
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Butterflies on the Baker Rack

Hi All!  Have you noticed how "in" butterflies are this year?  I certainly have!  They are on everything!  I have been completely attracted to them this year too!

In fact, I am so attracted to them this year I decided to dedicate the bakers rack to them.

I found these sweet adorable clip on butterflies from Michael's in the $1.00 bins when I was there picking up faux greenery.  I just love how they are nearly the size of real butterflies!

So, I decided to create several butterfly vignettes in my lanterns.

I also decided to clip them on the greenery outside of the lanterns too.

I also found the small tin birdhouse at Michael's as well.  They also were in the $1.00 bins.  The day I was shopping there was a half price sale going on so I really got quite a bargain.

I added butterflies in two different styles and sizes to my vignettes.

I just recently found this little SPRING block from a local consignment store.  The lady had been using it as a prop for years but was closing her booth so she agreed to sell it to me.  I want to give it a bit of an updated makeover when I have a little more time.  You'll have to check back for that one.

I still haven't done anything with the box on the bottom of this yet but will do so as soon as the pollen lets up.  So for now, this is how my bakers rack is decorated.  

I had quite a few more photos to share with you this morning of my progress on the porch and outside.  However, I am having trouble uploading my photos this morning.  I am not sure what is going on but Picasa uploaded these and then stopped and gave me an error message.  I've tried again several times but am running out of time. I need to get ready for work now.  I hope it will fix itself soon, so I can show you more later.

I hope you enjoyed your visit.  
Have a great day everyone!


  1. Mary everything look so pretty. I am waiting for the pollen to finish and then will wash down everything on my bakers rack outside and redecorate it. Love the butterflies...very cute! hugs, Linda

  2. How pretty! I love outdoor rooms! My sister loves butterflies, I'll have to check out Michael's for some of these cuties to use as "bows" on her b-day gift next month.

  3. feeling very at home here!

    wink wink

  4. How the butterflies! I haven't even started decorating my porches yet because I am waiting for all the pollen to finish. Thanks for the inspiration and enjoy for your day, Gail

  5. Those butterflies are so sweet! If Jemma were there, she would love those! You might be missing few especially the ones with purple! What a springy display!

  6. I love your little touches of the butterflies and of course the block of spring is the cutest...

  7. The baker's rack looks great, looks like you're all set for spring-enjoy:@)

  8. Hey there, I found your blog today, which by the way is really cute, and wanted to say hi. Butterflies are a sure thing for Spring. I decorated my store with some for Spring. Have a great night and stop by for a visit.

  9. I love your vignettes with butterflies, Mary. You are right, they are everywhere and I love them. You got some great bargains and they are really pretty too...Christine

  10. I love your bakers rack and how you decorated it! You sure sound like me blogging, trying to get it all done before getting ready for work, I also get it down to the last
    Thanks so much for visiting and your sweet comment, I know your busy and taking the time to comment is so appreciated!

  11. I had trouble uploading photos last night. I finally just stopped and threw up my hands. It was better in the morning.

    Things usually are...

    I love butterflies so I'm drawn to your baker's rack. I also love those blocks. I found myself checking every season to see if it fits the same number of blocks, and EUREKA it does. Don't know why I never thought of that. I can't wait to see what you do to them. I would love to copy.


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