
Monday, September 9, 2013

"MUMS" the word around here!

Hi All!  I know it's been a while since I posted, but life is busy ya know!  I do apologize for being so silent lately but there is a good explanation.  I am back working again and loving it!  I was lucky enough (blessed actually) to find a job with a mom and pop business again where I get to keep my weekends and Mondays off.  Their store is called Kathy's Kreations and is an embroidery gift shop.  If you know my work history before Stein Mart then you know this job is like coming home for me.  I love, love, love it!

Besides working in my new job, I am keeping up both my resale booth and my online business with Ah, at home products.

Here's a few shots of the booth that I took the other day with my phone when I dropped off a few fall items.

I am hoping to get by there today to pick up my commission check for last month.  It would seem sales are doing okay because I've paid the rent and made a small profit yet again.  You can't ask for much more then that, can ya?  It's been pretty fun seeing what is selling and what isn't.

I would have thought my clock would have gone a long time ago.  I've got it very reasonably priced and have even gone down some but apparently, it's not that appealing to my market.  Strangely enough, I have sold a good bit of jewelry in addition to all the various other things.  Who would have thought that? Not me!

Here are a few items I bought for myself from my online business with Ah, at home.  Isn't he just the cutest gobble gobble ever?

I cannot wait to fill this turkey basket up with a few fall goodies!

My lighted pumpkins finally came in too!

I set them up on the mantle this weekend.  I need to add batteries to my pumpkins and I've still got more tweaking to do with this area to "fallify" it a bit more.  I think I shall be one of those late fall decorators this year though as it's very hard to get excited about decorating for fall with when we are still enjoying summer here. 

I did manage to change out my wreath on the door to one that's getting a bit closer to fall though not quite so colorful yet.  I combined my decorative initial with a simple willow wreath and bow.  It's made of burlap with a chevron pattern.  Chevron is all the rage in our town, how about yours?

Outside, I am ever so slowly adding a few touches of fall as well.  

It's a bit early for mums here but I just couldn't resist these pretties when I saw them.

I don't recall seeing this color of mums before.  Then again, maybe I have just always overlooked them.   I am not a huge fan of mums because they are so short lived in bloom time here.  However, I just had to purchase these because they seem quite summery to me.

So there you go folks, that's what's happening in my world!  

I continue to enjoy your blogs and all the inspiration you provide, though I have purposely pulled back from regularly visiting and leaving comments.  I want you all to know it's only a time thing with me and nothing more!  I want to see so much and enjoy so many of your pictures when I can.  Perhaps it is a bit selfish of me, but time is so precious when it is divided among so many other aspects of life. So with this mind, I hope you can understand why, it's "mums" the word around here.

Please know that as much as I enjoy blogging I will also be a random blogger for the most part.  For those of you who are inclined to keep stopping by from time to time, thank you!  Your visits and comments are always welcomed but mostly I just hope you enjoy the pics as much as I enjoy seeing yours!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Love your twig wreath and pumpkin, plus the flowers are stunning. Beautiful fall displays. Hugs, Marty

  2. Mary- I so understand about being a random poster. I wonder at what point I will decide to pull back a bit. I love to visit everyone and like to leave comments so they know I visited but it does take a lot of time and you well know.

    I need to get some MUMS around here soon before they are all picked over- xo Diana

  3. How great that you found a job that you really enjoy, Mary! I need to get some Fall going in my booth this week, too. I picked up a few things at the dollar store to tuck in here and there. I agree, I'm happy with my booth as long as it covers rent and gives me a bit extra. It is a great outlet for me and all the things I find and makeover {because I certainly don't have room for all of it at home!}. : )

  4. Your booth looks great. I love your grandfather clock - can't believe it hasn't sold.

    I am your newest follower.


  5. I did remember that that was where you worked before Stein Mart. I'm so glad that an opportunity like that opened up. It would be up my alley too.
    I also love the peek at the booth and am so glad it's still turning a profit. I keep mulling over whether I want to do something like that.

    (I'm a professional muller and clearly a professional NONstarter too. I wish I were more like you.)

  6. I bet if you paint that hall clock in an off-white, it would sell very quickly!! I think it just needs a bit of updating

  7. Congrats on your new job, Mary! I cannot imagine working outside the home & keeping up with blogging, so more power to you if you can make that work. I really like the Fall additions you've added to your home -- lovely wreath, and I cannot wait to add some mums around here. Mums last a good long time here. About chevron burlap? Yes, it's popular here, but mainly burlap in any form is popular big time!


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