dining room.  I actually found them at Walmart of all places.  They didn't come with shades so I used some of my old shades and that's not quite what I want. So, I am keeping my eye open for just the right ones. you remember when I purchased this (new to me) cabinet several years back?   It was bought with the intention of painting it black.  Well, of course I waffled on that idea for several years.  I even let myself get to the point of starting all over and wanting a new dining table and hutch to match.  

But yesterday, as I was feeling restless on a cold Saturday afternoon inside, I decided to start repainting my hutch.  Of course I waited until almost 4:30 in the afternoon before I started.  Yes, really! I guess you know what I'll be working on today now don't you?

I can't wait to see this finished.  I think it will hold me off of any new purchases for a bit.  I still really, really, really want a new table and chairs and have several ideas on that.  

The fact is, I have been feeling very very restless lately as far as my decor goes.  I really want to update the whole house again with a different look.  I am kinda getting tired of older furniture and am wanting new, more modern, but frenchy and classic with a twist of modern.  Does that make sense to anyone other then me?  Unfortunately, the budget doesn't allow for such drastic measures as what are in my head.  So, I guess I will just have to continue to chip away at it a little at a time.  

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Sunday!

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