
Monday, August 22, 2011

To Distress or Not to Distress?

That is the question!  Well, I finally completed a project I have been wanting to do for about a year now.  I finally painted the lower half of our TV armoire.  I have been using the bottom half for a TV console ever since we purchased our new flat screen last year.

  I love this piece of furniture but did not like that it was a basic brown wood color in between my two beige chairs.  I wrestled for the longest time with the idea of redoing the chair cushions or making slip covers for them and even bought new fabric for them as well.  However, I ultimately knew what I really wanted to do was paint the cabinet.

Here is the latest picture I had of the TV cabinet before I painted it.  As you can see, there was a lot of gold and wood brown on that wall.

And now, here it is all black!  Ta daaaa!  

I left the top brown because I like that look and it was so much easier to not have to move the TV too.  LOL!  I'm so excited because, I just love how this turned out.  I love black furniture!

 I think I need to distress it a bit, but am having such a hard time doing so.  Ya'll know I have such a problem with doing that after I've painted something even though I love the look.

So here's the question.  What would you do?  Leave it as is, or do a little distressing?  I would really like to know your opinions please.  I am linking this to;
 today in hopes of getting more perspective.     

Oh, and yes, the comment bar is turned back on for those of you who noticed.  I had it turned off so I could take a break for a bit so no, you were not loosing your minds.  LOL!  Yall are so funny!

Let me know what you think, okay?


  1. That's a tough one. If you like it the way it is, leave it! If you want to try distressing it, just do the doors and if you don't like it, they're easy to repaint. I have a difficult time distressing a perfectly good finish, as well!

  2. I totally agree with Pam. I say live with it a while and then decide. Hugs, Marty It looks fabulous.

  3. I love it the way it is now, however, I distressed my black kitchen island cabinets(in VA)and I LOVED the subtle distressed look way better than the plain black finish. I think the distressed look gave the cabinets character which was the look I was after. It really looks great, so that would be a tough call. Painting is a lot of work. XO Liz

  4. I love it just as it is..fits in so nice with your room. :D

  5. The way it is now seems to really fit the style of your room. I love what you did to it.

  6. I was thinking I might be the only one to say "dont distress" ..I really love a smooth clean finish, be it natural or painted wood.
    Thats a beaufiful cabinet and it looks great in your room, which I love too.. especially those chairs with wood arms..
    I know I am a follower of yours. Yet, your blog doesnt come up when I look at my updates.. is it google or me?

  7. I love it the way it is. I would live with it for a while like other folks said.

    What paint did you use to get that look? That's the look I want for a piece I am planning to paint when the weather gets better.

  8. I too find distressing -- distressing! I haven't been able to do it yet. And I do like your cabinet the way it is. I say leave it.

  9. I'm a decorative painter, and if I'm going to give furniture a distressed look, it's usually done during the paint process, not after. The trick: place a bit of vaseline on your finger prior to applying paint. Swipe across area that you want to be distressed...usually the normal 'wear' points. Paint and let dry thoroughly. Then, lightly sand the areas that you chose to swipe witht the Vaseline. The paint in those area will lift away easily. I think that you'll like the results. I also take a chain to furniture before painting and sometimes swipe some of those areas with the
    Vaseline, too. Also, I'm usually happier with the results of distressing a piece of solid wood furniture, not veneer. All that said, you did a lovely job on your cabinet. I'd say live with it a while, and then, if you still want the distressed look, go for it! Cherry Kay

  10. OK third time is a charm...LOL...I have tried commenting three times over here in the past few days. I love the piece. You have to like the look of distress versus clean and simple. I say live with what you have and if you want to rough it up, then go for it. You did a great job.


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