
Monday, April 15, 2013

A Season of Change

Check out these two pictures I took this weekend.

This was taken on Friday.

This one was taken today.  Notice anything?

Okay, let's try again.  Again, this taken on Friday, look at the side yard in this photo.

Now again look at the yard in this photo.  Notice anything now?  I thought so!
  Isn't it just amazing how in a few days our yard has begun to green up so dramatically?

Well, I certainly am excited about it!

In fact I am excited about a lot these days.

My beautiful dogwoods are such a welcome sight.

And the purple Homestead Verbena is calling my name.

This little angel is saying prayers of thankfulness for sure.

I am so grateful to be home more now after retiring my "full time" retail shoes.  

Don't get me wrong I love working and will most likely find something again, eventually.   But working 40 plus hours a week and most every weekend is not for me.  I need time to rest, time to enjoy my family, time to live in my own world more then I need the success of climbing the ladder.

I need time to bloom here at home again...

...and time to enjoy the beauty all around me.  

I have spent my first week of retirement planting flowers all over.

Getting our outdoor space ready for the season.

And what an exciting season it is! 

It's just a few subtle makeovers here for,

But oh what a...
 ...welcome season of change!


  1. Yes! It is amazing and miraculous and wonderful when spring comes. I watched the trees behind our house leaf out a couple of weeks ago. It's magic. :)

  2. Your home and pool are gorgeous Mary-enjoy:@)

  3. The same thing happened here last week. On Monday the trees still looked rather bare, and on Tuesday, they were full of green leaves. So amazing!! Love it!

  4. Our trees have buds on them but everyday there is a wonderful change in them:) I've also noticed how the grass is greener too!
    I gave my two week notice Friday, I'm finally retiring too:)

  5. We are greening up around here too, and I am THRILLED! After all those years of drought, this year seems different. I'm seeing trees and bushes bud that I hadn't noticed before or at least in a while.

  6. Congrats on the retirement, Mary! I'm sure you will have a most enjoyable summer now and get to use that new motorhome lots and lots! Your pool and landscape are looking beautiful!


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