
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I give up!!!

I am thinking my days are truly being numbered as a blogger.   So many more troubles again!  I've commented on blogs left and right today and they are not going through to most of you.  Yes, I have been checking.    I still can't sign on as usual and visits to my blog are waaay down, though now I can atleast can sign on and create a post again.  I am not ignoring you but feel like I am being blocked apparently.   It's very frustrating and I'm thinking why waste so much energy on this!  It's not like I have a huge list of followers anyway.  It's like blogger has it out for me and is being very selective in who is or is not having issues.  It's all just been feeling way to cliquish for me... Just saying! 

Those of you whom I've made connections with (you know who you are) I really enjoy communicating with but it's getting harder and harder to do so.   I didn't store all your personal emails, though maybe I should have.   I'd prefer to communicate with you through and visiting your beautiful blogs rather then all the behind the scences chitter chatter, but now have no way to tell you how much I enjoyed your post.  I guess I failed in that too.  So, all that being said, this is where I'm standing on the matter.  Good grief!!!

I'm really starting to feel so over this!


  1. Oh no, I just found your blog. Hope to see more postings sometime soon. Take care. Susan

  2. Gosh Mary-- so sorry blogger is givin you a fit..
    I too post and post and go back to see my comments werent added..
    anyway- dont take it email is at the top of my blog right under the header..


  3. Hi Mary, your comment went through on my blog. I have heard that using internet explorer is the culprit, so I use google chrome now and see it is less and less trouble. Sorry you are so frustrated..just step away and take breath. Blogging certainly should not add stress to our lives, it should add enjoyment.

  4. I've heard that Google Chrome is the way to go. I use Firefox, but blogger has been extremely slow!

  5. Hey I switched to google chrome also,and things see some better,I can relate seems like more trouble than fun anymore,I have not posted since last Thursday,so I'm thinkin' since this is suppose to be fun(cause I sure don't do it for $$), I ain't far behind you with the decision to blog less and less!-or maybe I'm just getting more lazy,teehehe

  6. Hang in there, Mary. We've all been frustrated I've heard it helps to unclick the "stay signed in" box. I hope you stick it out because I always enjoy my visit here.

  7. Mary, you are singing my song. I have actually stepped away from the computer completely since about Friday because I got so discouraged.

    I think the cycle is getting to a lot of us, and I hate that because I love reading blogs and also seeing the world through the eyes of a blogger.


Hi Fellow Dreamers! Blogging is all about sharing. I enjoy reading your comments so please feel free to drop me a comment to let me know your here if you see something you like. Thank you so much!