
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Iris Beauties

Today I'm linking with for Flowers from Today! 
 And with
                                                           for Mosaic Monday!

                          My yard is abundant in Iris's!  
Another wonderful blessing about our house is the previous owner was an enthusiastic gardener!   I am forever grateful of the landscaping she started.   Because of her,  I have gotten to know many new species I would not have otherwise paid much attention too.  Today I am focusing on the Iris's. 
                           I love these flowers!

  I am sorry to say I do not know the individual names of each of these.  I do believe they are mostly Bearded Iris's but please correct me if you know differently.  I also think they are of the woodland variety, since my yard has quite a bit of shade and they seem to be thriving well in this environment. 

 They are so easy to take care of and multiply like crazy.  Over the years I have divided these beauties and moved them about several times to new locations.  Thus creating beautiful areas that every spring burst forth in a spectacular show of beauty.  This year in particular they are doing quite well, largely due to the abundant amount of rain we have had.

This poem was taken from the website of  the Canadian Iris Society, located here,

The following iris poem is from an old catalog of "Green Gate Gardens 1931" which used to be in Bennettsville, South Carolina. The owner’s name was Gabrielle Drake McColl. The poem is as follows:


The garden with its little gate of green,

Invites you to enter, and view mysteries unseen,

Its vine laden bowers and overhanging trees,

The air filled with sweetness, the hum of the bees,

The flagged walks with Iris galore,

Of most beautiful coloring, unknown before,

Pink, white, purple, yellow, azure blue,

Mixed and mingled of every hue,

You come away wondering, can more beauty be seen

Than in the garden with its little gate of green.


Well, I don't have a green little garden gate, but I do love the beauty of these flowers!  I have them lining my walkways and outlining my front yard and back yard too!   I may just have to work on that gate...hmm!!! 

 Look how pretty this mosaic turned out too!  It just sings spring!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of my Iris's.  Aren't they just beautiful?                                                   
     Leave a comment and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Yes your Iris's are beautiful. I do not have any of those. Do they require much care, sunny, shade? I would love to have that I have secret gardening powers I am willing to try anything!~ Your mosaics are awesome, on your header too!

  2. Thanks Debbie! I just learned how to do the mosaics this weekend. Rained all day yesterday here, so that's what I did. LOL! The Iris's pretty much take care of themselves. I have mine along the edges of shady areas, but they do get some sun. There are both full sun and shade loving varieties. In SC, there are Iris farms all over and this is the best time to buy them as you can see the colors. I have never bought any since I had enough to start with. But I have started to notice these farms all around now! They grow in clumps and will multiply, easy to divide too. You really should get some, you will love them!

  3. What a HUGE variety of iris! I'm so impressed!

  4. Beautiful! When our irises come I say "The ladies are coming." For some reason I think of them as ladies, getting dressed for the party and then arriving in full glory.

  5. Yes, they are Tall Bearded Iris and they are beauties. Love the mosaic.

  6. Your iris are gorgeous! very pretty mosaic!

  7. yummy like ice cream ...
    Happy Monday !
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  8. Oh they are so lovely!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden at MM. :)

  9. You have some wonderful varieties! It never ceases to amaze me the beautiful flowers that grow from such plain looking bulbs. Another reminder of the beauty within!


  10. A very nice collection of bearded Irises. I love the colour combinations. Thanks for sharing. Valerie

  11. Your iris are beautiful. I grew them with great success in New Mexico, but not in Texas ... too wet down here!

  12. Love your irises!!! They are the Tennessee state flower, you know. That is were I am from and they always remind me of home!

  13. Your flowers are beautiful! I will have to send my sister the link to your page - I know she loved the iris!

  14. What gorgeous irises! You have so many varieties and nothing could make a prettier mosaic.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Your irises are gorgeous. Great photos of them, too. That is great that the previous owner had planted those. We have a couple of water irises in the pond and they bloom for a few days and then they are through.

  16. So beautiful! I love bearded irises too. They are stately maidens in the late spring garden.

    Have a beautiful day!

  17. wow - how lucky to inherit some a gorgeous garden from previous owners! after all our moves, I've never been so lucky - it's always the people buying our house that wins! : )

  18. Oh, I wish that I had those! Beautiful!

  19. I love this post! You irises are soooo beautiful. I am so partial to these flowers they were my grandmothers favorite. Your blog and garden are beautiful. I just want to camp out on your blog and read. So nice to of discovered you from Mary's blog.

  20. What a delightful post and so many beautiful flowers in your garden. I liked your mosaic too. Thank you so much for sharing with Today's Flowers.

  21. Your irises are beautiful. Really beautiful.


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