
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Anchored in Love or Romance in the Kitchen?

What's your Valentines style?  I am sure it wouldn't be to big of surprise to hear I'm a little bit of both.  Sorry friends, no true confessions or seedy love stories here today just a few pretties around the house all dressed up for Valentines. 

Yesterday while I was thumbing through Pinterest looking for more cork hearts I came across a pin for an anchor and well let's just say it was the bomb for me. You know the big OMG bomb!

I have had all these corks (minus the one bag I just about emptied on todays project) for quite some time.   I knew I would do something really cool with them eventually but had yet to find anything I was super inspired to actually try.  I have found a few really beautiful cork wreaths yet they looked so intimidating.  This project however was just right up my ally.

So last night, I lined up my corks to make the anchor and then got my work station in my craft room all ready.  This morning after coffee and my last blog post requesting help, I popped upstairs and fired up the glue gun.

 This project took so little time once the gluing began.  I was amazed at how fast it went without any issues, with the exception of one blistered thumb that got in the way of progress.    I know some of you may be thinking what's the big deal?  Well, the big deal is I didn't just pin it, or share it, or like it, I actually did it and that is a big deal!  Anyone can be an observer, but I am in action mode now days.

 I just love how cute these are!  This Valentines display is definitely one I can relate to.  Besides being sailing partners, I have always referred to my husband as my anchor here on Earth.  He is the one who keeps my feet on the ground and keeps things stable when needed.  He reassures all will be well if all is well between us.  What a blessing from God is our relationship!

 I decided to put this display on the coffee table with some faux roses I have used for Valentines many times over.  Sorry, no fancy smancy floral display in here, I like keeping things simple sometimes.   I did think the Rewine candle next to it was quite appropriate though.  I love the smell of these candles.  If you haven't tried one yet you really need too they are wonderful!

One more little small update in the den was I added a metal X and O to the Love plaque I made and have sitting on the mantle.  I found these yesterday at Michaels when I went to buy some more glue sticks.  They are part of the Mark It collection they have and are on sale this week.

 While I kept things simple in the den, I couldn't help but get a little more lavish in the kitchen.  More specifically on my tiered metal plate rack.  Love, love, love how this turned out as well.  Why have I not used this for displays more often?  Let the romance begin!

I've had this pretty metal dish rack in the kitchen for some time now. I have recently been tiring of its location and I tried moving it several times but due to the height this is the best spot.  I even thought about getting rid of it before I decided to try using it more for a display piece as opposed to a functional piece.  Sounds kinda crazy I know, to be so excited about this.  But I'm glad to have a new focus for this rack and I really enjoy putting these types of displays together.

 The first thing I knew I wanted to use was my heart plates.  These are just some inexpensive melamine salad size plates I picked up a few years ago.  They sure do make a cute display when their not serving up a whole lotta lovin!

The next things I knew I wanted to use were my cupid angels.  Aren't they so sweet?  I've had these plastic angels forever.  They are what set the tone for the rest of the display.  I think they are so romantic and somewhat Victorian looking.   After looking around the house I decided polished and tarnished silver would be a nice fit for the Victorian look and how perfectly appropriate in a romantic theme.  Yeah, see I'm really thinking it though here, the ups and downs of romance and all!

Talk about the downside of romance, this little beauty is sitting on her jar of hearts. She has quite the collection doesn't she? 

Poor dear, maybe one day she will also find someone with a heart of gold to lavish her with hugs and kisses daily.  These sweet X and O's also came from Michaels yesterday. They are quite heavy little things.  Very cute and all letters are available in the whole alphabet.

I am linking up to one party today.  I may join a few of these from time to time but taking it slow so I can be sure and check out the other party goers posts as well.  Let's see what going on for... 

Thanks so much for stopping by dreamer friends!
Hugs and Waves!


  1. You've done some great Valentine's decorations, Mary. Those cork projects were absolutely perfect for you!

  2. Great decorations!! You have reminded me that somewhere in my stash I own a tiered rack that has red plates....hmmmmmm......I wonder where it is.... Now I have to go on a foray to the shed to see if I can find it in time for Valentine's wanna' come and help????? :^)
    Happy day to blessed,


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