
Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall/Halloween Wreath Part Two

Hey Everybody!  Thank you all so much for all the sweet birthday wishes!  I really appreciated each and everyone of them.  It has been a busy week working to help get the store (Stein Mart) up and running.  I've never opened up so many boxes at one time in my life!  At first it was like Christmas then the novelty began to wear off and the realization that it is work has settled in quickly.  Whew!   Anyway, I am very happy to finally have a day off again after working 8 and 10 hours a day.  I'm still trying to adjust to that long of a day and am just plain tired by the end of the day.  

One thing that seems to be adjusting already is waking up early.  After several mornings of having to be at work at 6:00am to unload the truck, I woke up early again today!  I was up and ready to get some things done around the house.  The laundry has been humming along all morning while I went about setting out a few things for Halloween.  I can't wait to show you my Halloween wreath but I've got a few other things to show you first.

Look what I found when I opened up my Halloween box from the attic.

I forgot all about buying her last year.  

I bought her after the season on clearance somewhere but can't remember where for the life of me.  Isn't she something?  I was so excited!  She fit's in with my fall mantle beautifully too!

Then, look what I found when I went outside!

Looks like someone made a dinner out of my fall display!  I just can't believe this.  I've had this old Indian corn forever and never had any problems like this before.  Oh well, I was going to move it anyway to set up for Halloween, so in the trash it went.  Bye, bye old corn!

Then out came all my Halloween decor.

Looks like the witch is back!  

I didn't even buy a thing for any of this.  I had all of it from last years tablescape.  You can go see that here.  

This jack-o-lantern is electric and I can't wait to try and photograph it at night.

The sign was a dollar tree find from last year and I've seen them there this year again.  I also got the sticker for the bottle there as well last year.

The spell book I made myself last year too.  I'm crafty that a witch!  Cackle-cackle!

Seriously though, I got this graphic from the Graphics Fairy and added a the words then printed it all out,cut and burned the edges and glued to the top of black tissue paper.  Then wrapped it around a book like a book cover.  Easy and fun!

Here is another fun Graphics Fairy project.  I printed this "Poison" graphic out, cut and glued it on the bottle. 

 I got the idea to put my orange lights (that I already had but rarely use) into my pumpkin vine from another blogger.  I can't remember who she is, so sorry!  I just loved that idea.   When I unboxed my Halloween decor I knew exactly how I was going to use the orange lights this year.  I can't wait to photograph this as well!

Have you seen enough yet?
No? Wreath! What wreath?
Oh, that wreath!

I guess I did promise to show you my wreath didn't I?  

But wait now, it's not just any old Halloween wreath Y'all!  It's part two of my three in one wreath.  Do you remember in a previous post I showed you my fall wreath.

This was part one.

And Here is part two!

What do you think?  It's a wreath within a wreath!

I have had two old straw wreaths like forever!  I've never used them and they sat there in my craft supplies looking so pathetic and neglected.  But not anymore!  This is the largest one of the two.  When I saw this ribbon at Michael's this year, I knew I had to use it.  I also found these picks there as well.  

Talk about easy, all I did was wrap the ribbon around the straw wreath, add my picks, then pin the ribbon after covering the pick stems with it.  Then I added another ribbon to tie it on to the fall wreath and waalaah!

There you are!  I'm all ready now for any trick or treators who might venture our way.   In our rural area, we never have any because they all go somewhere else, like to a neighborhood or the church's for "trunk or treats".   That doesn't stop me from being prepared though, just in case!

I'll be linking up to the following parties today.
(check out the links above for more)

Thanks for visiting today!
The weather is beautiful and I hope you enjoy a beautiful weekend as well!


  1. I was going to pat you on the back for all of your other decorations because I thought they were great.

    AND THEN I saw part 2 of the wreath. I can't pat you. I'm too busy applauding!

    I love that idea in a big fat way!!

  2. First of all ... Happy Belated Birthday! And, second of all, I love your front festive porch! And, sorry that a critter made a snack out of your vignette ... the nerve! Your Halloween goodies are so fun ... love the lights inside the pumpkin. And, your wreath within a wreath is too cute! And, thanks so much for your kind comments about my dining room on Marty's blog! I sincerely appreciate it! xo

  3. I think you are a very clever girl is what I think.



  4. Hi Mary! you are all dressed up in a big way for Fall and Halloween. I love it. Ya know if I worked at Steinmart, there would go my paycheck LOL! Enjoy the weekend, suppose to be a gorgeous one.

  5. All of your Halloween decorations are so cute. What a surprise seeing that a critter got into you display. Happy Belated birthday! We had two this week here(husband and daughter's boyfriend and sent cards off to two more(brother, and sister in law) This is the most popular week for birthdays!Have a great weekend!

  6. It's all quite delightful, the display on your porch is wonderful and the labels from the Graphics Fairy are great, very clever.

  7. Your porch and door decorations are fantastic! Don't know what I love the best because it's all so pretty!
    Fabulous job! Thanks for sharing!

    Miss Bloomers

  8. Hi Mary~
    What an adorable outdoor vignette. I can't believe some little critter ate your corn, how awful! Love the fall wreath, too!

    Happy Belated Birthday! XO ~Liz

  9. Love your decor, especially the black and white polka dot wreath on top of the autumn leaves wreath. Quite striking!

  10. So happy to see that even with all of your hard work, that you still have a few moments came to decorate. Glad that you became a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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