
Monday, February 14, 2011

My Favorite Kitchen Gadgets

Good Morning!  Happy Valentines Day blogger friends! You are so special to me, and I hope each of you has a great day and enjoys reconfirming your love of others!  How simple a gift, and soooo easy to give! 

Yay!  Now it's time for "My Favorite Kitchen Gadget Party" over at Happier than a Pig in Mud's place.  I hope you will join me in all the fun.  Let's see what you got okay?

Can you believe I am brave enough to show you this?  Yes mam!  This is my very messy kitchen gadget drawer!  Let's see, what I can dig out of here.

There we go!  I knew the beaters to my handheld were in there somewhere.  I LUV this thing!  I don't have a standing mixer but am able to do all I need with this little handheld. 

Here's another favorite.  It doesn't get used as often as it used to, but I really love it when we do.  It's a great way to add some wonderful smells to the kitchen too.  I love the smell of freshly ground coffee beans, don't you?

Now to be honest, this is my most favorite gadget of all!  The gadget that holds all my most used gadgets!
I love having my utensils out and handy so I am not digging through that horrible drawer!

This is my second most used gadget, our cutting knife caddy.  Again, I cannot imagine having knives in a drawer, or digging around for my kitchen scissors either!

My most romantic gadget was purchased for me by the Mr. as either a Valentines or Anniversary gift, I really cannot remember.

I do love my wine but used to have a horrible time trying to uncork a bottle.

I still keep it stored in it's easy flip top box.  I keep the whole box in my pantry for easy access.  It's also quite fun to whip out when guests are over and listen to all the Ooouu's and Ahhh's!  LOL!

I'm sure I'll be using this tonight!

Be sure and watch for two very exciting giveaways coming up soon!  I am celebrating reaching over 100 again on this blog and the start of a new adventure for me.

Meanwhile, have you heard about Joss & Main?
I received an email from our friends at CSN Stores telling me about this wonderful new site, here's what it said.
 Josh and Main is an exclusive private sale site
that CSN Stores recently launched. It offers exclusive sales on top brands and
designers for the home at up to 70% off retail. Sales only last 72 hours, but
new ones are launched daily and all are backed by the high levels of customer
service and quality that you’ve grown to value from CSN.

This sounds like a lot of fun to me! It's free and I joined right away.  You may be put on a waitlist but you will eventually get in, then you can access the daily discounts.  So far the merchandise looks wonderful.  If you are interested in joining please use my special invitation link here or on my sidebar, I'd really appreciate it!  What have you got to loose? 
Thanks for visiting with me today, be sure and let me know if you do.
I'd love to hear from ya!



  1. Hi Mary, We have that wine un corker too but I can NEVER figure out how to use it so always go back to the corkscrew! My mom is a big fan of her hand held mixer too, and like you, I keep a jug on the counter with the most used utensils. I do not like fumbling through drawers when something is burning! :) Have a wonderful day. Linda

  2. You are a brave soul! I'm not sure I would show a couple of my drawers. lol
    Kitchen gadgets we have to have, though.
    Love the mixer and all your other gadgets.

  3. Mary, my drawer looks just like yours. I have a stand mixer which is so big and bulky and heavy that I usually use the hand held one instead. I will use the big one to make cookies though. It mixes easier in a stiff dough. Have a great Valentine's day.

  4. Oh, I cringe at my drawers when I have had help putting the dishes away! Too many gadgets, too little space, right? How fun that you would take a photo of that drawer - we all have them!!! I had to laugh.

    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  5. Love all the gadgets! I have a hand held mixer, too, although mines as old as dirt- It works great when you don't want to haul out the big mixer! Happy Valentines day!

  6. Happy Valentine's ~

    Oy! Your drawer looks GOOD compared to mine!

    May your day be full of joy & blessings ~
    TTFN ~

  7. Hi Mary! I have one (or two) of those drawers too! Lovin' your coffee grinder and hope you do get to open a nice bottle of wine tonight and enjoy:@)
    Thanks so much for joining the party, Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. I LOVE that you've opened your drawers for us...very brave girl for sure!! Your bottle opener is probably the fanciest I've ever seen -- we use an old corkscrew :)


  9. Braver than I to show the drawer. I can't even believe I showed the OLD gadgets and utensils I pulled out. But they are so much fun, aren't they?

  10. BTW- L O V E the Best Valentines animated header
    and I'm enjoying the music too

  11. If I HAD a lot of cool gadgets, my drawers would look a lot like that. I'm so pathetic that I'm gadget poor.

    Love yours. You can't believe the modern art that I can create trying to extract a cork from a bottle. It's sad, really.

  12. Mary you are brave to show us your junk drawer! I love having my utensils out where I can reach them.

  13. Happy Valentines! I use my knife caddy all the time!!! Girl, the hubs got me an electric wine opener from Target this Christmas. It is even easier than the one you have (I had it before!). I love it and it is impressive to whip out at a gathering!!!

  14. Everybody has a catch all drawer like that! LOL!

    Isn't this a fun party!


  15. Oh, I love that wine bottle opener, Mary. Happy Valentine's Day!...Christine

  16. You have inspired me to do my drawers. Happy Tuesday!

  17. I have TWO (2) drawers that look a lot worse than yours. :)))
    This was a fun party.


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