
Monday, November 12, 2012

Savoring Our Fall Weather

Hello friends!  I have not dropped off the blogosphere I've just been working way too much overtime lately.  Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon.   However, I am not letting that stop me from taking the time to stop and enjoy the beauty of the season and the simple joys of life whenever I can.

I don't even have to go anywhere to catch a glorious glimpse of fall splendor.  This is the view out of my den windows into the backyard.

Looking into the woods shows me a wondrous mix of color.

Looking down at the woods I am also in love with the new carpet of leaves that have fallen to the ground.  It's so pretty in person!

In my front yard I have a crepe myrtle that is so full of mixed colors this year.  It is so amazing!

Here's a closer look. It looks like my tree has been tye-dyed with fall colors.

I hope you all are enjoying the colors of the season in your neck of the woods as much as we are.
Thank goodness it's not quite winter yet.
Happy Fall Yall!


  1. Oh to have fall in November! We have a bit of snow on the ground this morning! It was coming down pretty good for a while! Jemma asked if she would be out of school! Ha! Beautiful photos! Enjoy those lovely colors and any time off you have!!

  2. Beautiful foliage Mary! Don't work too hard:@)

  3. I need to step outside and take a gander at my crepe myrtles. I was thinking the other day that our street wasn't as pretty as it usually is in the fall. I was focused on the pear trees. Maybe I was looking in the wrong direction!


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