
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Decorating Doldrums..what to do? Advice Please!

Hey Ladies! I can't believe it's almost 11:30am and I am still sitting here in my PJ's blogging on my day off.  Have you been here before?  I am sure some of you have.  LOL!

Anyway, Instead of participating in some of my usual tablescaping parties I wanted to pick your brains a bit if you will today.  I just don't have enough creativity today to pull anything together on my own, not even a simple tablescape.   Sometimes things in life just get in the way and sap your energy you know!

So what's up?  Well for starters work,work,work.  I love working and I love my job it's just that sometimes changes are hard, especially when it's unsettled as to how things will turn out.   These changes made me wake up at 1:30am last night and unable to sleep until 5:30am.  Luckily, I didn't have to work today and was able to return to bed and snooze a bit more.

Funny how God seems to show up even when you aren't expecting him too.  I know that he will, just usually not when he does.  I always seem to expect something more obvious, as if I were the only person out there. More often then not though, it seems he usually appears very subtly to me at times.  I have been praying about things for several days now but still feel very anxious.  I logged on to facebook this morning after my second awakening and saw two of my friends, male and female who do not know each other who both had status updates quoting Phillipians 4:6.  How timely is that?

Philippians 4:6

New International Version (NIV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

It seems this was also the devotion on Our Daily Bread website this morning. I am sure they may have both seen this and decided to share it.  I am glad they did!  I do visit this site often but not often enough.   Here's a link to Our Daily Bread if you've never been.  Check it out and be inspired daily from our Greatest Creator through his scriptures.

Anywho, with all that goes on with work and worry (that I need to get rid of) and my daily home life it seems my creativity is not flowing as abundantly this year as it has in the past.  I am sure some of you who have followed me have noticed.  It's OK, I see it too!  After creating all day at work pulling things together I get home and am exhausted on fresh ideas.  That is until I open up blogger and see all of your pretty crafts and decor.

  Just this morning I found a new blogger from Pinterest.  Have you seen the decor over at Dimples and Tangles.  I mean, OMG!  I love her style.  Check her out if you haven't already!  After seeing so much creativity out there this morning I decided to ask for a little help on a few decorating doldrums that I am stuck on.

Area No.1
Here is my den.  I am so over the two pictures above the couch and really want something new but just don't have a clue as to what to put there.  I do not want to move any of the furniture here so please don't go there.  I would love to paint the cabinet but it's the Mr.s and you know men and their wood tones.  So that's not happening either.  I am rather fond of my bamboo mirror and think it goes well with the tropical look of the lamp and pillow.  So now, that's your guidelines.

This is a close up of the area you need to make your suggestion about.  I had wanted to change the color of my den but have been pulling back on that one.  The color I like just doesn't go well with the rest of my decor and I really don't have time for a new paint job right now.  So please keep that in mind too.

Area No.2
My coffee table.  I know it's kinda odd in pictures but the size of it really is great with the way I have the furniture arranged in our large den.  We have lot's of furniture in this one room and I think a larger coffee table would be too much.  I like open spaces!  I do need more decor on this coffee table though and it's always been a struggle for me.  I go between not nearly enough to too much so often.  I like having a candle here that I can occasionally burn and have done some great vignettes in the past with those.  So what is the struggle then?

I want to create a vignette using a jar candle, more specifically this jar candle and this tray.  I don't like the color of the tray but do like the size.  Then I am struggling with what I want to use around it.  Help!  I would love all ideas for this one!

Just yesterday I received the latest issue of the new Ballard Designs catalog.  Everything in here is my preferred style just not my budget.  So there's your second guideline for suggestions.  Quite demanding aren't I?  LOL!

Before you go I'd love to show you a little sursee I picked up for myself yesterday on my lunch hour.  Yes, I still spend my lunch hour shopping other stores.  Crazy I know!

Look at this adorable swimsuit!  I really don't need another swim suit but I just couldn't resist this one when I saw it at Marshall's.  I love swimsuits with skirts and so does my blogger bottom.  I have several skirted two piece suits, but not a lot that have the matching bikini style tops.  Those are very hard to find.  I get so hot on the boat in a suit that covers my belly so when I find one of these I like, I grab it up right away.

I love the busy floral print and the sweet little ruffles on this one!  It's made by Kenneth Cole.  I own a few from him already that I really like.  They hold up really well too!

I must confess though, I think what sold me on this suit the most was the leopard trim.  How fabulous is that?  I think it's just adorable!  Now if I can only make the time to get in the sun wearing it.

Well if you've stopped by and read all this.  Thank you!  I've figured out part of the reason my blog most likely is not so popular is because I talk/type too much.  I think most bloggers just want to see pictures and move on.  But hey, it's who I am and I am okay with where I am in blogland. 

 Oh, I almost forgot.  I changed the name of my blog roll on my side bar again.  I am simply calling it "More Blogs", genius huh? I was calling it blogs that follow me so I could help promote those who follow me and to get to know them better.  I still plan to do that but have recently realized it is also a great way to keep up with other bloggers who are not on google friend connect.  I don't know why I didn't think of this before but I just didn't.  Duh!  I usually use my blogger feed to read blogs first but think I will try using my blog roll on my own page more now.  I am all about keeping things simple lately.

So there you have it.  Any suggestions on anything you've read here today would be greatly appreciated and well accepted.  Hope I hear from someone!
Thanks a bunch!
As always, 
have a great day too!


  1. Hi Mary! For this time of year I'd put the candle in a wood bowl on top of the mat or maybe a clear glass bowl with really neat seashells in it!To the right or left buy a really good faux plant and books on the other side! Above the couch? Hmmmm what about a shelf, with some of your dishes up there that you could show off! Hope this gave you some ideas, I've been in a slump too!
    I love that swimsuit especially the leopard trim, so adorable.

  2. Mary glad I could come see this post! Love that cute swimsuit! I'm struggling lately myself with vignettes. Maybe just a small brain vacation?? Glad things are working again on your blog! Hugs, Linda


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