
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Decorating with Measuring Spoons

Hi Again!  I love when you finally make the time to tweak those little things you've been meaning to get done, don't you?  If your like me you sometimes put them off thinking, "oh, that's just a small thing that won't take long so I'll do it later.  And I'm sure I don't have to tell you those little things can add up pretty quick.  So, I've been on a bit of mission to focus on getting the little things done.  I call it tweaking!

I had this wonderful, Family Prayers sign my son gave me for Christmas.  As much as I loved it, and I really do, I just wasn't sure where I wanted to put it until I started tweaking the kitchen.  After I started making a few changes I decided this was the perfect spot for it but there was only one problem.

As wonderful as the sign is, it didn't come that way.  It came with the clips shown above.  Sorry, I am a slacker and didn't take a before picture of the sign with these clips but trust me they were on there.  I think it was most likely the clips that were throwing me for a loop. You see, I had no clue what to do with a sign with clips.  I tried, I really did try to think of how it would fit in somewhere.  But it just didn't.

After deciding I wanted the sign here in the kitchen I sat down determined to remove the clips and just put the screws back in the predrilled holes.  As I removed the clips I remembered I had a box of these small hooks in my kitchen drawer.  I have these hooks on several places of my cabinets to hang coffee mugs and always keep extras on hand.  I was quite thrilled to find my hooks fit the screw holes perfectly and just like that my new sign had hooks.  It didn't take me long after that to figure out what I wanted to hang on those hooks either.  I am missing my regular measuring spoons in this picture because, well, they were in the dishwasher at the time.  I know shame on me for not setting up my props better.  LOL!

Once the sign was hung and designated a holder for measuring spoons I decided I needed a few more decorative ones.  I already had the heart shaped set but wanted something a little more fancier too.  Would you believe after all those years working in retail that I have never bought myself any of those pretty metal measuring spoon sets that come in all sorts of patterns?  I've restocked them more times then I care to remember but never bought any for myself.  I guess I just never wanted to spend the money on them, even with my discounts.  Anyway, I really did want something a little more decorative here now.  Thanks to Pioneer Woman, I found just what I wanted at Walmart.  Aren't these just wonderful?  The metal is really nice and thick too y'all.  These are very sturdy and so pretty.  I love them!  I still have room for one more decorative set.  I've decided I will just wait to see what I find "someday" for that set.  I know one thing, it will be definitely be a set that has to hit me just right and will be fun to be on the lookout for.

Before you go, I have one more final tweak to share.   Do you remember my last post when I shared the sideboard in the den and all the tweaks I did with it?  Well, if you don't remember just jump back or keep scrolling when your done reading this post and you'll see.  

Anyway, I had shared where it was staying and the few tweaks I did and how I wanted to also find a new runner.  Guess what?  Yes mams, I did!  I found just the runner I was looking for.  Its so pretty so see a beautiful pop of color now on this sideboard in my den and it was a perfect match to the rest of the teal in this room.  Love when an idea becomes a vision, don't you?

That's all I got for today, but I'm still tweaking away here.  So come back again another day and check out the latest if you like.  Have a great week dreamer friends!

Thanks so much for stopping by,
Sending waves,


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