
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Our Living Room

Hello!  It's Take a Look Tuesday here at The Decorative Dreamer and I've decided to show you my entire living room.  It's been awhile since I've done a whole room post and realized all of those were "only" on my other blog, Sailing Simply.

I just love visiting someone's blog and seeing links on their side bar taking you through different rooms of their homes.  It's one of the things I love the most about blogging and it immediately let's me know if that is blogger who's style I really like and may want to follow.

  So, with that in mind I've decided to do a few posts of my home and will be adding them to my sidebar too.  I can't really say how I would describe my style.  I have lot's of furniture that is older inherited pieces mixed in with a few thrifty finds right along with a few newer and more modern pieces as well.  It's quite a mix but I love it and it makes me feel very cozy and nostalgic at times too. I also wanted to post this because it's a more updated look from my previous den post and it features my summer look which will be changing very soon as the fall decor comes out.

Since this post is laden with pictures, I will cut the chit chat right here.  I've included close ups of a few of my favorite things in this room with the exception of the personal pictures.  My kids don't enjoy me posting their pics (especially up close) but they are by far among the things I "love" to see the most in this room!  I am having quite a few issues with my camera not focusing well.  I hope you will please overlook the very poor photography as I hope to resolve the camera issues as soon as possible.  

Okay, so let's go into the den now...Oops!  Shhhhh!!! Ok, no more chit chat, I promise!

And that's a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed the tour.  Thanks for visiting with me today!
Have a great day!


  1. Pretty pretty Living room mary! I get that cozy Southern feel! Thanks for sharing again. I bet you are enjoying the pool today.

  2. HI Mary! Oh, your living room is simply gorgeous! I love the soft green and yellows and your room is so big! Your furniture is perfect too. Oh, I could stay a long time in there. Love how you've topped your tables too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Love visiting your den Mary, looks like it is a big room! Love your furniture pieces and how they all blend in together, that takes talent!!! Great job!

  4. Just beautiful Mary!! Very warm and inviting but bright and airy at the same time!


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