
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Coffee Table Vignette

Recently I posted pics of my living room on RMS and received many compliments and suggestions, which I was very grateful for.  While many suggestions were for a new coffee table for my space because of the size, a few bright observers suggested I add more decor to the table.  Typically this is the way my table usually looks..
We are often a feet on the table kind of family and the many single larger items I have used in the past on the table just seemed to stick out without any real design to me.
Getting rid of my coffee table is not something I would prefer to do.  I purchased this table about 10 or 12 yrs ago for $25.00 at an antique store. 

At the time the entire piece was stained the color inside the center of this diamond.  What you cannot see is that there is a huge water stain that would not come out after I stripped this table down.  So I settle on being creative and using 3 different shades of stain to create the look I have here, hiding the water stain in the center diamond.
I bought this table so my sons would have a place to color and store their crayons at a time when money was tight and my time was more abundant.  They have loved it over the years and we have never once worried about damaging this table.   So, I'll keep it a little longer and just trying adding more decor.

So after much hustling around this morning, here is my new coffee table vignette!  I just love it!  I decided to go with a coastal them for the summer, and had a great time pulling items from around the house.

I knew immediately I would use one of the faux ferns I had put in storage after seeing Kim @ Savvy Southern Style sisters beautiful coffee table here at ,

Thanks again for the inspiration!

Then I started with my centerpiece, I added the pretty white platter that I bought 2yrs ago at a shop in Myrtle Beach, I just love the how it reminds me of a seashell.  

 Of course an empty platter doesn't do much for the table so I added my brass sailboats int he middle to give it some heighth.  I have nearly thrown these things out a dozen times cause I am not a brass fan.  But I am a sailboat fan so I hung on to them.  So this morning I broke out the acetone and paint and changed them to white, they look so much better now, don't cha think?

Then I added seashells and sea finds that hold so many special memories or our trips to the coast.
I really am well pleased with this finished result that holds so many memories...maybe I will add one piece this summer.
Of course for me no table seems complete without a candle, so I pulled my coastal wooden candle holder off the screen porch, washed it off, and added some height.  I used this little yard sale dish and added styrofoam and moss. 
I was going to use this beautiful live moss from my yard
until I discovered live bugs in it after breaking off a piece, so I borrowed a little green faux moss from the Easter display and here it is.
The floral shell was my mother in laws.  It is Royal Adderley bone china from England, and fits my theme just perfectly. 
 Finally, I had to have my magazines out within easy view and at arms length reach.

I'm very happy with the outcome and ready for summer, I guess I should go and put up all the Easter decor now.  LOL!  Hope you like it too!  Leave me a comment and tell me what you think?
I'm linking with the following partys today, stop by these sites as well and see many more great ideas!

It's Tabletop Tuesday with Marty @
And with Nifty Thrifty @
And with Second Time around Tuesday @


  1. I apologize for the typo's, REALLY! Haven't figured out an easy way to do spell check on this yet and was rushing to get this out.

  2. I think your new coffee table decor is lovely! All the different textures within the common theme add so much interest! And I'm like you -- I have to have my magazines within reach!

  3. Oh I just love it. I have been agonizing over what to do with my coffee table in the familyroom, and this has so much inspiration for me. I think the sailboats painted white are just wonderful and on the lovely platter with the shells it is stunning. The candle elevated is perfect and the fern is a fabulous touch. Love the magazines too. You did a really great job. Now I just know that I can tackle mine and do something. Thanks for the inspiration. Also, thank you so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  4. You should be happy! It looks darling!

  5. You did a wonderful job with your coffee table. I tend to not keep too many things on my table as my family loves to put their feet up!! But for today I did jazz it up a bit.

    I love the nautical theme you used. Very fresh and pretty! SO glad I stopped by! :-)


  6. That looks great! I love anything beachy.

  7. That looks fabulous!!!! I love the sailboats white. That was so smart!

  8. Hi,
    Thanks for you nice comments the other day on my blog. Your coffee table is really nice. It has a different look to it, very lovely. I will follow now. Please stop back by and visit from time to time. :)

  9. I think you did a great job!! I love the table too! Love all the white. I need to get some floral moss as I had thought about taking some in from outside too!! Thanks for stopping by:-)

  10. Love what you did with the table!! Love all the white too. The table is the wood. Thanks for stopping by:-)

  11. Ok finally I can comment, been over here three times typed my comment and blogger went whacky on me!~ I love what you did to the coffee table, very creative indeed. Your coastal accessories are the perfect pop, along with Mr. Fern he looks perfect there!~ Have a great weekend! Debbie


Hi Fellow Dreamers! Blogging is all about sharing. I enjoy reading your comments so please feel free to drop me a comment to let me know your here if you see something you like. Thank you so much!