
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Take A LOOK Tuesday!

What exactly does take a look Tuesday mean?  Well, in short...lots of photos!  LOL!  I have been very busy around the house spiffying it up for my first "launch" party and want to give you a preview of what my guests will see.

First, I cleaned off the porch outside because it was dirrrrrty! Take a look at it now!
Much better!  I still have some tweaking to do to the right of the front door but let's see what I've done so far.

Nothing new really, I just added my faux yellow daffodils for a pop of color.

I'm thinking this little ivy pot needs a bow instead of Mr. Roo.

Wow!  My old spring wreath really looks great now, on the "black" door.  This was new for me!

Not a bad start, huh?

Then, I got to looking at my pots around the front entry.

I pulled out all the dead stuff and decided they looked just too bare like this. 

Soooo....I made a little trip to the local greenhouse and...

This is what I came up with.  Again, much better!

I chose mostly succulents for these pots this year.

I liked the colorings of the leaves and hope they will do well in our hot sunny summers.  I spotted a few spring flowers in the yard and thought you might like to see them too.

Very pretty! My Iris's haven't started to bloom yet, but I bet it won't be long.

I filled these pots with Geraniums and have two more for the back porch.  I had to bring them inside last night because it got so cold again and I didn't want to take any chances.  LOL!

Much better right?

Inside my mantle has a bit of green and spring!

I had to switch the chairs here by the fireplace again and put my club chairs back.  I could not rest my laptop comfortably on the arms of my other chairs that I had here.  Oh, the joys of blogging!

I ended up moving them over here where I had put my butterfly bamboo chairs.  Those went back upstairs but they may end up in the dining room again later by the mirror where I used to have them last year.  What goes around comes around right?

Right now I have the end chairs to the table here to make room at the party.  I just love having moved this mirror and marble table back to where I had it.  It looks so much better in this spot and the china cabinet fits better then I had thought it would on the side wall.

This is what I have been preparing for.  I am quite nervous!  Please say a prayer things will turn out well if you are so inclined, I could really use it!  I found this fabric I have been saving to make something with and realized it was the perfect size for a tablecloth.

I finally finished redoing the tray that was the duck tray.  I repainted it and added burlap to the bottom. 

I even gave it a nice warn finish.  I really like how soft my display looks.  What do you think?

Now I am off to finish spiffying up everything you didn't get to see.  Shew!  Thanks for stopping by and
taking a look!

I hope you enjoyed your visit!


  1. Everything looks so fresh and springy, love the flowers outside your house especially the daffidels...the tray with the jewlery looks very inviting, I think the burlap was a good choice a figured fabric would have taken away from the jewelery being displayed! All in all your did a great job Mary, let us know how your launch party goes:)


  2. Everything looks so good. Very inviting. I'm crazy about your front porch--love, love, love your beautiful wreath on the black door! Good luck on your launch.

  3. Your house looks so pretty. I really love the porch!

  4. The porch looks great, the house looks great and I'm sure your party will be a success! hugs, Linda

  5. Your porch looks great! Love the wreath.

  6. How pretty and fresh everything looks! May I ask what color are the walls in your living room? I really like it.

  7. Your front porch is looking good! Now we just need the grass and the trees to do their part & to green up! Love your table! The tray is fabulous & you did a great job!

  8. WOW!! Everything looks wonderful, Mary! Your porch is so pretty. I love that Rooster. =)
    Your mantle looks great all decked for spring. Your jewelry display looks AWESOME! I'm impressed! =) XOXO ~Liz

  9. Mary, your home is beautiful inside and out, just like you my friend.

    Love your spring decor,you have been busy,looks GRAND!


  10. Everything looks wonderful and fresh! You have been a busy lady! Best of luck with your party!

  11. WOW! Everything is JawDropping BEAUTIFUL!!! And you KNOW I LUUUUUUUUURVE tons of pictures!!
    Which leads me to ask you if you are having problems uploading pics??? There seems to be lots of us having problems...Let me know :)
    I TOTALLY enjoyed this post love! So spring and Happy!


    PS...very funny you had a post asking if we are List makers!! Go see my blog TODAY! LOL!
    We must have ESP!

  12. Me again! I meant to tell you how BEAUTIFUL your blog is looking! So fresh and Pretty!
    BTW...I FINEALLY got you added to my Blog Favs List! Im SO SORRY it has taken me FOREVER!
    CHECK on my "To Do" list!


  13. Hi Mary! Everything is looking so lovely and fresh! Your porch is so welcoming and it makes me want to go and spruce mine up a bit. I always love any chance to see your gorgeous mantel and really everything in that space is beautiful. I KNOW your party will be fantastic and look forward to hearing how everything goes! :-)

  14. Oh, Mary, your porch is so inviting & lovely!

    I want to thank you for your support & sweet note, it means a lot to me ... hubby has a long road & surgical procedures to go thru but is doing better.

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~

    CSN GIVEAWAY ends 3/17

  15. Looks like you're really sprucing up for spring Mary! Everything looks great, especially lovin' those amazing daffs-enjoy:@)

  16. You porch looks wonderful. I love the green table and the Roo on it. Your planters look great. I really like the black ones at the end of the steps.

  17. Your front porch and entry are looking good, Mary. Don't you just love the plants that are popping up? Love your dressed up urns and pots. The indoor is not looking bad at all, it looks very nice, all set for your party. Your guests will be wowed for sure. Good luck! I said a prayer for you...Christine

  18. WOW! The entryway is so inviting and the inside of your home is so lovely and welcoming. The display looks AWESOME! I just know your party will be huge success.

    I'm sending the best of wishes to you for a fabulous turnout!


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