
Monday, April 26, 2010

Foyer Vignette

I've been working on my foyer vignette.  The foyer table is one we have had for some time and store all our old photos in..those mega amounts of photos that are on paper.  It is quite literally loaded with a few albums and box's of photos.  Our thinking has always been in the event of  a fire and there's time shove this table right out the front door.  So this old cabinet table remains our foyer table!  One day maybe I'll tackle the table itself, but for now I'm just trying to keep the vignette on top pretty.
It was difficult to get good photos today as it was somewhat overcast so I hope you'll bear with me.  The entrance is the first thing people see when they enter so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I came across the lamp a few years back.  It's a pineapple lamp of course!
And pineapples mean, " WELCOME "
And here is the rest of the vignette
Of course all good southerns display hydrangeas in the summer

And when company comes I like to greet them w/fragrant candles in this electric candle warmer
So sorry for the glare on my tin plate. Yes, you read that right, it's tin.  It was ordered online from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in N.Y.  The design is called the "Duke of Gloucester" Pattern taken from an English Worchester soup plate made about 1780.  I saw it some time ago in a magazine and had to order one too!
And these newest little cuties were picked up today at the $1.00 store.  I may give them a glaze soon, but they are right cute for now an look just adorable perched up there on this small butter plate stand.  I purchased this at an antique store for $1.00.  It's basically a plate glued onto a glass candle holder. Cute!
The mirror I've also had for some time.  It's nothing special but it fits the space nicely and I can display my Bradford Exchange plates around it perfectly.  Speaking of plates, I started collecting these when I was a young girl in high school.  I had a part time job and wanted to invest in these.  I love Norman Rockwell and these were something that interested me quite a bit.  I never did complete the set, but I do love the ones I have.  Take a look and see if you agree.
These are part of the "American Dream Collection".  Each plate depicts those momentous times in life.

Well, that's the way I have it set up today.  It's still not exactly what I would like this table to look like but it's getting closer.  I am open to any and all suggestions and am linking up with Marty today at

Be sure and check out more awesome posts here too!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful entry table and displays, I also noticed the pretty stencil on the stairway, I would love to see a close up of that. That is good thinking on the photos, I have mine in a steel case up in the attic.

  2. I love your Norman Rockwell plates. I have a few of them too but none like yours. Your foyer table vignette is very nice and welcoming...Christine

  3. Very well done! Birdies and hydrangeas, just some of my favorite things. Love your color palette!

  4. I am so glad you visited and enjoyed your stay!! I laughed at your post because my photo albums are in the front closet right by the I could save them! And your birds...I just showed my same ones a couple of posts down...we obviously have a lot in common! Have a great week!

  5. Looks lovely! My MIL has several Norman Rockwell plates and they are just so wonderful in a lovely setting like you have. Amen on the hydrangeas! I was just thinking of putting some on my mantle!! I love your birdies. I never find that good stuff! I need to think about my photos. I have them in a closet in organized boxes. I also have the last 9 years on my computer. I need to start thinking about copying and moving into a safe area. My pictures mean so much to me!

  6. You have a very pretty welcoming entrance to your home. How can anyone not like Norman Rockwell?

  7. Pretty! I love the birds and lamp...well done! XO ~Liz

  8. It's just perfect. I LOVE that tin plate. The colors are terrific! The wall plates are lovely and I always am a sucker for the ladies of days gone by. Their clothes are so great!

  9. A very pretty vignette for spring!

  10. Your entryway vignette is so appealing! I would love to study those Norman Rockwell plates, especially! The whole display looks perfectly balanced in the space -- something I struggle with. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting!

  11. Your chest looks like the perfect size for the entry and your vignette is gorgeous. I like the runner and the pineapple lamp is perfect. Your plate and candle are so pretty with the little birds. I really like the arrangement of the plates around the mirror. Your plates are just wonderful. They make a beautiful statement. Thanks so much for joining the party. Beautiful entry and so inviting. Hugs, Marty


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