
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pure As The Driven Snow....

I am not!  Yep! You read that right.  I am sooo not as pure as the driven snow! I am as faulty as any earthling can be, that's for sure!  Fortunately and blessedly so, I have a faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who loves and forgives.  He forgives my rants and raving and all the disappointments in between among what I am sure is just the tip of the iceberg of failures.

With forgiveness also comes light.  He also shines brightly those things I need to see.  Those things that maybe I need to clean up so to speak.  It is with that in mind that I made a few adjustments to my original first post about closing this blog.  I needed to let go...and move on without going back. 

I thought I had moved on since I had taken the first steps in closing my blog to a private one.  But after reading and rereading what I wrote it was clear I had not really let go.  So today, I edited and deleted a few things and so begins a fresh new start.

I am still receiving a strange and beautiful blessing here with this blog.  It is no longer snowing outside though this is much of how it looked as it was coming down last night ever so beautifully.

This is the first snow we have had since we put in our pool.  What a beautiful sight to see early this morning.  I will taking lots of pics today that's for sure!

I am not sure yet if I will be going in to work today.  It looks like it may be another day for relaxing to me.  

...or chillin out as some would say!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures, wonderful post title, and wonderful words. I actually didn't think you said anything you needed to delete there, Mary, but I understand completely going back after a post and wanting it to say something kind of different. I do it all the time. I read your words as just pondering of your heart as to what you wanted to DO with your blog time.


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