
Thursday, June 14, 2012

So what are you reading?

When was the last time you cracked open a book?

 You know... a real book, with a cover and everything.  I will be the first to admit I go through stages with reading.  I usually read several books a year at the very least.  Some years are full of reading, some not so much.  I think this is going to be a very good reading year.  I have found it helps me to settle down at night when I need to turn in early or if I've awakened in the middle of the night unable to sleep.  For me there is nothing more soothing and mind distracting from my own thoughts then to fall deeply into the plot of a novel.  Recently, I couldn't resist plundering through a huge clearance box of books at the grocery store of all places and pulled out this.

After just a few weeks of sporadic reading bouts I am almost finished with this book.   I bought it new for less then $3.00 and I've really enjoyed it quite a bit. The story is kind of a mix of romance fiction, (not the Harlequin kind) but also based on factual characters in History.  Somehow it's spurred me on to wanting to learn more about History again.  I was not a fan of History in school but this book makes me want to learn a bit more.  I also want to read some of this authors other books too.  Very enjoyable!

Today I made another little side trip after work and came home with this....
Yep!  That's a big old bag of books plunked down right where I hang my purse every night.  Can you guess why I would come home with such a big ole bag of books?  I'll give you a hint.  It's not because I am so overworked and need something to calm me down each night.  Though that would certainly not be too far fetched to guess.  LOL!   I'll give you a little time to think about it, okay?.  Meanwhile, let's take a look at what all I got.

While I would love to be able to walk into the book store and buy whatever I'd like at full price, I confess, I just cannot afford to do that.  Besides, my frugal side would be screaming at me anyway about why I didn't just go to the library.  However, if you can walk into a book store and buy new and used library books so cheap that your frugal side doesn't rare it's ugly head, you'd tend to go for it right?  I certainly do!  
As you can see, my tastes runs the gamut when it comes to fictional novels.  I enjoy reading everything, spanning from books on Palm Beach living, to mystery, to books about life on the plantations.

I especially love this lady's work.  She has written several time travel romance novels.  They are fantastic (get it?) and are really fun to read!

I'm hoping this one will also indulge my fantasy world even more.  I love thinking about unexplained mysterious things!  I don't dwell on them seriously, but do so enjoy the retreat into a world of fantasy and what if's.

But this one is "the one" that I am anxiously waiting to dive right in to.  I have read almost all of her books again just last summer.  I don't think I read this one though.  I certainly hope not anyway!  Do you ever forget what books you've read only to discover you've already read them after the first chapter.  I have!  LOL!    I would have loved to have bought her newest book entitled, Porch Living, but it's still too new and not anywhere near this price range yet.  

Have you guessed yet why I am stocking up on books?
There is nothing like a good book for a great escape wherever you may be. (Hint-Hint!)

Do you need one yet, an escape?
Do you have one planned?
I sure do!

So what are you reading these days?
What genre do you enjoy reading and why?
Which authors do you like?
Share your favorites please, I'd love to check out a few new authors this summer.

Thanks for dropping by!
Have a great day!


  1. At this very minute, I'm not reading a book. Shhh, don't tell all my former students. They would pass out.

    I have a few go-to genres. I like biographies and historical fiction the best. I'll read any Christian fiction I can find and have a peculiar affinity for Amish themed books.

    1. Debbie have you read any of the Amish themed mystery books by Tamara Myers? They are very enjoyable, funny and full of great recipes. I really enjoy her books as well!

  2. I love to read and always have books ready and waiting. I just finished A book by7 Patti Callahan Henry called "Driftwood Summer' good. I have read Dorthea Benton Frank before and enjoy her books a lot also! Your going to the beach so you need books! Have fun, Linda

    1. YOu got it Linda! I am going to the beach! I can hardly wait and you are so right, books and the beach are a must! Driftwood Summer just sounds like it would be a good book especially beach side. Have a great day!

  3. Hi darling, what bargains you got. I love, love, love to read.. will have to try and find Jude's book that loooksssss sooooo good.
    hugs ~lynne~

    1. Thanks Lynn they really were some great bargains. Check out your nearest Books a Million for some great deals right now. That's where I got these!

  4. I LOVE BOOKS!!! I read every single night in bed. It is a rare occasion that I don't read. I start so many books and figure out quickly that I have read them! I don't care! I read them again!!! Jude Devereaux is awesome. I love her story The Taming. Dorthea Benton Frank... love... I just read an Anne Rivers Siddons book called Islands and could not put it down. Fantastic! As we were moving across the country, I was listening in the car to a book about Charleston by Karen White. She writes about a realtor who sees ghosts! I haven't finished it, but it was pretty good so far! I busted through the Hunger Games Trilogy. They were not my normal genre of reading, but I did really like them. Then my friend suggested the Matched series which is Hunger Games-ish. I read the first one and it was awesome. Before I got the second one of that series, I read 50 Shades of Gray and am on the second one. They are really good! Everyone is all about the sex scenes, but I find the story intriguing! I could go on and on about books! I LOVE THEM!!!!


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