
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tossing Out A Few Lifelines!

Help!  Will someone please throw me a lifeline?  LOL!   This picture really shows how I feel out here in Blogland lately.  I feel so out of the loop and floating in space out here!

First things first! I am claiming my blog here today on Bloglovin!  Why?  Well, because it's seems the thing to do since apparently Google reader is ending tomorrow.  
 I admit I barely understand what all this is about and what all I need to do so please try and overlook it if I say something ignorant about this okay?  OK!

If you use Google reader to follow my blog then feel free to go over to Bloglovin and follow me there now instead.  I myself mostly use my blog roll with friend connect to follow blogs.  I admit I kinda freaked and thought that Google reader and Google friend connect were one and the same.  They are not, but I wasn't taking any chances so I transferred all my blogs that I follow over to Bloglovin just in case. Talk about grabbing a lifeline at the last moment.  Whew!  Thanks so much to all of you who are posting today about Bloglovin who got me motivated here.  So go on, and click on the Bloglovin follow me button I will installed near the top of my left side bar. That's the lifeline I am throwing out to you, to keep you in touch with me. 


All this week, I can't help but think about poor Paula Deen and all of the controversy she is muddled up in right now.  I can certainly sympathize!  Why?  Because I get how it feels when your previous supporters start stacking up against you.  I've been kinda feeling that way about blogging a lot lately.  I know I don't fit the mold of many of those I have enjoyed blogging with and like Paula  have rubbed a few people wrong at times too. I've been dumped too and it's not a good feeling!  But here's the thing.  Why doesn't the media seem to understand or want to portray who Paula is?  Are we all so hell bent on being politically correct at all times that when someone fails to meet status quo we are willing to dump them immediately?  When did we stop considering the whole picture, in favor of only what we would prefer to see?

I see a woman who was raised in the south and has pulled herself up by the boot straps more times then most of those going after her have ever had to do.  I see a woman who is sincere about admitting her mistake even if you didn't like "the way" she said it.  To me, she came across the same way as she has always came across.  She's a very saucy southern lady!  No pun intended there. LOL!  I really just wish that everyone out there would try to be a little more forgiving and tolerant of others, even in their mistakes. Just because the media and many of her supporters contend that we shouldn't be so quick to forgive doesn't mean that we should all fall into this same way of thinking.  Too bad the media isn't letting us comment on this.  Fortunately, the media doesn't write my blog, and for this I am very thankful to be able to just put this out here.   I am sure I could go on and on about this a whole lot more but I'm won't.  Let me just end it here with saying I am willing to throw her a lifeline, because yes, we all need one every now and then, don't we?  

Praise God for sending us the best lifeline of all!  Thank you Jesus!

Happy Sunday Y'all!


  1. Amen, amen. I so agree. Seems like politicians can do just about anyting and all is ok, but let her mess up and they are ready to tar and feather. So sad. I think the companies that dropped her are really, really sad. Hugs, Marty

  2. Mary I'm with you on the Paula Deen thing. It makes me so mad how the media has just trashed this lady. I'm sick over it. I'm already on Bloglovin and reading you on there right now!!

  3. I think intolerance is what causes the majority of problems along with the media drumming up stories that shouldn't become stories.

    None of us is perfect, we all make mistakes. Good heavens, I would hate to be shamed in front of the world for the mistakes I have made.

    We are all different. Would we want all of us to be the same?

    1. No, that's just it! She is different (southern) was raised differently (when racism was stronger) and acts differently because of it. She apologized. Who are we to just her sincerity? Furthermore, let each of us decide on our own whether we want to buy her products now or not..ughh! LOL!

  4. I'm already following via Bloglovin'.

    I guess I'm a lone wolf when it comes to Ms. Deen. I read the sworn statement by Ms. Jackson, who filed the lawsuit that opened this whole can of worms. Her accusations portray much different people than Paula keeps saying they are and how they were raised. According to Ms. Jackson, much of the ugliness was spoken between the early 2000's and 2010 -- not exactly 30 years ago as Ms. Deen keeps saying. Maybe Ms. Jackson is a complete liar, I don't know. I just think there is much, much more to this entire mess than we are privy to. It doesn't make sense to me that all of these big companies would be dropping such a "money-making asset" if they didn't know more than we do. Just sayin'!

    1. Hey Carol! I agree there has got to be more to it then we are being fed. I have also heard that she may have even been ugly more recently. For me, whether it was 25 yrs ago or current is irrelevant because I think she has gotten the message now. I still believe she was sincere in her apology. I even think a lawsuit against her and the media reporting on why she was being charged would have been enough to make her see the light. I just don't understand all the companies pulling out though. That's the part that frustrates me to no end as if it would have really effected them. Really! She must have some very long term contracts set in place on carrying her products? It is quite a mess indeed! I hope you know that I really love that you commented too! You are definitely not a lone wolf, hubs feels just like you. LOL! Your comments are always WELCOME here!!!

  5. Hi Mary! Don't feel left out! I'm sorry I haven't visited as often as I should and I'll do better. I'm following you on Bloglovin but like you, I use my friend follower mostly. Poor Paula. I just love her and think it's a shame and a sin how the media has treated her.
    Take care and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Amen Mary! Joined you on Bloglovin:)I also agree with Marty, politicians can do whatever they please!

  7. Mary- I certainly can't believe that you could offend anyone. I have always found your blog to be enjoyable and always feel like you are a "real" person with no airs...what you see is what you get. That is what keeps me coming back to visit.

    I am just sick over what has been done to Paula Deen. She was raised in a different time and era and this happened almost 30 years ago. Are you flipping kidding me? Her apology was HER---just as she is! She is no more a racist than the man in the moon. My only hope is that what goes around comes around and those that have slain her in the public eye will someday be served their justice. It is just sickening!!!

    You just keep on writing REAL and I'll just keep on stopping by to READ...and yes, even this blond finally figured out how to sign up for Bloglovin'-somebody send me a medal, will ya? xo Diana


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