
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Looks whats Blooming Now

Good Morning!  The sun is just barely peeking out this morning as I was sitting inside browsing on my  little Chromebook when I saw there was a garden party going on in blogland.  Well, immediately, I knew I had to get my butt, um I mean myself in gear and share a little outdoor love myself.  

 It seems time is flying by so fast lately and I've hardly blogged at all.  I truly intended to do more blogging but time just ticks away so fast.  To be honest, I enjoy sharing my photos and projects but sharing them is not on the top of my list these days.  I know this is probably one of the most discouraging things I could say as a blogger but its true.  I say this because I am more in the phase of just getting things done lately.  I am learning to take things slower and not to pressure myself with adding in so many additional responsibilities.  For me, adding in the time it takes to snap photos and write a post often comes at the expense of putting aside something else.  I am choosing a little less of that right now because when the weather is nice I am all about "living" outside.  I wish I could juggle it better as so many do and share it all but I cannot.  I don't want to stress either so its hit and miss blogging for me right now.  I hope you will understand.

 One of my most favorite visions each morning is this gigantic knock out rose.  I love seeing it outside of my glass kitchen doors and how it cascades beautifully over the railing. 

It just blooms so beautifully!  Unfortunately, it is also so very aggressive and has almost completely taken over one corner of the bedding area by the deck.  I think it's trying to make its way past our rooftops.  LOL!

In that same area we have two very large camellia bushes (trees) and a snowball viburnum, shown here.  We are relocating the snowball viburnum soon to the back yard along the fence.  As you can see here, I also have gardenias in this bedding area as well.  I have them all around my house and they are all budding well but not blooming yet.  The gardenias are one of my summer delights.

This is the area I hope to relocate the viburnum too.  As you can see it is a very shady area under large oaks.  It's problematic because we have red clay and abundance of leaves that fall ever year.  We let it go for awhile now and just this year I cleared away years of dead leaves.  I am taking a risk putting it here but I think it's going to be fine as we do get a some sun here and I have been able to sustain the gardenias and azaleas that I've planted here as well.  I say sustain because that's what they are doing, not quite flourishing though.  What really needs to happen over here is amending the soil more and perhaps adding a better bedding base.  Again, more work and more time!

As you walk towards the gate from the backyard to side yard I have few more budding beauties.  First is a little bed near the back steps and deck that I've shared recently but I wanted you to see the mint that is growing so vigorously despite the ivy it is pushing up out of.  

Smells devine!  It's so funny that the cats rarely ever take notice of these.  

 The jasmine that I planted last year along the fence gate area is starting to take off.  I cannot wait to see this spread more this summer.

And though I hadn't realized it until just this morning, my Oakleaf hydrangea next to the side steps and screen porch are indeed starting to bloom.  Stacy, I have no idea how I could have not noticed one of the largest bloomers in my yard.  LOL!

Okay, now let's move on into our side yard where we have new blooms popping up everywhere. 

I have a row of these bushes that separates our yard from out neighbors drive.  They are tall and beautiful when in bloom and then bushy and green the rest of the summer.  I'm sorry but I cannot seem to ever remember the name of them.

Along this side of the house where the utilities are is where I have also transplanted Iris several years ago.  It was also a great spot for the Christmas amaryllis to end up as well.  They seem to love it here!

This beautiful climbing rose is the only one left from when we bought the house.  We had a whole bed of roses in another area that I struggled with.  So they all came up and this one I relocated to the side of the house.  It was cut back drastically and is now on the mend.  I see I will need to find a trellis for it this year.  So pretty!

The Iris are finally just starting to bloom.  I have them everywhere but they are no where near full bloom yet.   I wanted to share a few with you anyway.  I cannot tell you how much I enjoy these flowers.  I love everything about them.  I love their shapes and variances of colors.  I have many different colors but only the purples have started to bloom.  Each one is so unique!

As you can see, I love enjoying the beauty of outdoors, but I still have so much more to do out here.  We desperately need to mulch all the outer beds and continue removing more leaves.  We have mostly been very focused on getting the pool area ready for the summer recently.  I have so much more I could share around the pool area but I will stop for now and make that another outdoor post for another day.  If you enjoyed this post be sure and check out more similar posts from so many others by clicking this link for;

The Garden Party 
hosted by Stacy at Poofing the Pillows

Thank you all so very much for stopping in today.  If you do I'd love to hear from you if you have the time.  If not, that's okay to because believe me when I say I totally get it!  If a peek in my yard gets you going to your yard and you don't have time to comment...then Yay!!!!  I've done my job here today!!!  

Have a great day dreamers,
until next time,
Hugs and Waves!


  1. Mary, everything looks so pretty! I just think that having amaryllis bloom in the yard is magical! Ours were hit pretty hard by the hail a couple of weeks ago and knocked all the blooms off. They are beginning to bloom again. :)

    You have a big yard and so many wonderful things growing. I don't know what those bushes are with the white blooms but I like them.

    We are going to do the garden party again in a month. Be sure to come link again so we can see how things are progressing in your yard.

  2. Loved seeing your blooming beauties. Mine are just perking up now, with the exception of the tulips I planted last year. Your irises are just wonderful, all that color!

  3. Your irises are glorious. Thank you so much for linking up to the Garden Party. Your garden is completely enchanting!

  4. Hi Mary, I recently returned from vacation in the Carolinas. I went right out and bought an Azalea. Loved how gorgeous they are! You don't see them here much, but it says it's okay for our zone so I've got to try it. Love the smell of gardenias, but only an annual here. Your Iris's are beautiful. I have a nice variety as well. I love them because they were one of my sweet mothers favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing with the Garden Party. Happy to be a new follower.

  5. Thanks for sharing your lovely garden (those roses are gorgeous) with our Garden Party.

    I can totally identify with your introduction. I too find myself blogging less because I have had to cut back somewhere. It felt great to allow myself to do less and move at a slower pace.

  6. Hi Mary, so nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by for a visit and your kind comment. I love your beautiful and large yard. All your garden blooms are so pretty. You have such a nice variety of color and plantings. It makes it so interesting.
    I have to say, your first paragraph in this post opening surely identifies with me too. After 10 years of blogging, I am needing a new direction of sorts. Not ending, just blogging less often so I can concentrate on more creating and a slower pace!!
    So far so good!! Love your blog and will be back often!!
    Have a great weekend ahead. xo

  7. Oh, my...what a lovely post. Your pool is so inviting...and all the blooms...ummm.I had a large Knockout Rose at out olden house but I need to plant one it too late for this summer?
    Oh, and I am your 210th follower thru Google Friends Connect....xoxo

  8. Mary, what lovely flowers! My husband cut our knock-out roses way back and they came out more beautiful than ever! My snowball bushes were the showiest ever this year! I enjoyed seeing what is blooming in your garden...all so lovely, and I love your irises! Pam @ Everyday Living


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