
Monday, December 30, 2013

Last Christmas stop in the Dining Room

Hi Everyone! We are still celebrating here at the Decorative Dreamer house while most of you are taking down the Christmas decor and getting ready for the new year.  It's quite nice to be able to extend out the celebrations with family this year because it sure has flown by!

I wanted to finally share the dining room with you all before I move on to everyday life again.
This room had the least amount of new Christmas decor this year.  

It shows a little differently this year since I rearranged furniture earlier this fall.

I still have the white, gold and silver theme in here and still adore it!  Here are a few more images of silver and gold that I also adore.

But here is what I promised to share with you on my last post.  It's my manger scene.  If you have followed me in the past you may know that I've had this manger scene for awhile now.  It was given to me by one of my closest friends and I have loved it ever since.  However it did not come with the little wooden stable you see here.

I cannot believe my luck in coming across this at a thrift store this summer.  They were actually having a  Christmas stuff a bag sale too.  So I got it along with several other Christmas items that I have used this year, including the willow star on my tree in the den.  I was so thrilled to see this was in great condition and knew it would be perfect for my nativity pieces.

I  really feel so blessed to have found this stable.  It's so special to me!

I received this tall wine glass from one of my sons for Christmas this year. It's going to be fun finding ways to style it as a centerpiece on my table.  I am already googling and thinking of ways to create a January/Winter centerpiece.  Feel free to send me any ideas you may have as well!

I am sure I will be taking everything down January 1st.  It's been my tradition to take it all down on New Years day for years.   Usually I start taking a little bit at a time down and finish up with the tree's on New Years day.   Last year I jumped the gun and took it all down before New Years and well, let's just say, I like my old ways better!

Thanks so much for stopping by again and for the sweet visits before Christmas!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year!


  1. It is lovely, my friend, and that manger was a blessing from The Lord! So pretty with your nativity set. And I love what your son gave you and the tree, too! It looks lovely!

    Glad you shared it with us.

    Happy New Year!



  2. I don't have my glasses on which is dangerous with an IPAD. ;-)

  3. I like your old way better, too! I'm another one who leaves it up for New Years.

    This room is really beautiful to me. The first word that I thought when I opened it was "Heavenly". It is the gold and white against the beautiful blue walls that gives it that feeling. I love it. I want to show this to my mother if she hasn't already seen it. (And since she goes down my blog roll, she probably has!)


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