
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Repainted Kitchen Reveal

Hi Friends!  Thank you all so much for the sweet comments regarding my kitchen redo in the making.  I am very happy to say it all went very well and I am now ready for the final reveal.  Sorry it took so long!  Boy, is it ever so hard to find the right moment to photograph the kitchen when it's clean.  Especially, when you have three different people on different schedules.  LOL!

Ok, let's get started on the kitchen tour now!

I know it's hard to tell but this yellow is so much lighter then what it used to be.  To recap the new color is Lucent Yellow by Sherwin Williams which is a lighter yellow that leans towards hints of green.  I knew I wanted to use it in here after painting the den this color last year.   I previously had Golden Fleece by Sherwin Williams in the kitchen and Compatible Cream in the den.  Both of those were more in the golden yellow tone family.  

While I was rearranging things I thought it might be fun to load up my dish rack with several different sets of plates.  Since it's still summer I used only the melamine ones.  

 In this photo you can kinda glimpse the sometimes greenish tint depending on the light from outside and time of day.  I love it!

My husbands office looks so dark now!  I know it has the lights off but still...

I enjoyed changing up a few things around the kitchen after moving things for repainting.

This foyer area in the kitchen is where we hang winter coats. It got a new look but I feel like I still need to do some more tweaking.

Another area I re-tweaked was the bakers rack.  I feel very pleased it!

It's set in a rooster theme.

This rooster is my very latest acquirement.  I got it just a few weeks ago at a yard sale...dirt cheap!  I love the black and white specks.  I've been trying to add more black and white in the kitchen.  But, of course I still have to have a splash of color.

Color like this!  I bought this from my online sales website,  We have several wooden type signs like this available for sale.  I think this is a perfect sentiment to display by the kitchen table.
Speaking of the kitchen table....

I thought I'd share an every day tablescape with you.

I am calling this an everyday tablescape because these are some of my everyday dishes. They are called Market Basket by Nancy Green.

I think I got them from Ross quite a while back.  They were a boxed set that also came with bowls and coffee cups.  We literally use these daily, sadly, they are starting to show some wear and tear now.

I paired them with some floral and checked napkins that I've had forever.  I love the way they bring out the blue in the dishes.

I then decided to use my pink thrift store wine glasses from the beach...

...and my purple hand blown water goblets that I got from Novica.

Our everyday flatware has our initials and was a great find from Tuesday Morning.

My simple centerpiece on our lazy susan starts with a round placemat, then a cake dish from Spode, called Emma's Garden.  Boy, would I love to have the dishes to match this!

Finally, the cute little salt and pepper hen nest came from Cracker Barrel.

Well, that concludes the kitchen reveal folks!  Thanks so much for enduring this two fold post.  I hope you enjoyed the tour of my newly repainted kitchen and also my everyday tablescape.

I am linking up to the following parties today;
Tablescape Thursday

I am so glad you dropped by,I do hope you'll join me again sometime!
Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Repainting the Kitchen

Hi Friends!  I know it's been kinda quiet around here lately but I promise I'll have more to show you soon.  I have been down and out with a summer bug of some sorts.  I'm still not quite 100% but I'm working through it.  It's one strange virus though I have to tell you.  It started with a headache for days, then a stomach illness, then a sore throat.  Ughh!  I hate being sick!!!  We are thinking that the stomach bug was something all together different though as my hubby had it too.  Anyway, as my throat is easing up a bit so is my energy.  Yesterday I decided to get started on repainting the kitchen, scratchy throat and everything.

I have wanted to redo the kitchen color ever since I redid the den.  As you can see in this picture here it was not quite a great flow of colors in between rooms.  Not terrible, just not great.

I bought two gallons of color from Sherwin Williams; Lucent Yellow and Chamomile.

The color on the right is Lucent Yellow.  It's the same color I used in the den.  The color on the left is Chamomile, it's one notch up above Lucent Yellow on the paint chip.  This photo does not show you the best representation of these colors but at least you can see the contrasts.

I played with these two colors in several locations all over the kitchen before making my decision.

My final choice was......(drum roll, please)....Lucent Yellow!

I know you were expecting something new right?  Sorry to disappoint, but let me tell ya!  This Lucent Yellow is no "yellow" color, it really more of a green shade.  Let me also warn you that it's also true to it's name.  The word lucent means; glowing or giving off light.  That's exactly what this color does especially at night.  So, if you tend to shy away from colors that glow you may want to rethink this one.  

 This picture above actually shows the same color on both walls.  It's just the lighting from my camera making it look so different.  I promise it will look a lot better after I have two coats on the wall and the whole room is done.  I love this color because for me it feels so fresh and bright.   What a change so far! I am half way done and need to finish the other side of the room today. I will be back later with a full kitchen reveal after I am done.

As for the other gallon, not to worry!  I had another intended space for it.

You see I just knew that the other color, Chamomile was going to look great in here!  

I have needed to repaint this half bath for almost a year now after we installed this new light fixture that I picked up at the same resale store where my booth is.  It's quite embarrassing that my half bath where all the guests go has looked liked this for so long.

Anyway, I thought I'd go lighter in here and thought that the Chamomile would be perfect.

Only, it's NOT!  Can you see how it looks a little too minty for this room?  Well, that's not going to cut it so I'll be needing more paint for this room.

  I am open to any suggestions on a more neutral linen or cream color to coordinate with the wall paper in here.

As for the Chamomile...well, it's found a perfect room, maybe even a few!  More on that later though.  Well, I gotta do something to encourage you to come back ya know!

Hope all of you are doing well! Be sure and come back again for the full reveal, kay?
Thanks so much for stopping by today.  Have a good one!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

French Provincial End Table

Lately I have been looking high and low for some extra bookcases for my booth to display all my smalls.  I am trying very hard to find a good deal with some style.  Unfortunately, the past two weekends of yard sales have been a bust and the thrift stores have a very high premium placed on the shelves they have for sale. I guess they are in high demand.  The Mr. is hinting around about building some sooo, I'm hoping that pans out soon.  Meanwhile, the hunt for new shelves has brought me across a few good finds.

Good finds like this older French Provincial end table.  You know the ones I'm talking about don't you?  This sure looks a lot like one that belonged to a bedroom set that several of my friends had growing up.

Only this one was quite dirty and starting to see some wear and tear though very minor.

I knew right away that if I were to restore this sweetie she would require a coat of primer first.  They just did not make this furniture without a laminate.  I can't help but wonder if all French Provincial furniture has laminate.

While deciding whether to bring her home or not I couldn't help but ponder on the one big and obvious gaping hole in the whole picture here.  Do you see it?

That's right the poor dear was sitting around the thrift store topless!  Had she no shame?  Add to that horror was the fact that she had been reduced to being just plain "cheap".  Poor thing!

Well, let me just say, I just couldn't leave her there in all her unworthiness.  I honestly felt so sorry for her.  Once she was a real beauty, popular and loved.  I vowed right then and there she would return to her former glory and I would help wash her clean and hopefully give her a new life.

The Mr. thought I was crazy.  He said, I hope you didn't pay anything for that!  It belongs in the dump.  Then he took a second glance and said, I suppose you are going to want me to cut a new top for it too?

Well, that's right Sweetie!  I had him cut a new top out of some ply board we had in the garage.  I then painted it and wrapped it in burlap and modge podge.  Sorry, this project was done rather quickly between rain showers and whisked off to the shop that I didn't get pics for that step.  In fact it's been so hot and humid I just didn't feel like taking pics after working in such miserable conditions. I have my limits ya know! LOL!  

As for Lil' Miss Cheap and Topless, she is now covered in grace!  I gave her a wash job and coat of primer and then debated for days on what color she would end up with.

After giving it great thought I  knew I had to seriously consider what I thought would sell.  I also didn't want to put a huge amount of work into her.  I knew in my heart that as pretty as all these other colors are the design of this sweety leaned towards her original off white color. I considered painting her black because I knew it would be beautiful with the burlap but I also knew it would be even more limited to who would buy it.  Finally, I decided that the off white had a greater following and could be used in multiple styles.  When you have a booth you do have to consider these things.

  I also decided NOT to give her a glaze even though I myself would like it.  Again, I am considering that not everyone wants a shabby look.  Besides, she had seen enough shabby living for a while and was ready to step things up a bit.  I am praying she will find her new home soon!

I also brought several new items to my booth from my online business at Ah! At Home.  

I rearranged things again on one of my feature walls to create a kitchen theme with the new items (with boxes) featured in between some of the older items. I am testing out some of the new products to see how they will do.

This little section (shelf) of the booth has surprised me.  I put in a sprinkling of jewelry and it has been selling.  I have more older items that I need to add but keep forgetting to bring them.  

I am enjoying having a booth so much.  I picked up my first paycheck last week too.  That's right, I actually paid my rent for July from June sales and made a profit!  I really hope that trend continues.  I was told that I am doing well if I get paid.  LOL!  I am very happy about that because my goal was just to pay for rent.  My profit was even $8.00 short of paying the the rent for August.  Woohoo!  I was thinking I would hold on to it to pay for the next month in case July sales don't pan out as well but the Mr. said I should reinvest it into merchandise for the booth.  I'm not sure what I'll do yet.  We shall see!

Well, that's it for today Friends!
Thanks so much for stopping by I really appreciate it when you do!

Have a great day!