
Sunday, March 20, 2011

--When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more then these?  “Yes Lord”, he said, “you now that I love you.”  Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”  - John 21:15

In this verse we are shown how important Love is to Jesus.  We are shown here that not only is Jesus concerned with our Love for him but also how we should show our Love for others. 
If you have been following my Sharing Jesus Sunday posts, you may have started to notice that I am currently concentrating on Love.    I will probably stay focused on this for some time as I believe this to be one of the most important characteristics we need to share about Jesus with others.  We live in a world that has so many different definitions and understandings of Love.  I want to continously share that we don't need to look any further then Jesus to truly understand Love. 

 This verse and the ones that follow bring me much comfort and hope.  I have often wondered how many times would Jesus have asked me if I truly Loved him?  How many times would he have rephrased the question asking if I Love him more then this or that or they?  It is comforting to know that he asked Peter 3 times, thus demostrating how important the issue of Love is to him. 

 Furthermore, Jesus shows us how important Love is to him by his simple command to; "feed his lambs."  By telling us to "feed" the lambs, we are instructed to nuture and care for something or someone.  It is an action word.  Do I feed his sheep?  Do I demonstrate my Love for Jesus by sharing his Love for others?   Do I truly share my Love with others? 

 Have you ever wondered who are his lambs?  Can we ever really know who the lambs are, should we even ask?   I like how we are not given this information only the action we are to take, to "feed the lambs."

 Yes, we are shown here in this verse that Jesus is very concerned with Love, real Love!  Are you?

Please continue to pray for those in Japan who are suffering in ways we cannot imagine.  Pray for those who are able to go and help and pray for support for those who are able to help here at home.  Pray for a world to be concerned with showing Love for each other!

Thank you for visiting again today!
Have a blessed Sunday!


  1. Beautifully shared, Mary ...

    Happy Spring ~
    TTFN ~

  2. What a wonderful post, Mary! Thank you for sharing and making me think about what LOVE is! Have a great Sunday!

  3. That happens to be a favorite passage of scripture, Mary. I have heard so many wonderful lessons and sermons about it, and I never get tired of hearing them and reading the words.

    I can't tell you how many times I have heard his voice, "Debbie... do you LOVE me? Feed my sheep."


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