
Monday, June 3, 2013

The Tale of Two Chest Makeover's

I've been a busy little bee lately working on a few makeovers for the booth.  Can I just say that  I am loving doing this soooo much!!!! I just can't tell you how much!  The only downfall so far is that I want to keep everything I am making over.  Now, I didn't say I was, but I sure wanna!

I especially am having a very hard time with this chest.  This is how it looked when I purchased it.

It's a great size!  Kinda heavy, but very sturdy and very well made.  I just fell in love with it from the moment I first laid eyes on it.  

I am even more in love with it now after giving it a fresh coat of black enamel paint from Sherwin Williams.  

No sanded edges or faux treatments for this classic beauty!

In fact I left the inside as it was because well, it just seemed much more appealing that way to me.

This lady may just have to take her sweet time going to the booth.

The next little chest that got a makeover was the little brown one.

And here she is after her makeover!  Isn't she sweet?

I just loved how this one turned out.  She had great texture to begin with so I knew that was staying.  No sense in creating more work to change what is already working for ya, right?  All I needed to do here was repaint the who chest and then give it a light glaze to highlight the tin.

I didn't even need to do anything on the inside of this one either.  

 Well, there you have it friends!  I've actually already completed two other makeovers as well but will share them on another post.  Too much eye candy in one post is not good for you you know!
LOL!  Just kidding!  

Thanks so much for stopping by today, I am really glad you did.  I am joining the parties today over at BNOTP for Metamorphosis Monday and at A Stroll thru Life for Inspire me Tuesday.  
I hope you enjoyed your visit here! Have a great week!


  1. Great job! They are beautiful and will be useful too. I especially like the 2nd one. :)

    Posted the second part of Nancy's home tour if you would like to see it.

  2. Both are wonderful pieces and look amazing with your makeovers. Thanks tons for joinins Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. What an amazing makeover! I am new from southern charm. I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully follow me back. Nicole


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