
Monday, September 26, 2011

Look Who's Following Me!

I've been spending a little time this afternoon updating my "Look who's Following Me" blogroll.  In case you didn't know, I choose to add those who are following my blog to my sidebar instead of those whom I follow.  If you have a blog you would like listed and are a legit follower and I don't have you listed please let me know so I can add you.

I try to add my followers blogs by clicking on their icons and then adding your link. Many of you do not have your blogs listed in a link on your blogger profiles though.  If the link is not there I may not be able to add you because I don't recognize everyone's profile pictures.  Your blog name included in your profile name is not a link!   It is a good idea to list your blog URL as a link on your profile so others can find you easily as well.

Why do I list those who follow me on my blog instead of those I follow?

Well, I do this because I know that a big part of blogging is all about linking together.  The more places your blog is linked, the more exposure you get.  The more links, hits and visits you get the more your rank goes up.  The higher your rank the more crawler sites also (link) give your blog more exposure.  There is a lot of computer algorithms involved in all of that and the more I can help someone else out I will.  I'm not claiming to have a huge amount of hits or followers.  But it stands to reason if your blog is showing on mine and others it's quite possible someone might see it and jump on over and visit you and possibly some will follow you as well.  Linking your blog to others really is a very vital part of the success of your blog!  Of course content is important and is what makes for the continued success of the largest blogs, but exposure is really a big part of what it is all about as well, not to be overlooked.

I learned this the hard way when loosing a position on someone's blogroll that I thought was a friend who had deleted me and my stats dropped dramatically.  I also made the mistake of asking said friend to add me back, because I thought we were friends and thought it was an oversight on her part.  When I was completely ignored it was a hard lesson learned but one learned none the less.  This is why I offer this to all of you who follow me.  I do have a blogroll of those I follow that I keep private.   Therefore if I stop following someone who also follows my blog most likely they will still be on my blog and still be able to gain continued exposure.  I am all for supporting each other, always have been, always will be.  In short, I may not follow you but I am still willing to help offer exposure to your blog because every little bit helps.  And yeah, I am just a little bit!  LOL!

Additionally, adding those who are following me is a great way for me as well to see new blogs that I am not familiar with.  If you are on my sidebar and I see your updated posts appear I'm likely to go over and check you out.  I try to follow those whom I am interested in and sometimes this takes a few visits first. I do not comment nearly as often as I used to, but I do love to look!

There are a few cases in which I may not list a blog.  

1.  I cannot find the link to your blog.  (Please send it if you follow and do not see yourself listed)
2. I am slow in adding my newest followers.  (Again, send a request, it's not an issue with me)
3. Your blog is inappropriate or you are a spammer or have signs of Malware attached to your blog. (NO WAY, NO HOW!)
4. It's apparent you and I have gone our separate ways.  Rare, but it happens.

Okay, so there you are blog friends.  Starting tomorrow I'm likely to be very busy for awhile but the blogs always out there.  Let me know if you need to be added to my sidebar and I'll add you as soon as I can!

Hope you all have a great week! 


  1. Thank you for visiting. Yes, my blog is having problems loading. I'm trying to fix it. Thank you so much for letting me know. Your blog is wonderful! Have a great week!
    Love, Brenda

  2. Love your new header Mary, looks so ready for Fall!

  3. hmm well.. scuse me for being so totally confuzzled lol.. anyway I see you on my dashboard anytime I open it and thats a good thing cause I like visiting here..
    If theres something else I need to do just tell me and I will...
    still learning here after 2 years..


  4. What a neat idea to list those who follow on your sidebar! I'm there and I thank you!


  5. Um, I've kinda been through this too. I just never said anything.

    I hope you have been doing well!

    Love ya!

  6. I am pathetic about updating my side board. I am ashamed to admit that, but I am.

    I love how you do it. You have a big old heart, Miss Mary.

    And may you have a wonderful new adventure at Stein Mart, complete with a super duper discount.

  7. Hi Mary!

    I'm honored to be listed on your sidebar! I thought all along I was following you, but now I don't see the button to click to make sure? Blogger has been having hiccups for days now.

    I have the same little black & white stuffed pumpkins. BJ, Sweet Nothings, wants one, so if you see anymore grab it & I'll pay for you to get it & send it to her, k?

  8. I think that is such a great idea! I'm going to try setting that up, too. I always feel that I'm letting my followers down because I can't get around to checking in on each one & tend to visit the "frequent posters" most often. At least this way, they are maybe reaping some benefit from following me. I'm on your sidebar & so appreciate that. Thank you so much!

    Your newly fenced backyard & pool area look beautiful. I love gardenias, but mine isn't looking too good -- super-hot summer! I can't believe how big those mums are. I think it will have to cool down some more before we see any of those in our stores.
    :) CAS

  9. Thanks so much for this post. I'm a newbie blogger and so new I still don't know what I'm doing. I am coming to realize that linking up helps your traffic for sure. Here's my website!

  10. Thanks so much for including me! I love your fall look!

  11. Mary, thanks for having me on your blog roll! I have to redo my whole thing. I have things on there that don't even show up anymore! I am a bad blogger and haven't ever updated that part since I really started blogging! I am sorry that you went through this. What a shame that people act that way. My daddy always says, "What goes around, comes around" and I have found it to be very true.

    Good luck tomorrow!!!!! I will be thinking of you as you start working!!! Have a great day!


Hi Fellow Dreamers! Blogging is all about sharing. I enjoy reading your comments so please feel free to drop me a comment to let me know your here if you see something you like. Thank you so much!