
Sunday, October 23, 2011

1 John 5:14

This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. – 1 John 5:14

I have spoken with you before about trusting in God's promises.  As someone who has had many struggles with trusting others I know firsthand how great the lesson of learning to trust in God and his promises to us are. I have often been amazed how many never struggle with the issue of trust and how many never even consider ever needing to trust anyone other then themselves.  Then there are those of us who are in the middle who have trusted, been hurt or disappointed and become weary of ever trusting others again.  For those who are like me, even learning to put your trust in God can be a struggle.

There is hope for those of you like me who fall into this category.  We can even move beyond hope if we faithfully believe and remember often how faithful God really is. If you are like me sometimes, you have to remind yourself what is is that you believe.  Why?  I think perhaps, because the devil would love nothing more then to keep us who struggle down.  He can fill your head with doubts and use events in your life to strengthen those doubts, but we need not let him get the upper hand.

We have been given God's Word to help us through.  In the scripture above we are assured that we can approach God in confidence.  We can trust that if we ask according to his will he hears us.  We may not often know if we are asking in his will but we should trust that his answer will be according to his will.  

I have been struggling with the desire to return to work for some time.  After finally getting back into the workplace and into a position that I know is good for me I find myself rapidly advancing forward.   I also find myself dealing with issues I wasn't quite prepared for.  Issues of the opening of a new business where the majority of us are new and still learning the skills and specifics of this particular business.   Issues of overzealous personalities who tend to step on my toes and the space of others unnecessarily.  Issues of new management that is micromanaging because they have not yet learned to trust in the abilities of others.  I know that many of these issues are due to the unique situation of being a new store, but it  can still be very difficult when rapid changes are needed to swiftly improve conditions.  

I was praying this morning for God to help me improve conditions.  Specifically, I was praying for him to help me to help make the changes that I feel are necessary.  God answered my prayer this morning immediately.  I later tuned in to Dr. Stanley today to hear him preaching about trusting in God's faithfulness and was reminded that I need to focus on trusting on God's promises once again.  I don't need to worry with how I will do what and when, but I need to trust that God will provide the right timing and opportunities should this be his will.  He has brought me this far and will be there for me today and tomorrow through each and every struggle.  Though I am in a position to help make some changes I am not totally responsible for all changes that I think need to be made.   Letting go daily to God, trusting in him is faith strengthening!
Thank you Dr. Stanley!

What about you?  Are you trusting in God in confidence?
Thank you God for your patience with me!


  1. Thank you! I was in great need of this reminder. Many blessing for you and your love ones.

  2. Trusting in confidence is a great way to put it. I find with me that the secret is the CONFIDING. I'm so prone to yak abroad my fears and struggles to my husband or friends or family. That's nice, but it's when I skip that and confide in HIM that it makes the difference.

    I loved this post, and I NEEDED it too.


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