
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Faith in the Foyer

Hi Sweet Friends!  I can't think of a better way to welcome and greet family and friends for the holidays then with a little Faith, Hope and Love!   This sign has only been in my foyer above the mirror almost a year now.  It has so few words but says so much, and I absolutely love it!  

I have always displayed our manger scene in the dining room because I like to be able to look upon it while dining during Christmas.    However, this year I decided to display our manger in the foyer.  I felt like it would be so pretty in here with the new color.  The color is very ethereal to me so I felt like the manger scene totally fit this space this year.

The dictionary defines "ethereal" as; extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
Now doesn't that seem fitting for a manger scene when you think about the whole of it?  I think so!

I have enjoyed this starry globe for years now.  It was purchased from a Christmas Around the World home party many, many, years ago.  If you ever want me to go to a home party just host a Christmas themed one and I'm there!  I placed the globe on a Tyler Candle stand this year because I liked the color of the stand with the globe and of course those bling blingy crystals.  Gotta have my bling!  

Other then a few bits of bling though, I decided not to load this vignette down with too many objects so the focus would stay on the manger.   I used a teal runner that  I usually keep on the dining room table to give the manger some contrast from the wood.

The only additional items I added were the globe for the starry night effect and these small Christmas trees in various sizes which I kept unadorned.  I've used them before with this set and thought it was so simple and yet so sophisticated looking.  

I was given this set by a very dear friend of mine after I gushed over it one day while we were out shopping together.  It's from Kirklands and was an excellent price for the beauty of it yet I still didn't buy it because I have several old hand me down sets (both from my family and my husbands) and children's play sets.   I've never had a nicer set until she surprised me later with this one.  I just treasure it so much because it was such a thoughtful gift.  I am always so very thankful to have received this set and was especially thrilled when I came upon the stable at a thrift store one day too.  

I perched my angel up near the roof of the stable because she is definitely among those ethereal beings keeping watch over baby Jesus.    I do wish you could see the coloring's of the porcelain in person.  The color variations of the kings clothing are just so wonderful.  

Even the precious shepherd boys cloak and the animals colors are so pretty! 

I love this season so much and what a great time to show our love to the Lord to all and to also share his message that all are welcomed!

Thanks so much for stopping by again today.
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Have a blessed day!!!

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