
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sharing a Few Blooms

Now didn't I promise you if you came back I would have a few lovelies for you today?  Yes mam!  I certainly did and I hope you won't be dissappointed!

Things sure are starting to get prettier by the day around here.  I've started collecting some photos from outside to share with you.  Let's take a look!

These were taken a few weeks ago around the 1st of April. 
A bit hard to see but the dogwoods are blooming like crazy!

I love when there's dog wood snow on the ground this time of year.  LOL!  Oh and yep, the last "straggler" chair finally got a good coat of blue paint.

A few pretty pops of red on my azaleas.

I never really seem to have quite the same luck with azaleas that the rest our state does.  But, I am quite happy with the few blooms I do get.

The tiger lilies are lined up on the walk up to the back deck.

And my snowball viburnum is blooming abundantly again.

This was around the 4th of April.

This was yesterday!

In just a few weeks I've started having blooms and buds bursting from my knockout rose bush too.

 I think I have an old bush I thought I had cut down that is growing back in between the knock out rose.

  Isn't it just gorgeous!

The Oakleaf Hydrangea is just now forming blooms, but look at the leaves, they have grown so large already!

I just love the colors this season is presenting so far.

My yard is full of Iris's that haven't yet started to bloom.  Be sure and watch for them sometime in the near future, hopefully.

Thanks so much for visiting with me today.
I hope you enjoyed it,
Do come again!



  1. Your yard is always gorgeous is nice to have that flat area with all those trees too. Looking good girl!

  2. Now that I finally got my store open and I can get back to hanging out with my bloggy friends, I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying seeing everyone's Spring photos! After all the snow and rain, it's nice to see some beautiful blossoms and yours are fantastic!!!!

    Lovely, I feel better already!

  3. Your yard is beautiful! Love all of the great colors-enjoy:@)

  4. Beautiful photos, Mary. I would love to have a snowball bush. Yours is gorgeous.

  5. Mary, this breath of fresh Spring air is so lovely! You guys are way ahead of us. I'm just now seeing my hyacinths & daffs. The tulips will be next. Love your snowball viburnum!!

    Enjoy your bloggy break...I like what you said about preparing your head for Easter. Amen!


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