
Monday, January 17, 2011

Lovely Little Corner

It getting closer!  It's almost that time of year to show our loved ones how much we love them.  I have always loved Valentines!  It is one of those holidays that hasn't always seen a lot of decorating in our house, but I do have a few things I've collected over the years.  Today I want to share a few NEW things with you.

Do you remember me showing you this glass block my BFF gave me for Christmas?  Remember she made one for her mother and for me and in turn I showed her how to make the bows to go on them.

I was so thrilled when I got one too, because like I told her I wasn't putting this up after Christmas.  I plan to keep it out and enjoy it here in my kitchen.  Only, I had to make just a few changes.

Just a few changes for Valentines that is!  How do you like it now?

I simply removed the old ribbon and added a few cling on hearts I purchased from the Dollar tree.  Aren't these the cutest, retro looking hearts?  I really had fun arranging these on here.

For the top I used a mixture of ribbons.  One large red and gold wire ribbon goes around the side of the block.  Then I used a few more smaller ribbons to form the bow on top.

Next to it I placed one of my newest salad plates.  These were my Christmas gift from my husband.  They are from the Lenox Holiday Gatherings pattern.    My husband gave me 12 of these for Christmas to compliment the Butlers Pantry dishes that I won.  I have wanted these for some time, because I love the plaid.   They are sold at Belks but not online at Lenox that I can see.  I'm not exactly sure why.  For some reason Belks did not get them last year to sell, then Lenox sent them to them again this year.    
They are Christmas plates but I think they will function very well as Valentines plates too. 

I  also added one of my Home Interiors candles.  One of the local consignment stores I frequent had a Home Interiors booth that was closing and everything was at deep discounts.  I stocked up on so many different scents.  They are that great!

As's my lovely little corner in the kitchen.  I am so excited about how this turned out. 

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Transformation Thursday

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  1. I was just thinking the other day that those blocks would be cute for different holidays! Great job looks so cute!!

  2. Oh this is so pretty. I love your vignette. The candle, the light and the plate. All just so pretty. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. That's a great Valentine's update on the glass block. That can go from season to season! It looks perfect next to your new plates.

  4. Mary, that is such a clever idea you had with the block! That gives me some ideas for other things as well, and I love your cute corner with the block and the plaid dish. Those are so cute, and your hubby did a good job for your Christmas!


    Sheila :-)

  5. Adorable! I love the cling hearts!

  6. I LOVE this!
    I have one of those blocks somewhere packed away from our move three years ago. Now I really have to find it. Terrific idea AND my birthday is Valentine's Day. :)

    Carletta's Captures

  7. Oh Mary, I love it decked out for V-day. Your vignette is very pretty. La

  8. I love this. I have one of those blocks so I'm headed to DT for valentine clingies! You did a great job with this. Great inspiration!!!

  9. This is such a cute idea! I also have one of the blocks packed away with my Christmas stuff. Time to head to Dollar Tree.

  10. I've seen those before...yours is so sweet for Valentines Day, love how you make your bows too!


  11. Oh this is a darling vignette! Love it all and I think I can smell the candle! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  12. What a clever idea to add the valentine clings. It looks great, and I love the black and white details of the ribbon. ;-)
    The plaid plates are lovely. I'm agree that they are timeless. ~ Sarah

  13. Lovin' your lighted glass block Mary! I've always been drawn to them-beautiful:@)

  14. Love how you changed the lighted block. I really like it. Cute corner!

  15. What a cute little "kissing corner"! Thanks for your visit.

  16. Okay, I am so stealing that glass brick idea. I have two sitting outside the door right now! tans for the inspiration!

  17. I love that glass block, and the Valentine's decorations are a great fit for it.

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  18. from gold, now that corner became more alive with reds as motif...indeed, a valentines treat:)

  19. This is a fantastic idea! I'm going to head to the dollar tree tomorrow to see if they have cling on valentines or any other cling on thing. Then I'm heading to Hobby Lobby to get a block.

    I really think this is worth some imitation by flattery.

  20. What a GREAT transformation, Mary! I have one of those blocks with Christmas decor & never would have thought about redoing it for Valentine's day.

    I've learned not to leave them on for too long as they generate heat & the lights will burn out. I had to replace the cord in mine last year. Sooooo not fun...takes forever.

    I'm going to stop by Dollar Tree to see if they still have those clings.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ your new plates, too...Beautiful!

  21. LOVE the art effect of the valentine clings on the glass block!! HOW on EARTH did you do that? I'd like to make one. LOL

    My Ruby Tuesday Link

    Hope you are having a glorious day!!!

  22. That is adorable Mary. Yours is very creative. I have seen some Christmas ones, just this year..and thought how cool are they. They also look so pretty lit. You are certainly getting ready for love:)!

  23. That's gorgeous!

    My Ruby Tuesday, hope you can come and see. Thanks in advance!

  24. I am TOTALLY in love with your romantic corner. I love love the glass block. Wonder how to make one?
    And your Valentine hearts are so cute.
    Love the plate that Mr. Dreamer bought for you, too. It looks so good there.

    When I make that Orange cake and eat it ALL, and don't gain a pound, I will declare it HEALTHY. haha...
    (the song playing makes me think of Leo. DeCap and I just watched a long movie of his..The Aviator...I had missed it all this was awesome. But, then, anything he does is awesome. :)))

  25. The glass bloc looks great styled out for Valentines day! TFS, Nan

  26. Mary, I like the lighted block better the way you have it now. Very cute. Thanks for linking it up.

  27. Just found you from Pat of Back Porch Musings. I love how you transformed that glass block for Valentine's Day! What a great idea! I also love Home Int. candles. My mom always used to keep me supplied with them. She passed away 7 years ago...and I cherish the last candle she gave me. It's a Christmas scent....and each year, I light it for a bit.


  28. That really is a lovely little corner! And I never would have known that those were window clings on that glass block. I thought you had painted them yourself! And I bet that candle smells heavenly. Honeysuckle has been one of my most favorite scents, ever since I was a young girl!
    Happy REDnesday!

  29. Love your Valentine vignette! The window clings are so darling on your glass block - I think I need to go get some! :)

    Happy Rednesday,

  30. Never mind I found it and will add this one to my blog roll.

  31. Well, now I am confused. I added this blog and it shows on my blog roll as Sailing Simply twice, Doesn't come up as Decorative dreamer.

  32. How cute!! You are just the holiday decorating wizard!! Read you post about blogging. Hope you know I appreciate all you do and totally understand where you are coming from! If I get this job, I am going to have to set some priorities, myself.

  33. This is sooo cute! Love this idea!

  34. I'm following you know Mary!!! I'm sorry for not realizing there was 2 different ones!

    love ya!

  35. Love it! What a sweet little corner!

  36. This is my first visit to your blog and I love it! I will be a follower too! I love those glass blocks and love how you did it for Valentines! I love the hearts on there! Beautiful corner!!!! XO, Pinky


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