
Sunday, March 13, 2011

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  – John 3:16

This verse is so powerful it brings the entire focus of the gospel into perspective for us.  In this verse both God and Jesus demonstrate a self sacrificing love that is not self centered but given for all.

In this verse you are assured that you are loved, but it doesn't stop there you are given a gift of eternity.

  When you think of Jesus, do you truly grasp the extent of his love?  Is there any greater love then one that would sacrifice it's self for another?  When I deeply think about this I am so humbled and awestruck at the same time it hard to describe.   This is the character of Jesus I want to share with you most and one that I want to keep close in my heart always.  

Please pray for those in Japan who are enduring such hardship and loss from the Earthquakes and the Tsunami.  Pray that many will share and feel the love of Jesus from those who go to help out during these devastating times.

Thank you for joining me today for
Sharing Jesus Sunday!

Have a blessed afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. It's probably the most well known passage in the Bible, and yet the one so often taken for granted. It is the core of my own testimony that I had my eyes opened to not only the self sacrifice of Jesus on that cross but that our God chose a father/son relationship with his Christ and yet was willing to give his one and only SON for me.

    It knocks me out every time I think about it.

    Joining you in prayers for Japan.


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