
Friday, April 9, 2010

It's 5 O'Clock Friday

Whew!  What a week!  My projects are slow going!  We have been overwhelmed with pollen in our neck of the woods.  It has wreaked havoc with my sinus's and my porches.  After a wonderful cleansing thunderstorm last night and major clean up today I am ready to enjoy a little relaxing cheese, I'm watching my calories..
How'd you like to join me for a little vino?  I have a standard assortment on hand of nice cheapy house wines.  What can I say other then my bargain shopping extends to my everyday wines as well.
There's Merlot, Chardonney and my favorite Wine Zinfandel, what will it be?
Earlier today my porch was a mess of yellow coated pollen.  After vacuming then mopping and spraying it down it looks like this.

Oh look this is where the pollen went!
Yuck Right!  Well that's actually from my front porch, sorry already threw out the water from the screen porch earlier, but you get the picture.

Well, here's a sneak preview of my porch, still want to do so much more here
Ok, that's all for now, I'm stopping here....
Afterall, it's Friday after 5:00 and I'm beat!
Sailing promises to be good this weekend so I'll see ya next week!

Have a great weekend Everyone!


  1. Your porch is wonderful. It looks so inviting. We have had a ton of pollen too. Guess this is really the season since all the rain. Have fun sailing. Hugs, Marty

  2. Beautiful! I will bring over some wine and join you from our local winery. It is sooooo good! My favorite is called, "Niagra."

  3. ~Happy Friday~

    I'm a new follower and I love your blog. Your pictures are beautiful. Your porch is looks like a fabulous retreat! Can I join you ladies for a glass of wine? ;)

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. =)

    Have a great weekend! ~Liz

  4. I will have a glass of white zinf also, please!!! I have never seen the likes of pollen like we have had. I washed all the yellow off yesterday! Yikes. I sat on one of our chairs on our patio and when I got up, Tom said, "Your backside is all yellow. Nice." So I was cleaning!!! I am about to pop open a bottle of wine myself as soon as I get these darn hardwood floors clean!

  5. The pollen has been horrid here, like no other season!~ I will take one of each please, that is glass of wine:) I will have cheese though, who cares about the calories!

  6. I love your porch. You can come clean my deck that is totally yellow when you get through.


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