
Friday, February 22, 2013

Chartreuse in the Bedroom?

Would you?  Could you?  Why yes I would and in fact I did! 

Warning: What I am about to share with you may be quite a shock to those of you who are in favor of the more muted tones in decorating.  However, it has been our experience at work that lot's and lot's of people are craving color these days.  So now you know it's not just me.  LOL!  They are not craving just any old colors either, but all those bright and bold colors!  Colors like bright orange, green, yellow, hot pink and turquoise are flying off our shelves.  Since I seem to have been ahead of the trend on these bright bold colors I have decided I will share my bedroom with you once again.  

Well, to be honest I also wanted to show off our new (to us) bedroom furniture and linens.   I am so excited that I feel like I have finally gotten the bedding right for this room. 

Some of you may remember a few years ago when we upgraded from a queen size mattress to a king.  We bought a really nice mattress and therefore did not have the money to spend on a new bed at the time.  I had found a headboard and painted it (read all about that here) and that was great for awhile but my heart longed for my previous four poster bed.

Recently, when I found a new bed and was ready to purchase the Mr. stopped me and said he had a coworker that wanted to sell his entire bedroom set for what I was prepared to pay for the new bed. 

After finding out it was a rice bed I had to take a look.  How could you not fall in love with the details?  It also didn't hurt that the set also included two nightstands in addition to the dresser with mirror, chest and bed.  We had been thinking we would just use the bed and nightstands since it matched our old dresser and chest but after getting it home I decided I'd rather just go all matchy matchy and use the whole set.

Little did I realize that this bed was going to be sooooo very TALL.  I keep a step up under the bed that I slide out to get in at night.  Seriously!  With the height of the bed combined with the height of our mattress, I had quite a delimma with the linens not being large enough to hang properly.

To solve this problem I ended up purchasing a King size bedspread that is 118 x 120.  Now that's BIG folks!   Most King comforters and quilts usually run somewhere between 102/104 to 86/90 at best.  There is quite a variance among manufacturers.  That size barely draped over the edge of my mattress.  In order to get the coverlet look, I had to go with a bedspread.  I debated on this for the longest time because it was so hard to find what I wanted for what I wanted to pay.

My decision was made after finding this beautiful quilted 100% cotton bedspread at Belks.  It's called Ariel by PHI.  As soon as it went on sale I decided it would be perfect.  Even on sale it was more then I wanted to spend but I know I will have this for a long, long time.

Why?  Because the white bedspread is the only thing that coordinates well with our cornice boards.  I inherited these from my in-laws and am so very attached to this fabric.

I just love it!  I have thought many times about recovering these but just cannot do it!  I just love the pattern of this fabric.  These cornice boards are the very reason I painted this room the color it is.  Have you ever had something influence your decorating so much?

I also added a pale yellow quilt to layer on my bed that coordinates with the paler yellow in my cornice boards.  I bought this quilt from work, Stein Mart.  It is also 100% cotton and the pattern is Venice Squares.  It's just the right shade too!

I just recently added these small mirrors behind my lamps.  I am not sure if I am liking these here or not.  I thought they kinda had a tropical look to the frame.  I think I'll live with it for awhile and see.  What do you think, too much?

And to show you that my room is really not as bright as it shows in the first pictures here it is with the lights off.  At one time I had a lighter more sagey green that was just too drab during the day and made the room feel too cold to me.

I like this color because it always feels so warm and inviting even with the lights off.

Thank you so much for stopping by today.  It was great to finally have a little time off to catch up with y'all.  So the question is, how about you?  Could you do bright colors in your bedroom?  If so, what colors makes your heart sing?  I'd love to know!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Beautiful bedroom! I ♥♥♥ the wall color...I have been thinking of using a similar color in my dining room...seeing this may have pushed me a little further.

  2. I'm a more neutral color person. I love bright colors, just not that brave. I love how your room looks. I'm having the same problem with our king size bed. The comforter just isn't big enough for the huge mattresses. Do you find that the king size sheets are TOO big? Ours are so big, they won't stretch out flat. So aggravating to make the bed. Anyway, love the cornice board too. Your layered look for the bed is fabulous!

  3. Looks fantastic!! Love the colors..especially the green!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Your bedroom has the "WOW" factor. I love neutral colors but accesorizes with bright colors.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. It looks great, Mary. I couldn't do it myself but I would sure enjoy staying in a room that was decorated just like that with those colors. Good for you for doing what you love!!!! xo Diana

  6. Your bedroom is lovely and I am all for the color. Great find on the furniture. Hugs, Marty

  7. very lovely indeed Mary.. I have almost that exact bed in my guest room , so thanks for the tip about the king size blanket..

  8. Love. Love. Love. Beautiful job! XO ~Liz

  9. Love tall beds. The details in the posts are fabulous.


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