
Sunday, April 10, 2011

John 14:2

In my Fathers house are many rooms; if it were not so I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.
 – John 14:2

For my Sharing Jesus Sundays I have been sharing with you the importance of sharing our love for others.  I want to now focus on Jesus's love for us. 

This verse above is my own personal favorite verse.  It is one I have shared with others when speaking candidly about my faith.  It is one I have claimed as my signature verse, because this verse alone has moved me towards a closer relationship with God then any other. 

In this verse Jesus tell us that in Gods Kingdom there are many room (or mansions).  Have you ever thought about what exactly this means?  Is he describing a structural place or maybe a space?  We do not yet know exactly what he means, but we do know he is referring to heaven.  Additionally, he goes on to explain his promise to us with words of reassurance.

I love this verse for many reasons!  Frankly the whole paragraph, John 14;1-14 is one I treasure.  But lets focus on what I want to share about this verse. 

First, because it sends us a promise of assurance of a "place" in heaven.   This was very comforting to me as one who has always felt like I did not fit the mold.  In these words I have also found great comfort in the assurance of "many" rooms.  Because this tells me, there is room for me!

  Secondly, I have also found my greatest lesson in the words that followed; "If it were not so I would have told you."  I personally found it extremely interesting that Jesus would say these words that sounded like a justification to me.  It is interesting because I do not believe Jesus needs to justify anything to us.   But it was there, why?  After studying the verses before and after this one I soon realized maybe they were there not for Jesus to justify himself, but to help us question and determine how much do we really trust his words.  Do we really trust him? Trusting him is crucial to a growing relationship.

  And finally, the third part of this verse, "I am going there to prepare a place for you."  This speaks volumes of Jesus's love for us.  How much more can Jesus show us his love for us then from what he has already done? In this verse we are shown not only of the action in which he was about to take but the reason why he was going to do that, to prepare for us.  How awesome is that?  What extreme Love!

There are many many more verses I can share with you that show God's love for you.  I hope to continue doing just that.  I hope you enjoyed hearing my very personal favorite.
Have a blessed Sunday!


  1. Wonderful scripture to share today! Have a lovely Sunday!

  2. TY Mary, this is lovley!
    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~


  3. This is a great verse to share!!!!!!!!! Thank you and have a blessed week.

  4. This is your best "sharing Jesus" post ever, Mary. I love that verse too, I remember liking it better as "mansions" very early in my walk but falling in love with the concept of a heavenly ROOM in my Father's house as I grew in Him.

  5. I love that verse, too. It gives me peace that no matter how I rate to others in this world, I am special to Him. That helps me a lot because I am a people pleaser and I want everyone to like me. It just doesn't happen because we are all human.

    Thanks for stopping by with good wishes for my big "comeback"!!

  6. i just happened upon your site while preparing my adult class Sunday School lesson. thank you for sharing your special insight and perspective. i have bookmarked you and look forward to future visits.


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