
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do you hear the Birds?

Look at the birds in the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable then they?  - Matthew 6:26

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.  – Luke 12:6-7

What do you hear when you awake each morning?  I hear birds, many, many birds!  We are in an area where the birds are loud and abundant each morning.  I have always been blessed to the hear birds in every home I have ever lived.  I cannot even imagine how it would be to not hear the birds as they greet each new day. 

The wonderful sound of birds also serves as a constant reminder for me.   Because when I awake I don't just hear birds, I hear the songs of promise and hope eternal. 

 What about you?  Do you hear that song too?  Maybe you have never really thought about it in that way.  I love how the above verses are in red in the bible and are directly from Jesus himself.  He was very concerned that we understand just how valuable we are to God.  I have shared these verses today because I have promised to stay focused on showing you just how much Jesus Love's you.

  The scriptures before and after both of the above verse's also deal with worry..our worry.  It is very easy to be consumed with worry in our world with all that is going on.  We certainly have had quite a bit of disasters lately.  I think it is interesting that wedged in between Jesus's verses to us about how we are not to worry about that which God will take care of.   He also makes a point of establishing our worth. 

You can put your trust in God, because
 He LOVES you!!!
If you don't believe me, just listen to the birds every morning!

Thank you for Sharing Jesus Sunday with me!
Have a blessed afternoon!


  1. Definitely a good verse, considering all that has happened lately. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. So true! The birds are very loud here too...Christine

  3. Thank you for such a beautiful post. My dear MIL always told my children,
    "Baby, read the words in red". They would often come to her confused about something they had encountered in the outside world and that was always her advice.
    We also hear God's reminder of his love each morning. The birds sing beautifully every day around here.
    Thanks again for this beautiful post.

  4. I love to listen to the birds, and to be honest, I often make myself so busy that I'm up before the birds and miss it.

    This is a timely... TIMELY reminder for me.


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